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About bbrockel

  • Birthday 06/12/1947

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  • Location
    Westminster, Colorado
  • Interests
    Model ship building, guitar playing, model railroading and reading.

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  1. happy Birthday my friend!  I hope your day was good and spent the way you wanted to ;)  

  2. Great progress on your Syren. You definitely had some hurdles to overcome with regards to the inferior materials you had to start with. Keep up the good work.
  3. Back after a lengthy "burned out" period. Started the Model Shipways build back in 2013. Progress to date. Since then I've moved to a new dry dock and started building again.
  4. Nice start on one of my favorite ships. Very clear pics. Great lighting.
  5. You missed your calling, Larry. Very nice metal work.
  6. Dan, Matrim and Ron, thank you for confirming I'm doing right by redoing the planking. I've got most of the old planks removed and am starting on the new ones. I feel better about my decision now. And the bumps on my head are healing very well.
  7. Russ, a very valuable lesson learned here. Daniel, I thought long and hard about doing just that, then decided to do it the right way. Pete38, thanks for the condolences. I will definitely feel better redoing the planking corectly.
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