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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hey howya goin Zarkon mate, welcome.
  2. Hey howya goin all, I said this Quote back in post 14 just before I was about to throw them in the rubbish bin I decided to take one apart I had to grid the end to beable to take the handle part off of the bar and low and beholed my suspicion on how they made them I was right, the first bar is made from different type of metal but that doesn't matter what matters is that it is rounded on one side and does not grip the bar like it should be doing, the other two metal bars where made the right way with sharp edges so I replace the first metal bar with the second metal bar and put it back together and now they work like the ment to do. Why they where made like this is probably designed by someone who doesn't know how quick grip clamps work
  3. Hey howya goin Doug mate, thanks, the 1,2,3 blocks are cheap one's off of ebay from China I just mainly use them for weights, send me a link when you start your build I'll be happy to follow along mate.
  4. hey howya goin Don mate, wow she really comes out in the sun light, well done mate.
  5. Hey howya goin Don mate, thanks, yeah they really help I do like them.
  6. Hey howya goin all, now that I got the right size chisel I've cut the rabbet and have start to glue the bulkhead into place.
  7. hey howya goin Mike mate, if you see me doing anything wrong don't hesitate to let me know mate.
  8. Hey howya goin Mike mate, I will send that guy a eminl to see if he can help me out thanks. Thanks druxey and Michael I know that Ebony is not good for you thats why I'll be doing the Ebony work out side with a dust mask. Does anyone else know where I could get the pieces I need thanks.
  9. Its that way in the book mike, there is another piece that goes on the outside shown in pic.
  10. Hahaha yeah I to didn't realize when I first got it how big with was till I made the back wheel and it was the size of my hand.
  11. Hey howya goin Grant mate, thanks for the tip, I normaly do that when I stick normal paper with spray adhesive to wood.
  12. Hey howya goin all, I'm looking to buy some Black Ebony 4 or 8 pieces 350mm x 25mm x 25mm, (14" x 1" x 1") anyone know where I might get some?
  13. Hey howya goin all, I've just translated the French pages of the sails guide into English it took about 15 min, you got to love technology and bloody curse it at the same time. If anyone wants the English translation here it is, there might some words that Google translate didn't translate. Longboat sail Instruction English.pdf Oh you will need the three plans to know the sail sizes, mast sizes and the extra bits & bobs that go on the boat you can order the plans from here http://gerard.delacroix.pagesperso-orange.fr/Chaloupe_greement/plaquette.htm
  14. Hey howya goin Dan mate, thanks for that, they do look good. I dont want to stain them but I will think about the wood more.
  15. Hey howya goin all, I've decide on the timber for the two boats, the one with the canon will be out of Walnut and the one with the sails will be out of Mahogany. Will be ordering the timber in about 3 weeks hopefully.
  16. Hey howya goin Maturin mate, a mechanical pencil, ruler and a hammer to bash wood into place beacuse I forgot to pick a saw as my third item.
  17. Al mate, it's like building the HMS Triton Cross Section, the Washington will be easy for you just follow the plans and ask any question on the forum, I have faith in you Al mate.
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