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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hey don't forget the stagecoaches.
  2. Hey howya goin Martin mate, welcome.
  3. Hey howya goin Al mate, thanks for sitting in on this one mate. Alot of poeple are getting these plans now and some have had these plans sitting on there selves for along time.
  4. Danny you ever built a Gundam model, plastic or resin, do you still do plastic models or you just into wood and card models nowadays?
  5. Hey howya goin John mate, I got rid of my flip phone when I retired 10 years ago, I got this about 5 to 6 years ago. Was about $180 to $200 AUD back then, as long as the camera does full HD 1080 you should be ok.
  6. Hey howya goin all, I've glued the bottom and the top beams altogether, I put sticky tape on my bench so the glue doesn't stick to my cutting mat and used the grid on my cutting mat to keep everything square. Now to leave it to sit for 24 hours
  7. Hey howya goin all, just a little update, I,ve made a jig to heat bend the outside of the cabin walls.
  8. Hey howya goin complexpack mate, welcome. You can look for tips and that by clicking on Articles Database up the very top of the page good stuff in there.
  9. Hey howya goin Cédric mate, welcome.
  10. hey howya goin Mike mate, yeah both lights will be running off of one battery.
  11. Hey howya goin all, I've printed out the templates and have started to cut them up and stick them to the mod pieces, I had to do them in two parts as I don't have an A3 printer and when I get my scroll saw at the end of June I can start to cut them out and start shapeing the mods.
  12. Danny this does cost more but has more to the set https://www.bnamodelworld.com/hobby-tools-supplies-misc-supplies-rp-toolz-rp-pd You could get a hold punch but get 1 that does the hole a little bigger then the size your after.
  13. Hey howya goin Danny mate, ask the other ship card makers see what they use.
  14. Thanks Julie mate, I didnt explain the question the right way agian. I was looking for something a little like Dave said, I have edited my original post.
  15. also read this it will help you to plank a hull http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Lining Off your hull for planking.pdf and watch these 2 vids.
  16. Hey howya goin Brett mate, here look in here Framing and Planking at this Simple Hull Planking for Beginners.
  17. Hey howya goin all, a quick update, almost finished putting the rest of the timber on the lid of the trunk, I've bent the handles with my new grab handler tool. I've decided to put the 9 volt battery into the trunk it fits just right in there and the on/off push switch should just fit into the lid of the trunk don't have it yet it's in the mail. My display case will have hinges so I can have easy access to the switch and the battery.
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