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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hi Jonny, The only issue (and really it ain't a biggy to be fair) that I have with CMB is pretty much like David's in that they show items in stock which patiently are not, reference the time taken to deliver (once I was waiting 6 weeks for an order.. ).. my fastest delivery from them was 3 days (but that was the exception it must be said) it is usually around 1 to 2 weeks. Every package received was as ordered though! ... I just wish they stocked Holly and Basswood !! Eamonn
  2. Now we're talking Mate.. great work ! E Cracking open the 'Captain' is getting closer eh!
  3. Ken is spot on with Basswood, though I think for some unknown reason it is weirdly hard to locate over our side of the pond and don't get me started on Holly.. probably be easier to go and cut down a tree then whittle it to the sizes you need!! I'm sure it is out there somewhere though. BTW I refer to our pre sized timber, not stuff you need to Mill and Thickness Sand etc. All The Best Eamonn
  4. I'm probably 2 month's or so (yea right!!) away from finishing Ballier (David is flying along though).. pretty much everything i need is now either assembled or just about ready to go (no more waiting for the Postman hopefully) Balsa for the Bulkheads Hmmmm might be a tad soft bud.. think about MDF or marine ply, there would be lots of better advice of that nature on here somewhere mind you.. but I've seen folks get great use out of the mdf (some found the ply distorts too easily.. even though they bought dead flat sheets, something about storage I think.. moisture or lack of.. etc but it can easily 'ish' be flattened) Dee_Dee on here is almost finished building a cracking good French working boat (sloop) which may give you some ideas! Just looked at her build and it is in fact an Oyster Smack.. so bit of a result there I say! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/6802-sloup-by-dee-dee-corel-125-sloup-coquillier-shell-fish-sloop-shepherdess-from-domr%C3%A9my-glacial-boatworks/ Don't forget to link us to the new Oyster Smack build by the way, should love to follow that along! E
  5. Great Stuff Mate.. Myself and David M will be doing a 'Group' (just the 2 of us ) Sherbourne build as soon as we finish our Ballahoos.. but I suspect you will have your Sherry nearly done by that time Now crack open the Captain and have a great evening ! All The Very Best to ye Both Eamonn
  6. Hey there D.. great to see Glacial Boat Works back in operation ! All The Best From Procrastination Ship Builders.. formerly known as Snails Pace Boat Yards ltd., Eamonn
  7. That looks grand Badger.. will you be painting the hull? cos if you are then it is deffo grand Eamonn BTW if you aren't totally satisfied consider sanding some more.. and some more again I spent ages sanding mine , much more than you expect!
  8. That's the 'Mouse'.. if you do a search here on MSW you should find a few samples of how others did it or faked it for that matter. Hope this is of some help. Eamonn
  9. Enjoy Victory Bud.. she is on my 'to do list' with Mary Rose, Warrior, Cutty Sark & Chatham.. I plan on doing them all in one shot (have already done Greenwich a few times inc twice before it was changed) Eamonn
  10. Probably for the best Mark.. no point in going on if you aren't happy, the good thing is that I should imagine you will catch up to where you are now in no time at all, having already done most of it before ! All The Very Best Eamonn
  11. Hey there Badger, you are off to a brilliant start.. I totally understand wishing to change the kit Walnut with something else.. There are quiet a few Sherbournes on the go on this site (I'll be beginning one in the next few months too) and I look forward to following your build along. All The Best Eamonn
  12. Brilliant explanation and photos Kester.. am looking forward to the next lesson on The Staysail ! Eamonn Sherbourne looks BRILLIANT by the way !!
  13. Sorry to hear that.. is there no way to replace the broken bits and re do the section? Eamonn I can imagine you to be well pee'd off !
  14. You are waaay ahead of me mate so no help from over here !! Eamonn
  15. Dang that looks the business Rob !!.. she is a cracking little build ! Eamonn
  16. Spot on Kester the 'slots' are indeed present .. Thank you for the complement.. coming from you it is praise indeed !! much blushing going on over here.. mind you I'll probably end up breaking the boat in half getting them in place.. E
  17. She Looks Beautiful.. nice clean work (wish I could say the same.. ) All The very Best Eamonn
  18. She is Brilliant Mate.. Great job on the rigging and your decision to add those extra bits will only make her better! I totally agree with Ken's comment above.. get yourself some decent lights.. I picked up 2 of those LED with Magnifier jobs (the led's go all around the magnifier) in Lidl a few weeks ago for about €35 each (usual price for same produce elsewhere €65.. they are the business) Stay Well Bud Eamonn
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