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Everything posted by ofencer29350

  1. it's an good project; the spoon will be a challenge to build... at BREST ,this machine was powered by the prisonners until they were replace by vapor there is a little boat named "marie salope" across to receive all she take on.
  2. +1 with mike,the real "la renommée" is very différent than this. if you want to build her, you would buy the monographie from ancre and you'll see that there is an other ship...
  3. i have read this and i'm ok with the policy it was just a suggestion to puchase his work on an other support . i'm not so stupid to think that all the forum have her own policy... so like kissmul said full stop for this log
  4. or perhaps take the inquiries from hubert berti' family .... in our french forum we automatically post the picture's sources .
  5. if u just draw cad on your pc never mind; but if u send or sell them the copyright must be.
  6. the better way isn't to look at the real "le renard" there a lot of picture about it on the web ,and mrsmoogler who were one of the sailor on board have edited a lot about the building. here is the link: http://modelisme-naval-bois.lebonforum.com/t566-chantier-de-construction-du-cotre-le-renard?highlight=le+renard
  7. i never seen this picture before but amarsenal is a belgium forum... if you ask for michel on modelisme naval bois or marine et modelisme d'arsenal you can say that i suggest to contact himi'm moderator on the first.
  8. anyway u can send an mail to michel saulnier on the forum of gérard delacroix or my french forum,modelisme naval bois,he is a member of them. i'm sure he 'll be happy to answer about your inquiries.
  9. the problems to rebuild the sr is there's no monography ,no plan only model from musée de la marine and the drawing of berain and tanneron. michel saulnier study since ten years to approach the truth but he don't thing he ' s right at 100% so even you are wrong no one can tell you are wrong
  10. fimo is a brand of modeling clay... marc's carving are exeptionnal but he got a method: he's a chirurgical doctor here is his tourville: Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale.
  11. there was 2 sr: the first by tourville (1669-1692) and the second (1693-1713) was ex-"foudroyant" built at BREST and goes to méditéranean sea and was destroyed at TOULON the first was drawing by laurent hubac and the second by his son étienne
  12. marc alias" neko" is going to buid his own interpretation ,he began his build with balsa here is a litle picture Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. on our french forum we call it "royal balsa" michel build at 1/36 and neko 1/48 the last time i've seen both of them it was the last summer at chateaulin,an expo model for moulding u could use fimo...
  13. here is the SR of a friend ,michel saulnier,only based on BERAIN's drawing: Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale.
  14. Why simply do not take blades of ebony and to make a lamellé - stuck which is easier to shape...
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