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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Looks well smart Jim.. yup those 'light' coloured ratlines are appealing ! Eamonn
  2. Emmm that's 0.3mm Richard .. think you have the old decimal place in the wrong spot I've done it myself All The Best, Eamonn Hope you don't mind me answering part of the question guys..
  3. Brilliant update Wayne!! She's really moving along now. I'll take it that the Stove isn't part of the kit.. (I have Emm's upstairs but haven't examined the kit in any great detail yet) it will be a fantastic detail and one I might steal from you.. cough! cough! I mean decide to build totally from my own idea, having never read your Build Log of course or been following it for the last age or anything.. cough! cough! some more.. All The Best Eamonn
  4. Thanks Tony.. I'm in work today so will look online tomorrow and see what turns up ! E
  5. Dang D.. that thing looks REAL ! Beautiful Work (as usual) That little extra height is brilliant too. All The Best Eamonn
  6. Thanks Kester.. I'll have a looksie for something similar as it would be priceless at this time of year !! E
  7. Thanks Lawrence, Joe, Kester & Mike for the encouraging comments and the Likes.. as I mentioned before it really is appreciated ! Kester the enlarged Gun Ports were indeed part of the build instructions, though with my proper sized upgraded guns (which are a lot smaller) they probably won't be necessary.. I shan't be changing them though ! Will have to consider one of those Lamps Kester, what brand & model is yours? All The Best Folks Eamonn Hey There Nigel, you must have posted at the time I was writing this.. so thanks for stopping by too !!
  8. And An Even Better Update.. With Photo's (Plural !!) This Time, Yup! I Really Spoil You Eh ? Well the Masts & Bowsprit are shaped and dry fitted, it all went much much easier than anticipated, admittedly I anticipated disaster at every turn !! Those Mini Lathe things are the absolute Business, though after my 'Finger -v- Channel Pin' fiasco from a couple of days ago I half expected my body to become totally wrapped around the spinning pre Masts BTW the reason the Masts/Bowsprit look so dark in the photos is simply because I cleaned them off with Turps prior to putting the Clear Matt on them. As you can see there is quiet a Rake on the Masts, so I wanted them in place (even temporarily) to help with positioning the Chains. My proper camera is still away so I'm still using the old compact I'm afraid (much less control over settings as you can see from the well dodgy photo quality) Remember Comments Are Always Welcome.. Unless you are pointing out a major flaw that I missed and won't be able to fix.. in that case 'Not So Welcome' Bye For Now Eamonn
  9. A Much Better Update This Time.. Weather 'let up' slightly this afternoon and the Sun shone for a short time.. enough time in fact for me to begin shaping the Fore Mast !! I figured I'd need this in place to give a proper indication of what 'angle' the chains should run from the channels.. I haven't finished shaping it yet, needs to be reduced by a couple of mm (got a bit late, and dinner beckoned ) so no point in showing a photo of a half finished Fore Mast !! Hopefully get it and the Main complete tomorrow.. Jeez it's all go over here eh? Bye For Now Eamonn
  10. Hey There Jim.. Unfortunately I like building with natural light, and it is way too dark here at present your conservatory sounds perfect though, am well jealous ! Natural light streams in through my front window on even moderately bright days in Autumn Winter & Spring (also one of the reasons I tend not to do anything in Summer as the Sun doesn't reach my build table and it is much harsher light) alas dull days tend to be very dull in my build room (an old style house) and I hate artificial light (might of course just need a whole lot more of it ) I love the sound of rain too .. though it does make me want to go to the loo fairly often !! Hi Lawrence, great to hear from you.. it isn't quiet cold enough over here for snow just yet.. famous last words right there.. but did I see on the News that there is a pretty cold air stream over you folks this week ? At least you will have plenty of time to do the little men for Victory without outdoor distractions.. except for possibly snow blowing of course All The Best Folks Eamonn Edit.. I notice my reply has bold text again.. no idea why this is happening, I'm just typing as normal, so please know that I'm not trying to emphasise anything E
  11. Hi Again All.. No Updates I'm afraid as the weather is too miserable and dark to attempt anything delicate.. am also tempted to save up all my cut off timber and various wood strips to build an Arc, how many Cubits was it again... Oh! and what's a Cubit ? .. hasn't stopped raining for ages, well OK 2 days , but it feels like ages when you want to try fitting stuff onto the boat !! Ahhhh .. Thanks for popping in, hopefully a better update tomorrow ! Big Thanks also to all the Likes.. it's always appreciated when folks stop bye to have a look at what's going on. All The Best Eamonn
  12. Thanks Jim for 2 great demonstrations ! It's all ahead of me Eamonn
  13. Hi There Jim, the stuff is Woodoc 5 Polywax Sealer Matt Clear. it isn't as dramatic looking in real life but much more subtle, the combination of Old Camera and Poor Lighting this afternoon has deepened the colour a lot ! Here's a link to what the stuff actually looks is : http://www.woodoc.com/products/1 In the total absence of that old MSW Favorite 'Wipe on Poly' I asked around the local Hardware Stores for something 1. Clear, 2. Matt, & 3. Light in Consistency, this stuff ticked all the boxes I'll be using it on the masts too when the time comes. Thanks for popping by Mate ! Thanks David and Bob for taking the time to look in also !! Sláinte Eamonn Hey There Stergios, I was typing when your question was posted.. Hope this answers your's also. E
  14. Apart from the, and I can't understate this enough, major trauma of my finger yesterday.. I mean I had to put a plaster and everything on it.. was touch and go there for a while till the plaster fell off an hour later and I noticed all was ok.. phew eh? Great to hear from you again Nigel. Eamonn Thanks for checking in too Hexnut !
  15. Hi All.. Just a wee photo of Ballahoo as she currently stands, the channels as you can see are all in place and as I mentioned in a previous post everything on board is now glued.. Next Up Deadeye metal strops & chains and complete painting of the gun-ports (as you may remember I wasn't totally happy so sanded them again, won't know for sure if they are 'right' till I put some paint on but they are better than they were ) Hopefully my new solder will arrive soon and I can complete the Deadeye metal strops, but I can at least get them ready beforehand. Sure we are only flying along here.. All The Best Eamonn BTW finger is much better today. Oh and sorry about the quality of the photo but it is my old camera ! E
  16. That looks fantastic Jim, am loving the Mouse !! Oh and the contrast between the Shrouds & Ratlines is brillo too.. will have to give it serious consideration All The Best Mate Eamonn
  17. All righty then.. Fore Mast Channels in place.. Woo Hoo... Will post some photos as soon as I get the use of my fore-finger back There I was merrily drilling wee holes in the channels and putting the reinforcing pins in place when I noticed that 1 pin in particular had gone in place rather easily.. bit of a result you might imagine.. discovered that the pin wasn't actually in the channel but was happily sticking into my finger.. Hmmmmm .. this was followed by much 'Owwwie Owwwie Owwie', thankfully I was alone in the house or it could have been a bit embarrassing Anyhoo when I finally stopped crying.. I mean 'being all manly'.. I extracted the rogue pin and placed it gently (as you can imagine ) where it should have been in the first place . Once set in place in the Channels, I took a black marker and placed a dot of 'ink' (is it ink in markers?? ) on the ends of the pins then offered then to the hull, the ink left a little mark on the hull and I drilled in this position, checked the fit , mixed some 2 part epoxy and glued them in place. Main Mast Channels will be attacked later today, they are drilled & pinned just need positioning and epoxying etc. Photos Later Folks.. actually just remembered my camera is at another wedding..thing has a better lifestyle than I do !! so Photos may be much 'later'.. Sláinte, Eamonn
  18. Hey There Stergios & Lawrence.. thanks for stopping by guys, not much of an update I know, but a step in the right direction. Will be fixing the Dog-House in place shortly then onto either the Guns or the Channels (probably the Channels as the Guns may become dislodged when fitting the Channels due to possibly putting Ballahoo on her side etc. in order to drill the hull for the support pins and then installing the chains) All The Best Eamonn Again I notice some of the above text is in Bold Script.. this isn't intentional but seems to be happening a lot lately.. it looks quiet normal in the drafting section before posting it !! weird eh?
  19. Quick Update Time.. OooH the Excitment !! I've finally pinned & glued the 3 hatches in place..... .. . told you it was exciting !! Not much point in putting a photo of the momentous news up.. just refer to any of the past photos of the Hatches and picture them glued instead of dry fitted !! Simples I'll keep ye all aware of any further breaking news .. you know, if I remove a piece of dust or something like that ! ! ... Well if it works for Sky News Stay Well Folks Eamonn
  20. Snazzy News Jonny.. When you get home check all the bits-n-bobs are in the box.. 1 bulwark on my Ballahoo was missing and needed to be replaced ! also before you kick in with the build take a looksie at some other small Caldercraft build logs (Sherbourne, Ballahoo etc) and get a feel for what needs doing, as the instructions can be a little vague in some places, even though they are different builds the basics will be the same (for instance rabbet/bearding lines in the false keel etc particularly to allow the 2 layers of planking to sit flush with the Stern Post, this wasn't mentioned at all in the Ballahoo Instructions/Plans but was a priceless thing to do) Best of Luck Eamonn
  21. Don't call them 'Oops' for nothing Jonny.. You'll get there and be building in no time !! and swearing like a trooper (or should that be sailor) all over again, oh the joys of building Be Good Eamonn
  22. Hi Lawrence, my Silver Soldering is actually Soldering Iron type Soldering.. if you follow, not Brazing (a version of which is also called Silver Soldering I think.. Yup my head hurts too ) and I used a high silver content soldering wire, it was for securing the contacts on my HiFi kit which uses predominately silver speaker cord , interconnects, power cord & plugs.. I actually found something online today which is a Paste in a tube that you squeeze out in tiny amounts onto the area you want to solder/braze and simply heat it up ! apparently a simple cigarette lighter is sufficient to melt the stuff though I'll use the Soldering Iron with an attachment.. it is a low temperature brazing or something like that, and is supposed to produce a high strength bond. I ordered a tube of it ti try. Hit the link below and see what you think.. perhaps it is poor quality but I'll give it a go and see ! (€17 to the door can't be too bad, especially with a tube of the copper version free) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Silver-Copper-Bearing-Soldering-Solder-Paste-Metals-Jewelry-Repair-Kit-2-Pcs-/351204428415? Thanks for looking in.. Stay Well Eamonn
  23. Am looking forward to this Jonny as I have Convulsion waiting in the wings for me to finish Ballahoo.. I've a decision to make as to whether to do Sherbourne or Convulsion I really like the lines of both boats and it is 50/50 at the moment as to which (I was leaning towards Convulsion as there wasn't that many builds (if any) going on out there in MSW and I couldn't for the life of me see why not.. she is a cracking good looking boat !!) Decisions Decisions.., Anyhoo Best of Luck with this build and as I said I'm really looking forward to it ! As they say on MSW.. 'I'm pulling up a seat in the front row for this one'.. All The Best Eamonn
  24. Your 'Sea Of Nails' should look a treat Nigel .. on this matter was Royal Navy practice to do this with Tree Nails or just just to do it differently, i.e. using less nails ? if you follow. Eamonn
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