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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hi Jim.. Thanks Mate (haven't seen you for a while now.. hope Snake is going well !) here's another photo of the stern ! This photo was taken through my Magnifying Lamp Thingy (Brilliantly useful bit-o-kit by the way.. €35 in Lidl.. I bought 2 !) The edges distort in the most amazing way when you photograph through it.. kinda cool effect, but suffice to say Ballahoos stern doesn't look this bad (the waterline is straight for instance.. Honest.. ) Anyhoo it was the only way I could get a shot of the Chains etc. All The Best Folks Eamonn VORC PS Thanks for looking in folks and for the Likes .. Much Appreciated .
  2. Kester... That's sooo bad it's actually good !! LOL Hey There Jason.. More sanding must be needed to remove the Blurriness.. that'd work right? Should be able to get the chains done tomorrow and fit the Rudder, then onto the deck and the sticky up things with string attached ! Woo Hoo Rigging.. Oh Wait E
  3. Thanks Kester.. the kit Tiller was pretty ok, it had a nice shape! just that it wasn't long enough to go through the hole I made in the Rudder.. Now if I hadn't made the hole in the first place !! I'm just down from putting another watered down coat of paint on the tiller/ridder top.. few more to go and I can start fitting all in place ! I'll send in my application form to the VORC along with my first years subscription.. can I put those initials after my name do you know ? Thanks for the Likes also folks Eamonn
  4. At Long Last A Photo... As I mentioned previously there was loads of small (unworthy of individual photos I felt) work going on aboard Ballahoo for the last few weeks so I thought I'd best photograph something least ye all think I've abandoned the Build and taken up Crochet or something !! Anyhoo... Here's an update of what's being going on: -I made my own 'beefier' Tiller Arm as the original kit supplied one was only meant to be 'stuck' onto the front of the Rudder and I wanted it to go through the rudder as per the real world with a 'wedge' the the back to hold it in place and reinforcing pieces on the rudder above and below it.. you can see my version in the accompanying photo, some more work will be needed on it though! btw the bit of tiller arm sticking out at the back will be trimmed to size, possibly thickened up before putting the securing wedge through it. -The 'Spectacle Plate' (or whatever it is called) is in place on the Rudder, you can just make it out in the photo slightly above the 'waterline'.. had a 'Moment' there cos I managed to stick it onto the wrong side of the rudder, but I spotted it after a few seconds.. There wasn't any cursing or profanity or anything over it.. Honest !! Cough Cough.. -I made up a couple of different sized Rings that will be needed for example to attach the Chains to the Rudder Spectacle DooDah and for use on various other Deck/Gun Eyes etc.. I chemically Blackened them -Found a length of Chain which I also Blackened.. I feels the right size for Rudder Chains so I'll cut it to length shortly and fit them. -I sized the 2 Gaffs and the Boom also. In the Photo you'll see the Chimney and the 2 Mast Rings which may or may not be covered by a 'Mast Coat' later.. Oh and I made up a bunch of Mast Hoops also 8 or 9 per Mast (not in photo) As you can see I've finished redoing the Waterline and installing the Gudgeons & Pintles so I'll be moving onto the various Deck Furniture next.. All of which is assembled and waiting to be put in place.. Ok then enough Writing.. It's Almost Photo Time.. Exciting Stuff eh? All The Best Folks and Thanks For Stopping By. Eamonn
  5. Smashing Stuff Joe.. Gawd I love this Build !! Eamonn
  6. You'll get a kick out of how simple it is.. though you will probably have to hit the Miss's Hair Hardware !! unless you have a flowing locks of your own of course.. Silky Smooth (to quote The Zohan) E
  7. Very Cool !! Must be a great feeling to finish off a build .. By the way when you see Chuck's edge bending with no water used you may want to give it a try ! Have to Dash Bud Eamonn
  8. Good Stuff Mate.. Wow you found Basswood on this side of the pond !! Any chance of popping a link up? I'd say David would be interested in this too, especially if it is pre-cut into e.g. 4mm x 1mm strips etc (I understand it is brilliant to work with) If you get a chance take a look at Chucks video demonstration of planking a hull (inc edge bending, it is available on MSW here someplace) E
  9. Hey There Bud.. Ballahoo is over the worst (the repainting of the White below the waterline caused by pretty much mixing my own colour then running out of it.. and having to fix some blemishes !! requiring me to re-mask and re-paint the bottom AHHHHH anyhoo it all want swimmingly, the rudder is complete and the rudder chains are drying having been painted, and the deck fittings are pretty much ready to glue in position) Soooo to answer your question the end is in sight but still around 2 months off (if that makes sense) get your bitz-n-bobz ready for her (any upgraded timber, guns, rope etc.. examine some of the Sherbourne builds out there to avoid any surprises and we can kick off before Summer !) Perhaps we (Yourself, David and yours truly) can even begin the Sherbourne assembly before our Ballahoo's are fully complete ! (but we are still talking 5 - 6 weeks or so) All The Best Bud Eamonn
  10. No Worries Mate.. We'll all be here when you get back to building. E
  11. She's looking Beautiful Brett.. 'Like a Yacht' in fact (that's a saying from a previous job ) All The Very Best Eamonn
  12. Wow nice!! And is that a bowline on the foresail/mainsail heads I spot too !! Wow again. Eamonn
  13. Hi Kester & Nigel ! great to hear from ye both . Thanks for the confirmation Kester.. looks like the Mast Rest for the Fore Mast is out !! I'll have to create a Mast Hoop Anti Fallin' Downer Device though.. to be known as (cue sinister music) 'The Device' !! Oh and as you gathered I'll not be doing sails on this build Thanks for the Rudder bits compliment Nigel though I fear I may have given ye all the impression that there are Huge advances on Ballahoo when in reality you'd hardly even see some of it unless there was a big Photoshop created Red Arrow pointing to it .. Got another small bit done today.. I drilled and sanded out a 'Rectangular' hole in the Rudder to take the tiller (bet ye are all breathless with anticipation to see that eh? ) and I cleaned up the scuffed paintwork around the rudder fittings too ! Photos Soon I Promise All The Very Best Folks Eamonn Thanks Too For All The 'Likes' .. Always Much Appreciated !!
  14. Thanks Lawrence, the little bits-n-bobs are almost finished and simply awaiting placement.. ('Simply' !!! what am I saying, I'll be lucky if I don't manage to glue Ballahoo to my elbow or something ) All The Best Eamonn
  15. Thanks for looking in David & Bill. David re position, the plans should give us some idea for the location of the 'support' and I will deffo be doing it before stepping the mast. Bill, thanks for the input, there is no 'Boom Jaws Support' provided with the kit it is an extra we are putting in place based on 'reality', one of my reasons for putting one on the fore mast is partly to help stop the Mast Hoops (also an add-on by me) from falling down too far I won't be putting a Boom Rest (for the aft end) on the Fore Mast for the exact reason you gave but will make up one for the Main Mast.. Thanks Again Guys Eamonn
  16. Apologies for the lack of updated folks but work has been going on in the background.. in fact I'm pretty close to a Photo Update .. ('WooHoo' I hear you say ) Well I have assembled the Rudder at last (Today) it is sitting in place on its Gudgeons & Pintles and awaiting the final painting. I didn't want to complete painting (Hull & Rudder) till all the Rudder metal work was fixed in place, due to the scraping and rubbing usual to my clumsy assembly methods.. seriously, if it's possible to damage paintwork then I'll find a way ! - The upgraded pumps are assembled and ready to install - The Ordinance is pretty much ready to go too (only final assembly required.. 'Only' hmmm heard that before eh? ) - I located a small chain that will act as the Rudder Preventer (or whatever it is called) and soldered up the connection to the Rudder for it (the 'Spectacle' or somesuch.. Wow is it small, couldn't believe I actually managed to make it !! seriously though it is small ) - Made up a bunch of Mast Hoops also using Dee Dee's method .. So big Thanks to D for that (the method is over on her build, 'bout half way down.. I used ordinary paper though, no Dollar Bills to hand http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/4670-muscongus-bay-lobster-smack-by-dee-dee-from-midwest-to-chapelle-124-small/page-6 ) - Almost have the Boom Rests done (the fellas that support the boom's at the mast, proper name unknown ) and the fake 'copper sheet' to stop the Boom Jaws from rubbing the mast too much.. Thanks David for info on that last bit ! Question Time Folks..Re the 'Boom Rests' .. Ballahoo only has one Boom (on the Main Mast) the Fore Mast is 'loose footed' !! should I put a 'Rest' there also, even though there is no Boom.. in other words would this sail have always been 'loose footed' or could a boom have been used at different times ? (I'm inclined to put the Rest in place regardless) Hopefully Photos next time.. don't forget the question above folks All The Best Eamonn
  17. Hey There Bud.. don't forget to pop a few photos of the new build in here, would love to see it ! Eamonn
  18. Great to see you catching up to where you were Mark.. looks a treat ! Eamonn
  19. I think the Ballast makes the whole Diorama come to life Bud (I can picture your Convulsion waiting for the next High Tide to slip back into the water) my Ballahoo has a very pronounced 'slope' on the keel from Bow to Stern, so to show her deck 'level' I'll have to build up a kind of angled slipway, with support timbers etc just as per yours. I hope I didn't make you think I wasn't a fan of the Realistic Diorama Style you have achieved with the Ballast.. I'm with you on this one..We can gang up on your Admiral over it (I'm one of those weirdo's who doesn't mind Marmite ) All The Best Mate Eamonn
  20. Great Stuff Mate.. I'm planning something similar (but without the 'Ballast' ) for Ballahoo.. Glass Cases are mental expensive, I was even thinking about Fish Tanks.. but I may be able to knock something up myself (I do framing as part of my job, so plenty of glass in various thicknesses and timber around) Lookin' forward to the next batch of photos! All The Best Eamonn
  21. Thanks for the Link to this build Owen.. am looking forward to tagging along ! Eamonn
  22. Yea.. Ballahoo is defo a small boat, though I kinda prefer small boats to their bigger cousins.. not sure why exactly! Love the wee scale grandkids you have there.. they really do give a feel for her size. Remember with your experience of having built Ballahoo TWICE .. I'm sure you could knock up another in no time I'll go take a looksie for your Scratch Build Owen. All The Very Best Eamonn Edit.. was just over on Scratch Builds but didn't see your Tug.. perhaps you could give a quick 'heads-up' on here when the Log is 'up' .. (of course I may have just missed it!! wouldn't be the first time I didn't see something right under my nose ) E
  23. They both look the business Rob. Best of luck with the move. Eamonn
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