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Canada Steve

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About Canada Steve

  • Birthday 08/05/1966

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    Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

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  1. I have been following along on your build. I am most impressed ! I had to chime in on the bench height issue , I just read a recent study on standing work stations and it turns out (after all the new age offices changed to standing desks) that standing at a desk is considerably worse for your legs and heart than was thought. It is several times worse than sitting. Again I am enjoying your build ! Steve
  2. I did a canoe and I used aida cloth (used in cross stitching) It comes in all kinds of weave , I found one I liked and I removed every other strand to get the desired seat weave pattern. Do a Google image search for aida cloth. hope that helps
  3. Ok Cool , it is actually something not just some decoration , I will rethink adding it. Thank you very much Mark ..................Steve
  4. Hi all I am currently rigging up my Apostol Felipe and I was wondering if anybody has any ideas about the netting that is rolled up along the catwalk which runs down the centre of the ship . I have absolutly no idea what the pupose of it would be . I plan on leaving it off unless someone has a solid idea as to why it would be there. this is a link (if it works) http://www.occre.com/model-ship/galleon-apostol-felipe.html#!prettyPhoto[media_gallery]/5/ if not just go to the Occre site and look it up , if its not too much trouble. I have pretty much treated the ship as a bit of a flight of fancy anyway , I've made changes purely for astetic reasons and not worried about it being historically accurate . Thanks in advance Steve
  5. Hello Thomas Check out the Occre site occre.com and look at the Apostol Felipe .I am currently building that one myself and it has very similar lines, the profile shot looks like the Black Pearl just remove the elevated walkway and change a few of the other exterior decorations and it is pretty close and I have made several small changes to the ship (very easy kit to modify) Steve
  6. Hi Jeff and Tony Thank you both very much for the info it is very much appreciated and very helpful ......Steve
  7. Hi Sarah I will enjoy following your build on the canoe, I built the peterborough a few years ago and had a lot of fun with it. It's funny I get more comments from my friends on the canoe then I do on the larger ships I have done . Enjoy the build ....Steve
  8. It is amazing how much neater and cleaner the lines look after waxing them , no fuzzyness at all ...steve
  9. Hello All I am currently building the Apostol felipe by occre an early 1600's galleon and I want to add some canon balls to the deck . I am not sure where to place them , I see a few builds that line them up around open hatch ways or would each canon station have its own small rack of balls and if so what configuration would that take any ideas would be helpful I have tried several internet searches and can't seem to find pictures that show this . I am sure that this ship is mostly a flight od fantasy so accuracy isn't a big concern here but I would like to keep it somewhat reasonable so I figureed I should ask for some guidance. This ship also has 8 falconets or maybe they are called swivel guns would they also have a small cache of balls stored near them ? Thank you for any help ......steve
  10. Thanks Christian
  11. I agree on the postage but model expo in the States is carrying them, so that would be ok
  12. I was just browsing Model Expo and saw that they are carrying a brand I had never heard of Dusek , I was wondering if anybody had any experience with this manufacturer . They seem to have some interesting subject matter when I checked out the website ( dusekshipkits.com) Steve
  13. Hi Robbyn I am currently rigging the Apostol Felipe and have done the Albatross a few years ago as a first build, I personally can't say enough about the kits and customer service . The instructions that came included both photo's and written instructions, the wood was plentiful and of a pretty good quality ,minor edge sanding needed for planking. I made my own doors and replaced the plywood railing that runs between the different levels on the decks and the railing around the rear of the ship with my own simple railing that seemed to fit the ship better to my eye . So I would say for my skill level 2 or 3 smaller builds under my belt this kit gave me solid instructons that kept the build fun and also allowed me to start scratch building more of the smaller components such as doors , railings and canon carriages etc. As a small added bonus they are offering free and free shipping wooden name plates engraved with the ship name and your name as builder just contact customer service and request it, they sent me one for each of my occre kits that I had . If you need any more info I can post pics of the ships or instructions for you, just ley me know..............Steve
  14. Thanks again everybody for the feedback , I am working out with some paper how best to cut out some of the bulk of the sails that came with the kit .I know that if they were real size they would be far too coarse but I quite like the texture of the sails and sewing is not my forte nor my wifes so I am going with the kit sails just trimmed down a bit. thanks again ......Steve
  15. I have been taking pictures of the build from the start for my own records ( and to show friends how much work goes into one of these ships) never with the intent of doing a build log but maybe I should post them and help get the sites inventory back up
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