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    gieb8688 reacted to cdanly in SS Benjamin Noble by Roger Pellett - 1:96 - Great Lakes Freighter   
    Hello Roger,
    I joined this forum yesterday after a search led me to your post. Many many years ago I started a project to build a lumber hooker. Unfortunately I put this on hold when kids came around and now that they have left the nest it is time to start up again! My journey began when I saw the Huron Brave kit offer by AJ Fisher and thought it would be fun to build but I wanted something bigger, and make it R/C. I was able to get a set of prints for the kit and squeezed out information that it was modeled after the lumber hooker Oscoda - owned by Hines Lumber Co. in Chicago. I contacted Mr. Hines and told him what I wanted to do and he subsequently sent me a packet of information including original photographs. At that time I was in a modeling club and another member mentioned he had a fiberglass hull that would be perfect. I bought it from him and he included a set of prints for the Benjamin Noble. The hull is approx. 59" x 10" which makes it proportionally aligned for the B.N. at about 1:50 scale. Now I have to decide if I should continue with the (disproportionate) Oscoda, or change gears to the Benjamin Noble. I have built a few ships already but this will be my first scratch build.
    Anyway I guess this is a long introduction and to say I enjoyed reading your post(s). I welcome any feedback anyone has to offer!

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    gieb8688 reacted to TBlack in SS Benjamin Noble by Roger Pellett - 1:96 - Great Lakes Freighter   
    I also struggled with how to do a model of an ore boat in 1:96. Here is my solution:

  3. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Will Ferris in HMS Agamemnon by Chris_P - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64 - My First Build Attempt   
    Hi Chris,
    Gil Middleton has a fantastic build log for his Caldercraft Victory build.  You can find his coppering technique on the first page.
    It looks like he used tape instead of tiles though.  Perhaps LucienL has some tips for the both of us.  He recently coppered one of his builds.  I'm sure you have seen it, but DaGostini has a basic Instruction sheet for this. (See attached.)  Please let me know how you fare as I'm going to need to copper tile my build one day.
    HMS Victory Copper Tile Instructions.pdf
  4. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to albert in HMS VICTORY 1765 by albert - 1/48   
    Hello, I temporarily removed the hull from the yard to start leveling the coasts.

  5. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Bluntysmodels in Cutty Sark by Bluntysmodels - Artesania Latina - 1:84   
    Bringing the log up to date now. I have had a significant slow down due to missing a pre-cut sheet. The kit contained 2 of one Walnut deck parts instead of 2 different ones. So I am accumulating many part built fittings waiting for the replacement.
    AL are good at replacing for free, but the downside is it is shipped from Hong Kong and they have said the due to Covid it has to be sent by ship, so will not arrive until possibly mid June.
    A good example of the vague instruction is for the Latrines on the dec. The instructions just say: With parts 26, 103, 129 and 130 mount the latrine bilge pump. With parts 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136 mount the windlass and with parts 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 and 146 mount the latrines. and a tiny pic in the book.
    I am also not happy with my pin rails so have bought some more wood strip and am going to do them again while I wait.
    I have been doing a full log/blog on Blogger which has more pics if anyone is interested.

  6. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Bluntysmodels in Cutty Sark by Bluntysmodels - Artesania Latina - 1:84   
    Hull sanded and painted. Starting on the deck fitting. This took me through to the end of March, I have not been working since the end of Feb so have had the time to spend. This is where I am now finding the AL instructions to be, shall we say a bit vague!

  7. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Bluntysmodels in Cutty Sark by Bluntysmodels - Artesania Latina - 1:84   
    Then the hull planking. I did it in quarters and pinned it temporarily. I then removed all the pins before sanding. I have decided I am going to paint below the waterline in copper paint rather than buying plates or leaving as polished mahogany as the AL instructions. Mostly to hide a few sins.

  8. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Bluntysmodels in Cutty Sark by Bluntysmodels - Artesania Latina - 1:84   
    Hi All. This is only my second model ship and I started it in February so a bit of catching up on the log to do. I wasn't going to do a log but another member suggested it could be useful to others so here goes. I want it to look nice rather than be historically accurate in every detail.
    I will skip quickly through to where I am now. I will add a few images from the early stages as well.
    I made up the frame and put the decking on. I used  a 2B pencil on the edges of the planks for the caulking.

  9. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to marktiedens in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Minor update - I thought it would be a good time to work on the gunport lids before tackling the chain wales.  First thing was to make a couple of jigs so the hinges would be equally spaced on all the lids.  After adding the scuttles & eyebolts, they were painted - 2 coats of black on the outside & 3 coats of red on the inside.  Finally, all the holes for the hinges were drilled & the lids were temporarily put in place to make sure they lined up - some of the mouldings had to be chiseled out a little for the lids to fit against the hull.  Still need to drill holes for the lid opening ropes.  I will probably leave the ropes for closing the lids off.   Thanks for looking in.



  10. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to mtdoramike in Midwest " The Trawler" is the latest orphan that I have adopted.   
    Unfortunately for the Trawler, the builder lost interest in her once the hull was built. So I adopted her to maqke her all that she can be. I really hate to see a model half finished due to lack of interest when with just a little bit of iniative on the builders part the model could be finished.

  11. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to alross2 in OREGON DLOG - developing the BlueJacket kit   
    Another of today's creations. This shows the jig used for aligning the prop shafts and the prop strut arrangement. Keep in mind that there will be associated text in the manual.       3Will Day and 2 others   Seen by 9
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    gieb8688 reacted to alross2 in OREGON DLOG - developing the BlueJacket kit   
    I do like jigs. This is a simple one I created this morning, but it will be a time saver. It is for locating the bilge keels on the hull. When viewed from below, bilge keels run parallel to the keel. Because of the shape of the hull, when viewed from the side, they usually form an arc and this is sometimes difficult to achieve correctly. To use this jig, you place the line on its center on the centerline of the hull, drop a pencil through the holes and mark the position of the bilge keels along the hull at each end and the center of the bilge keel location. You then use a batten and pencil to connect the dots and it will give you a fair curve.

  13. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to alross2 in OREGON DLOG - developing the BlueJacket kit   
    Another drawing day, mostly cleaning up earlier ones.  Here's one.

    And the finished version of one from yesterday.

  14. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to alross2 in OREGON DLOG - developing the BlueJacket kit   
    A couple more drawings today.  These are for the 6 pdr guns, of which there are 18.  
    This is in progress and will eventually show the construction details, most likely in a larger scale as no measurements are needed.

    For the superdetailers, I've done these in 1/32 scale, along with an actual size drawing.  

  15. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to alross2 in OREGON DLOG - developing the BlueJacket kit   
    Today is going over the drawings day, checking out what's already done and what further ones are needed.  Because this is a solid hull, I'm including hull templates that are laser-cut from poster board.  It'll save the modeler a bit of time and expense.  In addition to the hull sections, there are templates for drilling the air ports, the stanchions, and a few others.  There are two more sheets besides this one, those being the plan and profile with stations.

  16. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to clearway in HMS Terror by clearway - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:75 - upgraded   
    thanks for looking in folks, time to rig the ratlines on the main shrouds, i have noticed on various lithograph/ sketch images only half a dozen or so shrouds on the main and fore had them so decided i will fit the ratlines on 8 per mast (not all of the shrouds were rigged on a few vessels, and looking at the topsham model of her as built she had extra shrouds fitted at a later date. Also included a bow shot which gives a bit of an idea how she would have looked when preparing for winter quarters with top hamper all lowered.



    nice to see the little terror club back (Daniel quick post something!
  17. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to clearway in HMS Terror by clearway - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:75 - upgraded   
    back with the mizzen mast and sorted the ratlines, i found the thread occre suggested looked too thick looking so used some thinner thread from my stash.

    take care everyone.
  18. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to clearway in HMS Terror by clearway - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:75 - upgraded   
    Ty Daniel and still in the air about davits at he moment, nice weather does cut down on shipyard time! Still plodding away with the shrouds and have tidied up the lanyards for the mizzen and main deadeye shrouds. Also have made and fitted the sister blocks on the topmast shrouds.
    As an aside have been thinking about pics i have seen and info from drawings regarding the davits also comments by keith s and the sketch i have made shows how they might have been (all conjecture and can't wait till Matthew Betts book comes out)!


    Take care all and thanks for looking in, comments and likes.
  19. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    COMPLETED!  A set of completion photos are in the gallery at https://modelshipworld.com/gallery/album/2021-cutty-sark-by-drobinson02199-mantuasergal-scale-178/ 
    I enjoyed this -- my longest build at about 7 months.  As I noted above, I'm generally happy with the kit, but would caution others about multiple parts shortages -- copper plates, certain blocks.  I got around it with spares from my stash.  I was also disappointed with the flag, which is printed on one side only.  So I didn't use it.  But other than that, it's a nice kit.

  20. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    The yard lifts are all done now (see picture).  The other picture shows the first piece of rigging on the foremast lower yard.
    I'm now going to get into the yard braces, and I have looked at the rigging diagram and concluded that the best sequence for braces to preserve ease of access for rigging is:
    Do the top three yard braces on the main mast next. Then do all of the yard braces on the mizzen. Then the top two yard braces on the foremast. Then rig the inner brace on the main mast lower yard (matches the one I've done on the foremast lower shown below) Then rig the three lower yard braces on the foremast Finally, rig the three lower yard braces on the main mast. If I do it that way, I hopefully will minimize contortionist activity getting "inside" rigging already installed.
    Getting close to the end now.

  21. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    I'm in the process of rigging all of the yard lifts -- the ones that run from the mast to the tip of the yard (because all of the yards also have simple vertical lifts as well).
    The bottom two yards are attached to the mast by a hinge, so they can take the upward force of the lifts.  But the other yards slide up and down, so without doing something it wouldn't be possible to tension the yard lifts to get each yard to be horizontally lined up.  Solution was to install a small vertical yard downpull starting with the third yard on the foremast.
    Pictures attached show the first three foremast yards with the lifts rigged, and the small vertical downpull (marked with an arrow) that I used on the third yard up to create something for the yard lifts to pull against.
    I'll be installing the lifts on all the yards on all the masts before turning to the other running rigging.


  22. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    I've now hung all the yards (all 19 of them!) and have begun rigging with the three spars on the main and mizzen.  All shown below.

  23. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    And the finished product, hanging straight and true.

  24. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    The two lower yards on each mast are mounted using a metal hinge and pin assembly.  The picture of that from the plans is below.  The components are shown in the next three pictures (assuming that the pics come out in order -- if the website reverses them, the plans are first and then it goes from there).
    On the foremast, I had some real problems getting the "C" shaped fitting attached to the yard bracket.  I didn't think a pin would help much and wasn't up for metal drilling, so I used CA glue.  The issue there is that when you get the assembly up to the mast, if the horizontal alignment of the "C" fitting and the bracket isn't really good off (which is near impossible to do off the mast), you can get a situation where you can't get the yard to align horizontally -- which happened to me.  It's also a very fragile assembly -- the CA doesn't hold well.  My fix on the foremast was to lash the "C" fitting and the yard bracket together using black thread, and then fix it all with a drop of glue.  I did that with the yard on the mast using the yard lift to help stabilize things while I lashed.
    For the next yards on the main mast, I have done the lashing before mounting, and you can see that in the final picture.  Now once I mount the yard, I can position it horizontally and then add a drop of glue around the lashing (being careful not to get any on the hinge).

  25. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    All of the standing rigging is now done (see below), and I have about 1 1/3 masts worth of ratlines left to do.  I can now start working on the mainmast yards.

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