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    samueljr got a reaction from gjdale in Essex - Process and corrections to the new Model Expo Kit   
    I hate spell correction!! I will not be matting the ESSEX but MASTING the ESSEX!!!!
  2. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Sjors in Essex - Process and corrections to the new Model Expo Kit   
    I hate spell correction!! I will not be matting the ESSEX but MASTING the ESSEX!!!!
  3. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from mtaylor in Essex - Process and corrections to the new Model Expo Kit   
    I hate spell correction!! I will not be matting the ESSEX but MASTING the ESSEX!!!!
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    samueljr reacted to Pete Jaquith in Kate Cory by jablackwell - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    I don't have my drawings here, but I seem to recall a sketch in the Instruction Manual that shows the gore line. Also, maybe the museum plans will assist. I have attached pictures of my "Eagle" 1847 coppering plan and the model application as I coppied the "Kate Cory" in my interpertation.

  5. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from BareHook in Essex - Process and corrections to the new Model Expo Kit   
    Hi Bob,
    I hope they (Expo) will as well.
    The "thing" is moving on in time.
    I know that Chuck experienced some production issues (not to ESSEX's point) with his kits that were cleaned up but now as time moves on there are some other quality control / production concerns that have nothing to do with the design creeping back in.
    That's what's most frustrating. What I designed and was produced is assembled as the proto-type (and I consider myself an average builder) and it looks pretty good. Once production begins my influence is nullified for the most part.
    It's up to the builder to interpret whether it's a poorly designed kit or a poorly produced kit - two entirely separate things. My concern is that regardless of ESSEX's design ANY issue will be attributed to the design on my end as opposed to a production issue.
    I (like any designer) have to accept that inevitably there will be builders who do not like some aspect of my kit design be it drawings, methodology, instruction etc. You can't please everybody - that's just the reality of it. The best example I can give is that there are aspects of Chuck's designs (which I believe are as good as any available) that I don' care for. They're still amazing but I prefer different approaches - doesn't make them bad design.  
    ESSEX has a shadow over it right now (and rightfully so) Hopefully moving forward the corrections along with a few build logs and the proto-type build log will re-establish the kit.
    Your efforts have been great in showing what can be done in a scratch/bash/upgrade approach - that's just what I hoped for in designing it. You can attest that even if the kit is followed there are a number of upgrade opportunities for the builder to really go for it. But if they choose to remain true to the kit (which has a lot of scratch build aspects) they'll still end up with a hell of a finished boat.
    Bob, as you (and a few others) have seen I have the masts and yards already drawn. I was always hoping to rig her to a high level (say along the lines of Grant's VICTORY) so I've got my work cut out for me. I also want to include additional details (boats, anchors, etc) so there's a lot to do.
    Once I know that the corrections are complete and she's in a good place again I'll start on the rig. 
  6. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from jablackwell in Kate Cory by jablackwell - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    You're welcome. If there's anything I can do to help - let me know.  
    don't forget to take a look at that web site - it's a great reference as well
  7. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from jablackwell in Kate Cory by jablackwell - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    I built the KC about 20 years ago. Still one of my favorite ships/kits.  Did you get the expanded set of plans from the New Bedford Museum. Also there is a series of articles from Eric Ronenburg (sp?) from the old SIS magazine called Whale Craft that are excellent. They follow along his build of the KC.
    Also take a look at this site. It's an outstanding version of the Kate.
    Good luck!
  8. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from jablackwell in Kate Cory by jablackwell - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Forgot to attach the site...... sorry
  9. Like
    samueljr reacted to fnkershner in 18th century Longboat by fnkershner (Floyd Kershner) - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Ok, so today I have had 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Attached are the pictures of a different putty I tried. I think I like the color. And I was trying to loosen the bulkheads that were glued to the false keel to get them in better alignment And... I broke both the false keel & the Boxwood stem. So I get to use the ME guarantee and practice making a better Scarf joint. This will be my 3rd false keel! You might think that after 3 tries my skill might get half as good as Chuck's. I wish!

  10. Like
    samueljr reacted to fnkershner in 18th century Longboat by fnkershner (Floyd Kershner) - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Ok, I have slowed my build to stay in sync with my local club. Besides for those of you looking at my other builds you will see I am working on other challenges. I decided to do some experimenting. I think I have mentioned that I had several reason for doing this build:
    1. Increase my planking skills. Since you see the inside of the hull there is no room for error. I also figured a small kit would be fun to try new things on.
    2. I wanted to try a kit with all new wood from Jeff. (boy and I excited that I did!)
    3. I wanted a small kit to try Chuck's drill and fill method of treenailing.
    4. I wanted a simple kit that still required rigging. Here again if am going to use Chuck's materials for blocks & line.
    5. I had to try another kit designed by Chuck
    So while I wait for the club meeting next weekend and it is raining this holiday weekend. I decided to take 1 strip of Boxwood planking and do some experimenting. You will see from the pictures below that I took a scrap of wood and planked it with Boxwood strips and drilled holes for the Treenails. You will also see the stuff I used for putty and the result after 1 layer of WOP.
    So Chuck - I have a question - I searched this site and I know you posted it. but right now I can't find it. What product did you use for your putty. It was by Elmer's but I can't remember any of the details. As you can see the contrast in my case is not quite enough. you really have to look hard. And of course the camera catches what the eye doesn't see.
    There are 5 rows drilled and filled 2 rows drilled only.

  11. Like
    samueljr reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Thank you Lawrence, Ben, Mark and Jesse, and also to all of the "likes".
    Minor update this weekend - not a lot of time in the shipyard after another week away.  Did manage to find time to host a visit from fellow Canberra modeller Leanne (Moo) - always nice to make personal contact with other members of this great community!
    Ship's Boats continued:
    I applied some filler to the Pinnace hull, using a product recommended in my Warrior practicum - Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty (that's a 4 pound (1.8 kg) can in the photo:

    It comes in powered form which you then mix with water to a consistency of softened butter or 'soft cooked cereal'.  It is then applied using a small stiff flat brush, left to harden for a couple of hours and then sanded off.  It claims to never shrink.  Clean up was easy (using only water).  Sanding was also pretty easy, and the putty sands off in a dust form, similar in consistency to talcum powder.  This product is not readily available in Australia, so as usual I let my fingers do the walking and found some on-line.  The postage cost more than the product, but all in all not expensive.  Having used it, I can say that I like it - and I now have a "lifetime supply".  It is much easier to use than regular wood filler, especially on the extremely fragile boat.  I suspect similar results could be obtained with Spakfilla (for the Aussies reading this).
    I then released the boat from the build board.  I was a little too enthusiastic with this and damaged a few frames in the process.  Managed to repair them all without too much fuss.  Still a bit of cleaning up do do, but here is how she looks now:


    And just as a reminder of the scale of this little one:

    I've also finished the first part of cutting out the frames for the two Cutters, so should have them in the build boards next weekend, as well as progressing with the Pinnace.
  12. Like
    samueljr reacted to jablackwell in Kate Cory by jablackwell - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Here's to a new log!  I am starting the Kate Cory now, a solid hull 1:64 scale model from Model Shipways. The hull came in excellent shape with only minor re-shaping to get down to the final measure. The hardest part was the bulwark thinning, which they recommend a chisel to carve down. I used a Dremel Tool.... Wear a mask if you try this, as basswood in the lungs is a bit unhealthy ;-)  
    The sterm of the ship needed the most wood removal and reshaping. That also prompted me to use a Dremel sanding drum, which worked swiftly. With some hand sanding afterwards, the whole thing is coming along nicely.  I used a smaller chisel to square off the deck levels and trim the bulwarks closer to the deck. 




    Next I am going to work on the deck bevel and do some fine sanding to the exterior. I want to add a shiny coat of varnish or something to make the coppered portion stick better... raw wood is a no-go for self adhesive copper tapes it turns out, as a simple experiment shows that smooth wood just lets the tape peel off. Testing is good.
  13. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Ryland Craze in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Thanks Bob,
    As I've said your upgrade really illustrates what's possible with the kit and hopefully the build log will show what the kit is. 
    My concern with the kit after the corrections are made is quality control at Expo. Chuck has seen "issues" creeping into the his kits through Expo as time moves on. Unfortunately at some point I can do no more to influence the product.
    I have been discussing with Expo the "next project" and have it down to two possibilities for a new kit. We should have a decision very soon and I can turn my attention to that. 
    As always I'm available to help anyone with the ESSEX,  but I'll also be very happy to move on...............
  14. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from garywatt in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Thanks Bob,
    As I've said your upgrade really illustrates what's possible with the kit and hopefully the build log will show what the kit is. 
    My concern with the kit after the corrections are made is quality control at Expo. Chuck has seen "issues" creeping into the his kits through Expo as time moves on. Unfortunately at some point I can do no more to influence the product.
    I have been discussing with Expo the "next project" and have it down to two possibilities for a new kit. We should have a decision very soon and I can turn my attention to that. 
    As always I'm available to help anyone with the ESSEX,  but I'll also be very happy to move on...............
  15. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jaxboat in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    so am I - if one shows up let me know....................LOL
  16. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jaxboat in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    you should really look into getting some help about that.......... lol
  17. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Thanks Bob,
    As I've said your upgrade really illustrates what's possible with the kit and hopefully the build log will show what the kit is. 
    My concern with the kit after the corrections are made is quality control at Expo. Chuck has seen "issues" creeping into the his kits through Expo as time moves on. Unfortunately at some point I can do no more to influence the product.
    I have been discussing with Expo the "next project" and have it down to two possibilities for a new kit. We should have a decision very soon and I can turn my attention to that. 
    As always I'm available to help anyone with the ESSEX,  but I'll also be very happy to move on...............
  18. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from BareHook in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Well with the corrections nearly complete I thought it might be a good idea to do produce a proto-type build log (of sorts). Obviously unlike other kits ESSEX has already been released but it and the members here on MSW didn’t have the benefit of seeing it come together.
    This will hopefully give everyone a chance to see the details in the kit, ask any questions they may have and hopefully clear up any misconceptions about the kit.
    How I’ll conduct this is to follow along with the manual, although I won’t be posting the actual pages but some of the photos and details.
    I’ll do this over a series of weeks (the manual is 15 chapters). It’s my intent to complete this in no more than half that time.
    One note, any updates regarding the corrections will continue to be posted in that thread. This thread is solely about the design and build of the proto-type.

  19. Like
    samueljr reacted to rafine in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    While watching glue dry over the past couple of weeks, I began to fool around with what to do with the forecastle. The last few days, I came up with my conclusion, and did the deck planking that I'm going to do. The result is a margin plank at the perimeter, a strip of planking down the center, and a small band of planking at the aft end to support the barricade and belfry.
    All of the planking is holly, with the margin planks cut from sheet, using card stock templates, and the rest from strip, fitted around the openings and bitts. The caulking is simulated with pencil and the treenails are again simulated with golden oak filler in drilled holes. Wipe-on Poly finished that work. I also added the the steam hatch and the coaming for the stove stack at this time. I probably won't add anything else until after the bulwark planking is in place.

  20. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Sjors in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    so am I - if one shows up let me know....................LOL
  21. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Sjors in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Well with the corrections nearly complete I thought it might be a good idea to do produce a proto-type build log (of sorts). Obviously unlike other kits ESSEX has already been released but it and the members here on MSW didn’t have the benefit of seeing it come together.
    This will hopefully give everyone a chance to see the details in the kit, ask any questions they may have and hopefully clear up any misconceptions about the kit.
    How I’ll conduct this is to follow along with the manual, although I won’t be posting the actual pages but some of the photos and details.
    I’ll do this over a series of weeks (the manual is 15 chapters). It’s my intent to complete this in no more than half that time.
    One note, any updates regarding the corrections will continue to be posted in that thread. This thread is solely about the design and build of the proto-type.

  22. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jack Panzeca in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Well with the corrections nearly complete I thought it might be a good idea to do produce a proto-type build log (of sorts). Obviously unlike other kits ESSEX has already been released but it and the members here on MSW didn’t have the benefit of seeing it come together.
    This will hopefully give everyone a chance to see the details in the kit, ask any questions they may have and hopefully clear up any misconceptions about the kit.
    How I’ll conduct this is to follow along with the manual, although I won’t be posting the actual pages but some of the photos and details.
    I’ll do this over a series of weeks (the manual is 15 chapters). It’s my intent to complete this in no more than half that time.
    One note, any updates regarding the corrections will continue to be posted in that thread. This thread is solely about the design and build of the proto-type.

  23. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from popeye the sailor in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Well with the corrections nearly complete I thought it might be a good idea to do produce a proto-type build log (of sorts). Obviously unlike other kits ESSEX has already been released but it and the members here on MSW didn’t have the benefit of seeing it come together.
    This will hopefully give everyone a chance to see the details in the kit, ask any questions they may have and hopefully clear up any misconceptions about the kit.
    How I’ll conduct this is to follow along with the manual, although I won’t be posting the actual pages but some of the photos and details.
    I’ll do this over a series of weeks (the manual is 15 chapters). It’s my intent to complete this in no more than half that time.
    One note, any updates regarding the corrections will continue to be posted in that thread. This thread is solely about the design and build of the proto-type.

  24. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from mtaylor in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    will somebody please go and pick Sjors up!
  25. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in ESSEX 1799 by samueljr - prototype build for Model Shipways kit   
    Can I charge admission?........................... (just wondering)
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