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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Looking Very Special D. Wouldn't for a second dream of mentioning the 'Shhhhh Moment' of the seam (have a few Shhhhhhhhhh moments myself.. move along, nothing to see here... ) The Grey Wash on the deck is a fantastic bit of detail.. As always a pleasure to read your updates. All The Very Best Eamonn
  2. Hot off the Press..... My Upgraded Ordinance is on the way ... Woo Hoo Hope it actually fits after all this waiting , but if not I'm sure I'll find a use for them somewhere.. C18th English Longboats had 12lb Carronades right ? All The Very Best Folks Eamonn
  3. Best of Luck with it mark ! Eamonn
  4. Hi All, just a word to let ye all know that I haven't fallen off the Planet or anything, work/planning continues on Ballier... Most recently I neatened the 'hole' where the rudder head pokes through the deck.. Filed out the Gun Ports properly.. they were bugging me !! And placed an order for an Ordinance Upgrade.. this is currently the hold up as they appear to be out of stock (even though 'In Stock' was on the Web Site.. I have NO LUCK at all with Cornwall Model Boats ) Today I even attempted to Blacken my Kit guns.. weirdly it took 3 Sessions to get them dark (the mixture went very cloudy very quickly.. with little or no 'action' afterwards, so I changed out the chemicals ) reckon it will take another dipping or two to get them where I want them (I may have to use them you see, as it has been a while since my CMB order) they are a very dark grey at present. Indecently I followed the Blackening tips from a Log on here called The Blacken-It Trials link below.. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/6977-the-blacken-it-trials/ I even test faired a piece of dowel in anticipation of hitting Balliers Masts shortly.. Will be off to Venice for a little Hollier ('Vacation' to my friends across the Pond) the week after next so will probably hold off any big shipyard work till after .. Stay Well Folks & Catch Ya Later, Eamonn
  5. Hey there Jim, I suspect in 'reality' over-painting would have been done to protect them a little.. we won't get into Galvanic's .. but I'm with ye chaps in that I too like the contrast of painting them black (or chemical blackening as the case may be) I will be Blackening mine when the time comes (by paint or chemical or even the use of black card) Hope this is of some use mate ! Eamonn
  6. Thanks Mate.. I'll be back to Ballier shortly after a Summer break (though am hitting Venice for a few days Holliers in middle of next month, so will try to get going before that) am currently waiting on some replacement carronades (Brass) ordered a few weeks ago, and will see if I can blacken them (Cornwall MB are out of stock at the mo, as we know they often show 'in stock' when ordering but found out today that they are temp out.. Oh Well) Might not suit (dimension wise) Ballahoo but we'll see shortly.. hopefully shortly that is All The Best Eamonn
  7. Crackin Good Stuff there Jim ! Was it difficult to taper the masts and do that 'cone' shape 2/3rds of the way up ? Eamonn
  8. 'Put breaching ropes on the Port Carronades..(Starboard still to do)' Jeeez don't you just hate nit-pickers like me Really looks the business Rob, am enjoying your build.. the figures will be a nice touch, they show the scale of things brilliantly! Roll on more updates.. Stay Well Eamonn
  9. Thanks G.. they are indeed a snazzy bit of kit.. and you say you invented them too.. nice (TeeHee Just Kiddin ) Eamonn
  10. Love the updates G. you are racing along ! Any chance of a 'How To' on those snazzy looking Plank Pins Thingies you have there ? They look the Business! Take Care Mate, Eamonn
  11. You seem to have cornered the Epoxy Market there Dee_Dee I was wondering why the price of the stuff had suddenly shot up.. Looking the Absolute Business by the way! Stay Well Eamonn
  12. Thanks for the photos Rob, she too looks a beaut ! a friend of mine built the same RC boat a few years back too (there is a link on MSW somewhere to a static build of a Flower Class which has been weathered and is set out in a Diorama.. I think she won a competition or something recently... in a word WOW ! I'll see if I can find a photo and post it below, hope you don't mind ) Cheers Eamonn I just Googled the description and found some photos..
  13. Looks brilliant Rob, did you 'Blacken' the guns or paint them ? BTW is that your 'Avatar' (wee photo thingy under your name.. mine is Alf ) ship in the back ground of the last photo (wouldn't mind seeing a photo of that too ) Take Care Eamonn
  14. Cool news to see Mercury back up an running Richard.. roll on the updates, so no pressure there then eh ?.. Be Good Eamonn
  15. Beautiful stuff Jim.. she looks the absolute business ! All The Best Eamonn
  16. Hi Brett, I think the different colours in the deck looks great, kinda authentic if you follow ! Have you considered removing the doors (depending upon how you glued them there are readily available 'chemical' methods for loosening glues! ) and re-positioning them? This is a beautiful build and t'would be a shame for you to have to compromise ! Cheers Eamonn
  17. Thanks Joe.. I'll call off the Bank Job in that case.. Phew what a relief ! Eamonn
  18. You are making me want to pick up a Granado Joe... and I haven't even finished my Ballahoo yet ! She looks amazing, great job with the Air-Brushing , is it worth me picking one up would you think ? (so that would be Granado & Air-Brush kit.. hmmm is it easy to rob a bank?? ) Cheers Eamonn
  19. Think I'd have developed a full body twitch at the prospect of doing that cut Dee_Dee.. that and be gently rocking back and forth in the corner of a dark room making cooing sounds ! Eamonn
  20. Snazzy looking build you have going on there Eitan of another beautiful American boat, Some wonderful small boats designed & built on the other side of the pond, both recently and in the past. Mind if I follow along? Cheers Eamonn By The Way is that the 'miniature plane' that you refer to, in your photo? post #2 ., I've not seen such a beasty (a David Plane yes but not one that looks like yours, you'll probably tell me that that's a pencil or some such that's in the photo.. if so then much Red Face over here ) E
  21. Looking well Snazzy John, you were up to the challenge ! Should look a treat when you have her painted. Be Good Eamonn
  22. Thanks for the visit Lawrence and for the Birthday wish, It was indeedy a great day That seems to be the way to go with shaping the masts.. I don't thrust myself with the 'plans recommended' small plane (much less a big one ) Take Care Eamonn Thanks also to Dee_Dee for the visit (the little wee 'gif' didn't open ) E
  23. Good to see you back Jim ! Take Care Mate Eamonn
  24. Very Cool Cradle John.. Might Have To Steal That Idea. Cheers Eamonn
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