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About Polux

  • Birthday 08/19/1970

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  • Location
    Monterrey, Mexico

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  1. Hi Doris, first l want to thank you for being so generous by sharing all this pics and videos that show so clearly how you make your magic. You are an amazing artist. I have seen this log and the pics of your finished work on another ships and l most say that they are so impresive. You have inspired me to improve my self and my modeling work. Thanks again and have a great week. Best regards Polo
  2. Hi, I am just caching up with your build log, and I most say... The detail is just "outstanding", All of those carvings you have hand made truly are amazing. Thanks for sharing such beautiful work. Regards Polo
  3. She is looking great Ray. Nice work on the planking Regards Polo
  4. Hi Ray, She is looking beutiful. Take kare of your self. Best regards Polo
  5. Hi how are you? Just ching up with your built, and wanted to ask what did you put the cannons on that they change color to black? That seems to be a much better way then painting them. Love what you are doing with your ship. Regards Polo
  6. Hi Ray, how are you? For what I have been reading you are doing much better since the operation. I am realy glad for you. I got to say, you are flying through this build. I am impresed how mucho you have done in so little time with such a large ship. I guess it is just like you said, the knee situation had an up side and you have truly taken adentage of it. She is looking beautiful, clean, and very dataled. Once again you are makin your magic on this ship. I just got back to work on my Pegasus after a 6 week pause, last monday I had removed the cast from my hand and have almost fully recovered total range of motion. It was vey stiff. I am just glad I can go back to my built, it was a little frustrating working every day next to my ship and not been able to do anything on it. Ray you have a great week, take good care of your self and talk to you soon Best regards Polo
  7. Hello Ulises, how are you? It has been a wile. Firs happy birthday, although a little late. Hope you had a great day. Other then that, congratulations on your ship. She is looking great. Nice, clean and beautiful. Take care of your self Talk to you soon Regards Polo
  8. Hi every one The reason to open this subject is because in Mexico is very hard to fin thread or rope unless it is for sawing clothes. Going through the diferent logs last year, I remember seeing a rope making machine, but I have not beeing able to find it again. I am pretty shure it was in Garward's log on the Montanes but could not fin it there eather. So if anyone has made one of this at home and has some pictures and insight to share on how to make one of this,, it will be much appreciated. Regards Polo
  9. Hi Ray Good to see you working again in a beautiful ship. Las I heard you were about to get a knee replacement, did you? If so, how do you feel with it? I found the gallery for your Pegasus and I most say you did a fantastic job,it is a fine ship. I just started mine a couple of weeks ago and I am loving it. Although for now I had to stop as I broke a hand and I can not do any work, It is kind of frustrating but no choice other than patiently weight. I just went through your log on the Diana and again you are doing great work. She looks beautiful. It will be nice to follow your log again. Best regards Polo
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