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Everything posted by ofencer29350

  1. i realized the duck boards and also the toilets Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale.
  2. i'will folow u,the françois is one of the most beautiful vessel of french marine of the 17th
  3. hello all! here is some news from my royal caroline: Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale.
  4. i used to start the doors on the deck Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale.
  5. i used some polymeric clay like fimo to do the sculptures it work like modeling clay you work with tweezers, precision screwdriver etc ... and then you cook in oven at 100 degrees during 20 mn
  6. hi all! here is my new ship build kit the royal caroline i try with this kit to rebuild all that is not include in the kit like some sculptures and détail i post some picture: here is where i am with this ship....
  7. if it could help u you can see my post of la recouvrance one of the new sister ship build in 1990 with the plan of la jacinthe
  8. you're absolutely wrong mike: first because "the licorne" or "unicorn" for the english is a pure fantasy by hergé! it was made about the real ship "le brillant" you can see a picture of this ship in monfield book,and it had 64 guns!
  9. I suppose as all the traditional baker's ovens: The wood is installed in the home, we set fire to it then when the ember is very red, we push it at the bottom and one cooked the bread on the front by closing the door which is tight and one atends the end of the ember to open him!
  10. the first link you give are paastries oven ,not cooking oven it's why tey are very different than the third olivier bello'site is one of the most fabulous in france
  11. for those who want to see how it look: Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale.
  12. mark, the friend who build this kit have made a marvellous work,he rebuild everything he can to be hystorical and realistic! nothing on this ship seem to be a kit.
  13. Yes it is good it mark! In fact he left the base of the kit "hachette" and as any kit it is stuffed with technical or historic érrors, as here the skittle in angle which should be rectified sculptures one made in box tree
  14. Other details which change on a French vessel: The skittle at the level of the bow is rounded off and not in angle how English as well as hinge of rudder who are tilted and straight ahead! Doors always open quoted bulwarks I leave you a foto of a unicorn of a colleague which you will appreciate i hope for the détails! Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale.
  15. congratulation randy! your build looks great for a first one! some détails to replace or rebuilt if you want to be perfect but it seem to look like mine!
  16. In France the tradition in the army makes that it have two dining halls there: Mass for oficiers and ordinary for the men of the contingent, it is what explains both kitchens on a French ship! The rooms of oficiers are always aside and that of the coprincipal has an office(desk) there is always two gogues (toilets) has the front on the bow and one dress(toilet) private individual in bottles for the coprincipal the bent poest one call it " the shanty and the tonture " and allows the water to evacuate by dalots at the level of shields
  17. The errors are allowed, the French frigates are very different from English in many of points:quille, horseshoe of saffron, rigging of artillery, opening of door, etc. but you the Anglo-Saxons have no references to be able to see this! Fortunately, gerard is a scholar as of other one and we have the archives of vincenne which allow us to know details
  18. Your work is magnificent, but you coput an error: Doors have to open in the inverse sense, always quoted wall!
  19. i have made the marine's man and the captain: Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. and now i thing my model has finished!!
  20. i just miss that the licorne is a "3e rang " ship so the canot is 10,52 meters in reality for the canot because the brillant is a 64 gunship not a 74gun!
  21. for the licorne ,who made whith the real ship "the brillant" there is only 1 canot: Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. that's all guys!!
  22. hy vincent! i know these two guy but where i saw them? good starting
  23. what a amazing work on your pulleys i can read your post everytime,your re a beautiful modelist!
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