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Mike Y

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Posts posted by Mike Y

  1. Continiung planking. Moving quite slow, but, well, it's a slow process :)

    The most time-consuming planks are filler planks, like this:



    I have just two planks left on this side of the hull. Yaay! :)





    Really like the view of that mahogany, real wood. Should look better after sanding!


    Also found some imperfections in a hull shape, for the next build will spend more time on bulkhead shaping.


    And looks like I will be really out of mahogany planks quite soon. And not so many scraps to use. Will try to chase AL. Of course, they do not reply to mails, will call them.

  2. Thanks for all of the great photos.  I have the Billings Oseberg kit from years ago and none of the planks are laser cut.  I got half a dozen sheets of thin plywood with printing on them.  It will be hours of bandsaw work and sanding to get these things ready. 


    What did you use for your shield centers?  I was thinking of making new shields similar to yours.


    Really? Oh! I just ordered that kit, but was sure that they are pre-cut... Maybe it's because your kit is old? 

  3. Decided to make a dirty workaround to move forward. That would be an experience obtained while building a first model :)

    Just made a waterline planks as they should be, and filled the gap by diagonal planks.


    Also, the whole thing required quite a lot of sanding, and top part of the planks shrinked a bit after soaking, exposing gaps - will fill them with smth later. Not ideal, but well, next time I will do better! ::






    Also ordered Proxxon mini belt sander, hope it will help me to smoothen the planks.

  4. Installed a test planks and feel a bit confused. How am I suppose to keep the waterline (which is bent) but make a smooth transition below the waterline?

    Planking profile below the waterline looks really weird.

    Most probably I'm doing some obvious mistake, but can't find how to fix it.

    If I lay the planks in their natural position, then waterline would be flat, not bent line of as decks and gunports.

    Would appreciate an advice from experienced builders!








  5. Selecting a stain for plywood planking (see examples in http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/489-oseberg-ship-by-von-kossa-billing-boats-scale-125-800-ad-first-wooden-ship-build/page-2 - not my ship, but I have same ordered).

    What stain brands should I look at? Preferably the ones sold in small quantities, for hobby.

    I googled a lot, and read that forum, but cant find any tests or comparison of different stains. Want to buy a selection of different colors in small quantities and experiment what would look better.

    Already learned that conditioner should be used.

    Thanks in advance for the advice!

  6. Found an AL mail in the facebook group:

    Phone: +34 942 70 56 00

    Mail: artesanialatina@artesanialatina.net


    Let's see if they will reply to a mail ;)


    In a meanwhile, prepared balsa fillers for planking:



    Planking turned out to be as tricky as I expected :)

    Planks bend awfully, especially when you need to curve them a bit to follow the hull shape. They bend at a weak spots, not where you need them to be bent. Would appreciate a hints how to bend them properly. Right now I soak them in water, press with hot iron and try to bend. Works OK, but they bend unevenly, and I need them to bend smoothly and fluently.


    I was not careful enough about fitting the planks into each other, so results are quite bad, there are gaps between the planks:




    Probably, will re-do that part of the hull, and will spend more time fitting planks into each other.


    Also, discovered a problem with kit - one of the bulkheads is a weird shape, as a result there is a non-smooth transition between the bulkheads, which do not follow a natural plank line:



    Right now it cause a small "ladder":



    It's good that planks are thick enough, so I can send off the poking plank and make that "step" less visible.


  7. Does anybody had a problem with a mahogany plank shortage in a kit? I made a rough estimations, remaining planks should be precisely enough to finish the hull, if you assume that they are used with 100% efficiency, without any plank broken or damaged. Is it possible to contact AL and order extra planks? The "contact" section on their website is empty, hence the question.

  8. That's my first build of that scale, but not the first experience with ship modeling.

    The goal is to complete this kit on a reasonable time, gain enough experience, and then start a new one - more detailed and expensive - polishing it to perfection.

    So this log will be quite boring, I do not plan to do any interesting changes to the kit, and will use details provided in the kit. Otherwise the build time will be increased unreasonably ;)

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