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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Dang that's impressive Bud.. Roll on the Caroline's Guns ! Can't wait to see wot magic you'll do there. Eamonn
  2. Looking forward to your 'Dirty Little Secret' Jim .. I'm thinking hard of putting my one on a mock up of a slipway type of arrangement, (keel blocks and support timbers etc.) Best of luck with the Anchor Buoy.. they do look fiddly. Eamonn
  3. You are flying along Rob, She looks the business. Eamonn
  4. Good stuff Jim.. I don't know the answer about Anchor Buoys but I'll be doing them myself ! Looking forward to the photos. Eamonn
  5. I'm a long way behind you Jim.. just the Anchors and you'll be fin !! Hey Again D.. Thanks for the info re masts, David should find it useful ! Pegs, Pins & Clamps could deffo use a Stable Mate.. I see fame, Stardom and a Publishing Empire ahead of us though we may have to charge a small fortune for each copy as our readership demographic would be somewhat limited to say the least Thanks for looking in Folks Eamonn
  6. You got it right Mobbsie.. Thanks for dropping by and for the compliment You too Lawrence, good to see you back after your little holiday in the snow I'm putting the Guns together at the moment.. only 4 of them unlike you guys with Aggy & Vikky.. I think I'd be hitting the bottle if I had as many as ye guys had to do ! All The Best Eamonn Thanks for the Likes too folks, always appreciated !!
  7. Brilliant Stuff Mate, She Looks A Treat ! Eamonn
  8. Classy Stuff Nigel ! So when are you going to put the little wee nails in? All The Beat Eamonn Just Kiddin.. I can see them.. Honest
  9. Thanks Nigel.. I think david is going to paint instead Spy, I'll sign you up for 'Pegs Pins & Clamps' then .. We connoisseurs can NEVER have enough Clamps.. E BTW I've begun the guns.. (think that sentence makes sense anyhoo.. Begun The Guns.. Yea It's Fine!)
  10. Quick Question Jim.. what are Guy Pendants ? and how do they relate to the Boom (I understand the function of 'Guy's' on sail boats, but can't find them for Ballahoo types) are they to impede movement in the Boom? All the Best Eamonn
  11. Think we were typing at the same time Mate.. The Leeward 'Vang' would be removed so as to avoid contact with the Boom.. when I say removed I mean it would be unshipped from where it is made fast to the Rail or Deck and probably re attached loosely near the Leeward Shrouds so as to be out of the way.. same goes for the Fore Mast versions.. the fore mast ones are on 'hooks' if memory serves.. I think this is so as to make them easily removed, unless you hear/find out differently I would suggest doing the same to the Main Mast 'Vangs'. Hope this is of some help Jim Eamonn
  12. I checked a few books and see that this 'vang' is also missing on the Alert (Cutter) but is in place (Called a Main Vang) in American Schooners ( When used on a modern Yacht a 'Vang' is an American Term, on this side of the pond it is called a 'Kicker' or 'Kicking Strap', but as I say this is on Modern Sailboats) I rather suspect it is something that I would be inclined to have added myself (I'll be doing further research when I get closer to that stage, as I suspect the kit rigging plans are limited to say the least) I still find it odd that it wasn't shown in place on the Cutter Alert though, cos it would stop the Gaff from swinging wildly if nothing else (admittedly the Gaff would be lowered when it had no sail attached but what about when the sail was furled to the mast etc.?) It is shown in rigging plans on a frigates I checked (here the sail is the Driver or Spanker) and is also called a Vang.. My guess 'Put it On !!' Eamonn Edit.. The Bold Text above Isn't intentional.. just a glitch twixt MSW and my Browser I think... I'm not trying to emphasise anything
  13. I just examined the Plans Jim and can see exactly what you are talking about.. I'll have a hunt around and get back to you shortly ! Eamonn
  14. Outstanding as Usual Mate.. Not far to go now! Eamonn
  15. Thats Dedication Mate... I'd just lie and say they were all done.. especially if you can't really see them... 'Oh Yea, They are all in there somewhere.. Honest.. Can't you see them? ahem ahem' All The Best Eamonn
  16. Kester she looks amazing !! Roll on the Preventer and T'Gallant Stays All The Best Eamonn
  17. Hey There Jason, Erm stupid question for you.. The Sanding Sealer.. is it used before Staining or does it help fix the blotchiness caused by staining? told you it was a stupid question (you see David has already stained the masts which went blotchy, so fingers crossed that it is used afterwards ) E
  18. Kester, It's a special Christmas Edition.. full of great gift ideas .. and all discreetly packed too !! and to hear the truth about Pegs.. Well what can I say.. I'm amazed ! I have a question for ye folks out there... David who is a friend of mine here on MSW is also building Ballahoo and has just shaped the masts, his Ballahoo is done in the Walnut as per the kit , and as the supplied Masts are light wood he stained them dark to match up with the hull etc.. alas the stain went blotchy, do ye good folks know of any remedies for this (aside from painting them Walnut coloured.. which was my first solution.. my 2nd was to pose the question to ye more knowledgeable guys & gals on here) Cheers for Stopping by Nigel (haven't heard anything from you in a while.. hope all is going brilliantly!) and Thanks Also to the Likes ! All The Very Best Folks Eamonn
  19. More Photos.. and a little extra Eamonn PS the paint work has to be tidied up around the Gun Ports a little, and the outside of the Channels isn't in place yet so don't be too hard on me
  20. Thanks Guys.. I actually laughed out loud over here (LoL'ing in fact) reading those comments.. Must be time for another issue of Pegs Pins & Clamps then eh? You can never have enough Clamps! All The Best Eamonn Thanks for the visit David and the 'Like'.. always appreciated !
  21. Hi Folks.. Photo Update this time !! Well the 'Channel' Deadeyes (Lower Deadeyes ??) and Chains are all in place now, they are nuttin' special to write home about but are merely OK.. put it this way if I thought I could do much better I would rip them out and begin again Hmmmm possibly I'm being a little too hard on them as they look grand.. ('Grand' is another Irishism by the way.. not as good as 'Deadly' but way better than 'Brutal'.. though a synonym of 'Brutal' is 'Savage' which is better that 'Deadly'.. go figure! .. OK you are all caught up now on Irishisms.. ) Anyhoo they are Grand !! I'm afraid I lost the light to take a better photo, but sure it's Grand isn't it.. !! you can just make out the Deadeyes and some of the Chains.. the Deadeye strops were chemically blackened as I didn't paint them prior to installing the Deadeyes and would have made a mess trying to apply paint afterwards ! That's All For Now, Thanks for Stopping By.. Slainte. Eamonn
  22. Peachy looking Jim.. just the Boom & Gaffs to go eh ! You'll be onto a new kit soon (have you anything in mind? or just finish Snake!) All The best Eamonn
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