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  1. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Shazmira in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    Sjors, personally I think YOUR ship looks beautiful. I think you are like me...you are not building a historically accurate museum piece, but rather a ship that stirred you in some way, and will look beautiful in yours and others' eyes because of the care and love, blood, sweat and tears that went into building her. And in my mind, each ship is a chance to learn, and hone skills that keep YOU interested in the hobby and what you are doing.
    IMO, I think the only way to achieve 100% accuracy is to build a ship in full scale!!! Seems as soon as something gets scaled down, it causes problems in placement of things. Kits are what kits are, and as modelers we can only work within the limits of the mismatched "scale" parts.
  2. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Sjors in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    Thank you for your comment.
    I know that it is not the way as it should be.
    There are more things that are not accurate on The Mirage.
    Maybe that's why the the ship is named Le Mirage or Fantom.
    I'm not going to change the chainplate.
    If I remove it, I will damage more then I want.
    And besides, the ropes will then run in front of the canons.
    The drawings from Corel are terrible.  No measurements at all.
    You have to look very carefully where everything has to go, by looking how it should be done according to that particular picture.
    My ship is not a museum piece but a hobby!
    For me, she doesn't have to be historically accurate, because may she didn't even exists.
    I'll just do it the way I think is right according to the pictures in the plans.
    And I like it how she looks at the moment.
    Again, thanks for your comment but I will leave it this way.

  3. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Sjors in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    I fix the rope in the first deadeye.
    I also put on the first six on the ( I have to say it right otherwise Andy is correct me again) starboard side.
    Now to the other side…..

  4. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Sjors in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    No comment anymore tonight…...

  5. Like
    mobbsie reacted to augie in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Can you give us an idea about your block tumbler?
    Oh,  you need another doctor    .  You need a week at home to verify your 'normal' status !
  6. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from augie in HMAT Supply by riverboat - FINISHED - Jotika/Caldercraft- 1/64th scale   
    Hi Frank,
    Great idea, worked fine for me. You may have started a trend here, he who cannot be named has a video camara.     
  7. Like
    mobbsie reacted to michael mott in HMS Pegasus by realworkingsailor - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    Hi Andy, checking in since I was in the neighborhood, the other thread of build logs. The last photographs look great, As I was perusing the image it occurred to me that I am not the only one who gets so wrapped up in the task at hand the the space on the dockyard gets smaller and smaller until there is no room to move. Then one makes a resolution to be better organized and......... well you know the rest of the story.
  8. Like
    mobbsie reacted to augie in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    I've only seen the gel in tubes Mobbsie.  Catch you when you retire from the party circuit.
  9. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from tkay11 in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Anja,
    To answer your question, No, it's the inside of the tube thats the wrong size, when fitted the gunport should be 10mm x 10mm, with my tube it's 10mm x 8mm.
    I could try and split the tube and refix it but that not going to stop the wood from splitting when I cut it.
    I think I am going to split the tube and refix it then I can line it with a piece of 10 x 10 block to give support when I cut it, it's worth a try.
    Thanks for asking and the idea.  
  10. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Jim Lad in Stag by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - English Revenue Cutter of 1827   
    Arr, gee fellas - now I'm getting embarassed - I'm just having fun!
    B.E. - The kids love it.  One of the other model makers who I see quite a bit has exactly the same experiences with the kids.  The really interesting thing is the number of teenagers who say things like, "That's so cool."
  11. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Blue Ensign in Stag by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - English Revenue Cutter of 1827   
    There's hope for the future of the hobby John if you are surrounded by a mob of interested kids. I am prepared to bet that your exquisite little cutter will stick in the minds of at least one or two, and some way down the road, they will appear on MSW influenced by the beauty of what they saw in 2013.
  12. Like
    mobbsie reacted to popeye the sailor in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    Sjors! she looks superb, and you even added the subtle detail of not having all of them open the same height! nice work!
  13. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from trippwj in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Guys,
    Keith, I have three types of CA, a Zap which is thin, Grip which is medium and Admiralty which is the thick, looking at the thick there is no mention of a gel. i dont have any debonder either so care is the word of the day.
    Augie, Thanks mate, now I know for sure that it is produced I will keep a weather eye open for it, do you know if the gel only come those tubes, and thanks very much for the link.
    Mark, Thanks for the tip mate, I have used both together before but I got into an awfull mess so tend to stay away from that combo, I got the two mixed and it was a nightmare.
    My planking has come to a short stop at the moment, what with pressure washing ( just finished ) and now a 2nd birthday party to go to, there doesnt seem much time but hopefully be back on it tomorrow afternoon.
    Thanks again for your input and tips gents.
  14. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from Anja in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    Hi Anja,
    Nice bit if repair work there my friend, and it's good to see you back on it.
    must be an omen cos I looked out my window last night and what did I see, A HALF MOON.  
  15. Like
    mobbsie reacted to augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Don't worry about 'detracting from my build'.  Have you seen the sections on groundhogs and lumberjacks????
    Seriously, the most important thing is to get you set up with a log so you have all your  info in one place and establish a circle of followers.
  16. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from PfFlyer in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Guys,
    Here goes, as a newbie I dont have a clue as to what I'm doing so please bear with me !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I dont intend to rewrite the entire log and I dont have it saved so if anybody has any questions please dont be afraid to ask.
    Aggy arrived on the 16th January this year so I have been working on her for about a month now, progress has been steady but a little on the slow side compared to my usual build rate.
    The kit I find is very good in that everything fits as it should do if a little tight, theres a lot of sanding and rubbing down which is better than having a sloppy fit.
    The main problems I have had with her so far is a warped and twisted keel, These were resolved by putting a length of dowel down each side and glueing into position, this took out the warp, for the twist, that was taken care of when the lower gun deck was fitted so all in all I'm quite happy with the way that went.
    I have so far planked the lower gundeck beneath the companionway and hatches so that I dont see a bare deck, the upper gundeck has been planked useing 4 inch planks, a mistake I made here was to split the deck in two and plank seperately, I didnt put a master plank down the centre. The only thing in my favour is that there is very little seen of the upper gundeck so I think I will get away with that.
    The Top deck and Poop deck have been pinned on but as yet are not planked.
    I am in the middle of the first planking and am about half way, I am useing pushpins as opposed to 0.5mm pins to hold the planks in place so there is a lot of drilling, mind you there would still be the same amount of drilling if I used pins. I have now got to wait for the shops to open on Monday so that I can buy some more 1mm drill bits cos I busted the ones I did have, I tried 1.2mm but the hole is too big and the pins arn't gripped tight enough.
    Another problem useing that amount of pushpins is that your thumb hurts like hell, I'm gonna have to make some kind of padding.
    OK I'm gonna post some pics.
    I have placed Cant Frames in the stem as I was going to have trouble with the planking in that area, hopefully this will sort that out.

  17. Like
    mobbsie reacted to augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Turns out you're right about useless cannon Mark.  If the account I've read is correct, Syren had the unfortunate luck of running into HMS Medway, a 60 gunner.  Discretion being the better part of valor, she turned tail and ran.  Now we all know displacement hull speed is a a function of water line length so, in an attempt to gain more speed Syren lightened ship by throwing everything overboard ......I assume this included the guns.  No luck.....she was captured.
  18. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Sjors in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I think that a little fun keeps the forum alive but you also have to know when to stop.
    It is still a builders forum…...
    That's why I love this forum.
    We don't know each other then only by words.
    But there is a kind of chemistry between all of us.
    And yes, sometimes there is a side kick but the main thing will be building.
    When we are keeping that in mind. I think that MSW is going bigger then any other site!
    Augie, your build log is now yours again ( for the time being  )
    Now back to the shipyard.

  19. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from gieb8688 in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Guys,
    As promised a quick update on progress so-far.
    Quarter galleries are finished apart from a little bit of rubbing down, I didnt quite get the angles right so I've had to use a bit of filler but once she's rubbed down and painted up she will be good. Frames are still to go on after painting.
    Roundhouse bulkhead completed and painted but I dont want to fit it just yet.
    Started on the second planking, at least I have 1 plank at the stem on each side, not much but it's a start, I decided to go with the scale planks in the end. I know that there should be at least 3 planks between butt joints but I'm working on 2,  I'm working on a plank length of 119mm and to get a 3 butt planking pattern I will have to cut 30mm planks at the stem and stern, that doesnt seem long enough to me, it's not too late to change so perhaps you could let me know what you think.
    Some Pics
    First gallery in place

    Part two fitted

    I'm glad I've still got some filler

    One complete roundhouse and the first 2 planks dry fitted

    Both quarter galleries

    Port gallery

    Floors were painted in a force 8 gale

    So there we are again, right up to date.
  20. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from trippwj in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Guys,
    My god Jim, if I had one that big I'd be well happy, and yes he who has 14 guns in a very small area is an ally.
    Sjors, to answer your question, yes the bulkhead is painted, French blue and then flattened down with matt varnish.
    Grant, Popeye, Kevin, Frank thanks for the kind words gents.
    2nd planking continues though at a slow rate, domestic tasks have raised their heads, I blame Sjors, had to get the pressure washer out and do the patio, only the front to do now.
    I'm using CA to glue the planks on and though it is easier using scale planks the glue sticks like you know what to a blanket, you have to be so carefull to get it right first time, even with the thick stuff, very little time is given for corrections, fortunately I'm planking an area that will be covered up by the wales although it does'nt look to bad.
    I'll do a bit more planking before I post any pics.
  21. Like
    mobbsie reacted to augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Sjors-  With input from Canada, the UK and USA you're still in the dark????  Perhaps Australia can provide needed assistance!
  22. Like
    mobbsie reacted to Kevin in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    You mean they have access to Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
  23. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from trippwj in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Can you see what I'm doing here guys, thought I would try out Sjors method of gaining rank, individual replies, soon be up there.    
  24. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from popeye the sailor in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Dont take any rubbish from them upper class toffs Augie, us lower ranks will stick together.
    Andy will have to clean his own tanks, Marks still looking for a brig, Popeye's busy with umpteen builds and Sjors, well he is learning how to water ski !!!!!!!    
  25. Like
    mobbsie got a reaction from realworkingsailor in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Guys,
    As promised a quick update on progress so-far.
    Quarter galleries are finished apart from a little bit of rubbing down, I didnt quite get the angles right so I've had to use a bit of filler but once she's rubbed down and painted up she will be good. Frames are still to go on after painting.
    Roundhouse bulkhead completed and painted but I dont want to fit it just yet.
    Started on the second planking, at least I have 1 plank at the stem on each side, not much but it's a start, I decided to go with the scale planks in the end. I know that there should be at least 3 planks between butt joints but I'm working on 2,  I'm working on a plank length of 119mm and to get a 3 butt planking pattern I will have to cut 30mm planks at the stem and stern, that doesnt seem long enough to me, it's not too late to change so perhaps you could let me know what you think.
    Some Pics
    First gallery in place

    Part two fitted

    I'm glad I've still got some filler

    One complete roundhouse and the first 2 planks dry fitted

    Both quarter galleries

    Port gallery

    Floors were painted in a force 8 gale

    So there we are again, right up to date.
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