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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Looks brillo Owend.. regardless which way up you choose (really helpful I know,eh? ) hmmm but f you pushed me to decide then she 'weirdly' looks a tinsy-bit better with the Keel level !! (which goes completely against what I'd usually have suggested ie that the waterline be level, but seeing as how there is no marked waterline either on Ballahoo or the base board I guess that isn't a problem ) most Half Hulls I've seen tend to level the waterline but with the big 'Dead Drop' aft in Ballahoo I feel this may look odd ! (admittedly most of the Half Hulls I've seen don't include masts etc as they were done by boat builders to show clients the basic hull shapes) That said I think the pattern of the 'Table Cloth' she is sitting on is making her 'angle' look more exaggerated than she is in reality.. 'cos when I block it out with my hands the Waterline Level one looks a little better.. if you follow !! Yup I'm a massive help.. All The Best Eamonn
  2. That was brilliant to read.. well done, she looks a treat (or should that be Threat ) Eamonn
  3. Good to see you back building Casey (well, painting anyhoo ) Eamonn
  4. Good Stuff Mark, BTW I was just over on your Cross Section (Hadn't spotted that one ! ) and it is flippin' awesome!! you make it all look sooo simple. All The Best Eamonn
  5. Thanks D. I'm on the hunt for some metal tubing as we speak, might have to hit Dublin for some or else go online (I need to pick up more soldering/brazing kit too so perhaps a visit to Dublin is the better option that way I can ask advice on the soldering/brazing gear, I have some bits-n-bobs but not the right stuff to match your work) Thanks Again D, the explanation & photos of what you did are the biz! Eamonn To be honest I think I'm just looking for an excuse to visit an actual Model Shop PS Looks like I'll have to head to the Garbage Dump and retrieve my Ballahoo after your nice compliment..
  6. Jeez Dee_Dee that looks special.. The planking does indeed show through nicely ! Quick Question.. How did you do the wee rudder Gudgeons & Pintles? They are the Biz!! All TheBest Eamonn PS I'm off to throw my Ballahoo in the bin after looking at your work !! Thanks for that..
  7. Good stuff Jonny, sit back and chillax for a week or 3.. E
  8. Can totally understand the problems Jim, I've tried working with that material before and the word 'Shatter' comes to mind not something you'd want to do considering the price.. She looks a treat Mate, if my little Ballier comes anywhere near I'll be well chuffed !! I guess it's onto Snake for you next then.. btw do you have any other builds waiting for the off ? (I just spotted that you mentioned a 'side project') Congratulations on Completing Ballahoo !! Eamonn
  9. Starting to really move along now Mike, am liking that 'Pin Pliers' too. All The Best Eamonn
  10. Nuttin' like that over here Mate.. I'm using Chrome now as I had some compatibility issues with MSW through I.E. 11 ( 10 was ok, just had to turn off the IE 11 Update, but this got messy due to other conflicts so I went over to Chrome) Have a Good One, Eamonn
  11. Still sloooowly working away Lawrence.. alas nothing of any importance to be worthy of a photo or two.. the most recent thing I did was to replace the walnut 'rings' where the masts enters the deck, the new ones are turned from a lighter coloured wood and I'm much happier with them and their shape! Thanks for stopping by. All The Very Best Eamonn
  12. Best of luck with the operation and a speedy recovery Bud .. but whittling timber in the bed !! the missus should just love that ... Eamonn
  13. Looks Very very Cool Owend, clever stuff going on here !! E
  14. Good stuff Jim, can't help with accurate Buoy Rope lengths I'm afraid, but would expect them to be at least as long as the water these vessels anchor in is deep, I seriously doubt they anchored in 'Deep' water as they simply wouldn't have enough Anchor Rope on board (there is a ratio for length of Anchor Rope to be used against depth of water.. modern vessels for example approx. 6:1 or 7:1, and a lot more in dirty weather or areas with bad holding etc, (rem they were rope not chain, so go for bigger Ratios) therefore if you can find out the length of Anchor Rope actually carried on board then this should give some reference point to the Buoy Rope Length) To be honest a coil of line that looks about right should do the job.. say about 3/4 the length of the Deck (40 feet ish in 'real' world) Hope that is of some help Jim All The Very Best Eamonn
  15. Good Stuff Owend.. It's weird how the same kit can differ in things like that. Slainte E
  16. Hey There Owend, the Bulwarks on my Ballahoo were grand, the only issue I had to deal with (not a problem for you though) is where or how they meet right at the bow, but it wasn't a huge issue and they will be covered with a layer of planking anyhoo. So I suggest that as long as the Bulwark extends right Forward to where the Bowsprit will be then cut the overhang off at the stern, you can even glue the whole affair in place then cut it or sand it flush later. Keep an eye on the height of the Bulwark though as it certainly didn't sit flush with the Tops of ALL the Bulkhead 'Horns' on my kit, I compromised and had it level with as many as I could, with special emphasis on the Very First Bulkhead & the Port Starboard Transom 'Prongs' (the 4 upright timbers that the Transom will attach to, can't recall the names right now ) Hope this lot is of some help down the road. All The Very Best Eamonn PS There seems to be slight ambiguity between kits of the same vessels sometimes.. not sure why, but I hear others on MSW mention it re their own various builds... Rare but not unknown I think. For Instance, my capping rail was too short on both sides by about the same 5mm you mentioned.. Oh Well
  17. Nigel.. I'd give my Right Arm to be Ambidextrous ... Eamonn PS I'm one of those 'Ambi's' too..
  18. Great Idea Owend.. Am looking forward to following along. All The Best Eamonn
  19. No new updates folks.. Just want to wish ye all a Very Happy Christmas and New Year (or Happy Holidays & New Year as the case may be, my sentiment is the exact same ) I'm still working away slowly so see ye all after the Holidays and we can get cracking once again with more 'Pegs Pins & Clamps'.. Bye For Now Eamonn
  20. Looking very Snazzy there Jason, that 'crimper' seems to be working a treat. All The Best For the Christmas and New Year !! Eamonn
  21. Great update D.. Said it before will say it again.. 'That dang boat looks real' !! Now what's this 'SUN' thing you keep referring to?? From Overcast Ireland Eamonn PS Hope you have a blast over the Holidays !
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