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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hey howya goin all, if you are still looking for pledge floor care aka Future aka Klear the original one, give this page a look Polish Up <--- Click Here, hes the only one in Australia that gets it in anymore, he got a shipment in not to long ago but hes sold out now, use the contact us page to email him to see if hes getting anymore in. Pledge Floor Care Multi Surface Floor Finish is the newest version and is said to be better then the last version because the last is said to start to turn you model yellowish over time.
  2. Hey howya goin Danny mate, wow nice clean brass work there mate, looks real good. I do like the roof.
  3. Never thought about putting it on a mat not a bad idea thanks mate.
  4. Yeah I watch a vid on it when you mentioned it.
  5. Hey howya goin Bob mate, yeah I've been looking at that one you mentioned it does look good but I already have benchtop belt sander thanks mate.
  6. Hey howya goin Doris mate, I'll be following along with this build.
  7. Hey howya goin all, thanks, a few people say they are a good thing to get so I've decided to get one, don't know what brand to get yet but I'm leaning towards the Jet Benchtop Oscillating Spindle Sander and thanks agian.
  8. You could try to wet blend the grey into the black then by layering it up adding a little white to the grey each time, only put the grey on the shape points of the cannon and only where the light would hit the cannon the effect is quite nice start with a mid tone grey.
  9. Hey howya goin Messis, the best way to highlight black is with grey paint.
  10. Hey howya goin all, what is the downside of using Minwax wipe on poly water based to compared the oil based one, whats the difference between the two types apart from water based and oil based?
  11. Hey howya goin all, I've been debating whether to get an Oscillating Spindle Sander or not, I'm looking at two types the Triton Oscillating Spindle Sander 450W <--- Click Here or the Jet Benchtop Oscillating Spindle Sander <---Click Here, the Jet one does cost more but it has a tilting table, I do have a sanding drums for my drill press but the chuck is not to straight so it does wobble alittle I will be replaceing the drill press sometime in the future, what do you think about Oscillating Spindle Sander?
  12. Hey howya goin E.J. mate, the lights look great mate, I love it when people go that extra mile and do the interior keep it up.
  13. Hey howya goin all, I did these awhile back when I got my plans from NRG. I had the plan of the frames copyed, then cut them up then scanned and printed out on ladeling paper. Ones cut from the copyed plans. Ones scan to the ladeling paper. This last pic you can see the scans on the ladeling paper I pulled one corner off so you can see it's sticky on one side that way after I glue the frames together I can easily stick it down to them and run them through a scroll saw. I also have another copy to stick to the sheet of wood to cut them out of.
  14. Hey howya goin Danny mate, you know I never knew that Australia ever had stagecoaches, I always thought it was just American thing. Great work as always mate.
  15. Yeah I'll pay for freight and if you want I'll pay you for the timber to thanks mate.
  16. Hey howya goin Danny mate, yeah I know how hard Ebony is, I'll steam bend it, I do like a challenge, I'll have to make a new steamer set up my last steamer I left were I uses to work many many years ago. Yeah I remember when you started that one, I was new to MSW forums, I asked you if you wouldn't mind me making the same one as I could follow your build as a guide for mine, but I never ended up make it. All these years and I still haven't scratch build a ship, I picked these scratch build ship because I didn't want to do any research on it, I just love to build. I was going to scratch build the Rattlesnake by Harold M. Hahn for my first one, there was these rooms on the plans I didnt know what they looked like I ask if anyone new any reference books on building her got not answer so I shelved the plans for now. I was think of getting it from Crown Timber in the US, The Ebony I don't know yet.
  17. Hey howya goin all, I'm looking to buy an Preac saw from someone who want to sell theres, I know that they don't make them anymore so thats why I'm looking for a second hand one PM me if you have a working Preac saw to sell.
  18. Hey howya goin Kurt mate, yeah I got plan set #81 so thats 8 more people that got theres plans too since I got mine.
  19. Hey how ya goin Vivian mate, yeah I can't wait to Vivian I just want to start to build her but no money for timber or a scroll saw yet but soon very very soon thanks Vivian mate.
  20. Hey howya goin E.J. mate, hahaha. Well there is one thing I forgot to mention in the first post, this is not the first time I've started this build, the first time I got to plank the hull but for some reason it started to warp and I couldn't get it to straighten up no matter what I did, so after it been siting on my shelf for so many years the hull ended up in the bin, I always wanted to build her agian so I kept the old box and stuff so now I have two of everything from the first deck upwards hahaha. The top one is the new kit.
  21. Hey howya goin Michael mate, nice to have you along too mate. It will be about two months to three months before I start her. The timber takes about 20 business days to cut, about two weeks to get to Australia and I think about two weeks to clear customs if I remember right from someone telling me.
  22. Hey howya goin Mike mate, good start mate.
  23. Hey howya goin Steve mate, thanks for joining this one too mate. NRG make this easy for first timer scratch builder.
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