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Farbror Fartyg

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About Farbror Fartyg

  • Birthday 08/27/1976

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  • Location
    Stockholm (the original one)
  • Interests
    Programming. Model buildning (obviously). Painting (oil, water colour ... you name it). Applying fire to various foodstuffs.

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  1. Hello again! Man ... I feel almost embarrassed posting this year's progress - truly a very minute step indeed for both man AND mankind. It's been a busy summer so far ... But I have finally started adding some actual cordage to the standing rigging - bowsprit gammoning done. Other than that I've made a new batch of deadeyes for the shrouds. Speaking of shrouds, the threads dangling from the main top are from a little test I conducted to see if there was enough room for all the ropes. Turns out there was. Well, I'm off for the city again. Cheers! Sam
  2. Thanks! Since the summer cottage, where I'm building her, is in Arvika Municipality I feels the town's coat of arms has to be on one of the flags. Swedish flag too - an obvious choice. Other than those, I haven't really decided yet. Any suggestions? /Sam
  3. Green is the colour of my try love's hare ... I painted the quarter galleries red. It would be wrong to say that it didn't work - it kinda did. It made the green and the yellow pop nicely, but ... green is better. More of a unified look with green. Still need to tidy things up and repaint some yellow bits but this is the colour scheme. My dudes by the main mast got painted too. I'll probably have time to touch up a few things and go over the decks with another coat of varnish before I have to go back to the big city. Sigh. Oh! And I installed the pin racks. They don't look too horribly out of scale, actually. Things I've learned this year: 1.) Paint things before you attach them. 2.) I remembered why I stopped using enamels back in the misty, mysterious past called the late eighties. Smelly. The thinner is unpredictable. They either dry too quickly or are too runny. Well See you next year, I guess ... I'll try to work on the Akagi build log a bit when i get back. The best of everything to the most excellent people following this build log! /Sam
  4. At long last - update time! I've worked on her for a week or two now and some good progress has been made. Past me did a sub-par job on the paint work, so present me scraped 'an 'a-sanded the lumps and bumps away. Still not perfect, but better. She'll have red doors. Maybe my stomping around the decks of the Batavia influenced this decision. Could be. I'll paint the knight's heads but the rest of the decks will just get a coat of varnish over the natural wood. The channels got some paint. The beakhead got some paint. Belaying pins have been made and installed in said beakhead. Speaking of belaying pins - tiny, yet comically out of scale, pins have been made for all the masts and are now awaiting paint. Cheers and salutations all around! /Sam
  5. Congratulations! I'm gonna miss this one ... I've said it before - prettiest ship I've seen. Thank you! Sam
  6. Well, there it is. Dunno what the mizzen channel's attached to - there's no wale there. I imagine cap'n Gloryhard et.al. using the loo in the quarter gallery aren't too pleased about the view obstructions. Hey ho. Oh well. Have a nice one Sam
  7. "I'll make sure to always put it in the same place, so I'll know where to find it" = it's behind the telly. "I had it just a second ago ..." = it will never be recovered. Quantum effects have sent it into a black hole. "I'll put this away to work on it later." = If you sacrifice to all the Gods of the underworld, the item in question MAY be in one piece/the same place when you go to retrieve it. /Sam
  8. Originally I planned to drill a little hole into the wale, saturate it with glue, and then press the perforated bottom end of the chain in place and let the glue act as a kind of 'nail', but after a good ponder I decided I wasn't happy with that. The forces involved at this scale aren't exactly huge, but the pull of the shrouds will still be a thing, and the chains/channels will have to take it. It would be jolly annoying to come here one summer and find that the rigging had unravelled itself. So I decided to go for a more secure way of attaching the chains to the hull. Old chains. New chains. Looks alright, I think. Perhaps file down the nail heads a bit, a lick of gloss black, and job's a good'un. Cheers! Sam *EDIT* ... and that's when he realised that he had left half the explanation out ... What I've done is to attach the chain to the hull by way of a tiny pin/nail:
  9. Otherworldly. Simply gorgeous. The prettiest ship I've seen. Sam
  10. I know what you mean. It can be hard to find time and/or inspiration to keep at it. I'm extremely glad you did though! This is my favourite build log on here. I absolutely adore your work. The colours, the attention to details, the crispness. Brilliant! Sam
  11. I came up with the following method for making deadeyes: Sand a piece of wood smooth and flat and then make indentations in the surface - pretty shallow for deadeyes. Push pins into the indentations. I used three pins in a triangle pattern. Push bake-in-the-oven clay (I used one called "Sculpey III") into the indentations and in and around the pins. It´s important to make sure the clay gets in everywhere and that you really push it in. When you´re happy with the placement the clay, make a hoop (strop?) from wire and push it into the clay. Obviously you need make sure the right side is up. When the wire is in place, you slap on more clay to form the other surface of the deadeye. Now you bake them in the oven. Pins, wood and all. When they´re ready and cool, remove them from the wooden block, remove the pins and clean them up as much as you need to. Looks alright, I reckon ... The advantage is that they come out of the oven stropped and ready - just clean ´em up a bit and you´re ready to rock. A tad on the fiddly side, perhaps, but not too bad.
  12. Well if it isn't that time of the year again. I've been here for about a week now, the shipyard is once more up and running, and stuff has happened. Cleats for the gammoning on the bowsprit, and somewhere to belay: A few kevels here and there: More work has gone into the tops: And the masts are coming along nicely: I'm thinking about painting her next. The masts will be stained a darker brown (and varnished), but the decks I think I'll leave as they are. Good to be back! /Sam
  13. Glad to have you, Popeye, as always! Yeah ... an allegory about life itself, this project: 2011 - "I feel like making a toy ship!" ... ... ... Spends the better part of decade adding bits, and wishing more planning had gone into the first steps. Cheers!
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