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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Photo Content Below .... Oh the Excitement eh! Hi All, Well the Gratings/Hatch's have been faired and sanded to a 'pleasing' shape (ie one that follows the camber of the deck, which is actually a rather complex shape as it differs somewhat as you move aft !) the shape was achieved by placing some sand-paper onto the deck directly over where the Hatch will end up and working the Hatch fore and aft in short strokes along the sand-paper, after a very short time you will sand the particular Deck Camber at that point into the bottom of the Grating/Hatch. The curved top was a result of simply sanding the Hatch in a rocking motion as opposed to holding it 'flat' to the sand-paper ! Simples !! (BTW re the 'Top' curve.. you mayl also end up with weird shaped fingernails on the finger & thumb that are holding the rather thin Hatch .. mine ended up flat on one side.. ) All Righty Then It's Photo Time !! Note the hatch's are not glued in place yet and have not been Matt Varnished, the dark colour is a result of my giving them a gentle wiping with White Spirits.. Oh and the little bits of stick protruding from them are just to remind me which way is forward! Thanks For Stopping By Folks Stay Well Eamonn
  2. Thanks Kester, I thought it looks better too, more 'Ship-Shape' .. Stay Well Eamonn
  3. Text Based Exciting Update !! Gratings/Hatch Coamings are assembled, just need to be faired (the nice curve put into the top of them and the deck camber put into the bottom, to allow them to sit flush .. if you follow me) and glued in place.. Deck Furniture is underway. I chose not to drill out the Deck Anchor Rope Holes (AKA the Spurling Pipes on more modern ships) as per the kit plans/layout, but instead to have the anchor ropes go down below via the fore most hatch-way (which I adapted for the purpose by having square sections removed from the grating Port & Stbd) The Deck has been lightly clear matt varnished/sanded a few times and is ready for the afore mentioned bits-'n-bobs. Photo Update will follow when I get the Hatches faired and in place Stay Well Folks and thanks for looking in Eamonn
  4. That looks the absolute Cat's Pyjamas Ollie the sticky up bits and the sticky out bits all seem to be where they should be. what's up next.. the Boom/Gaff ? Stay Well Mate Eamonn
  5. Dee_Dee, my Ballahoo hull has a lot of ahem 'Character' too... I seem to recall reading that book too and the follow up's called 'The Plank Cracked' (think Hitchcock was involved with this one) and the equally great 'Brokeplank Mountain'... ^_^ Looking Good by the way! Stay Well Eamonn
  6. Sweet looking planking going on there Dee_Dee , plenty of twists and turns involved (just like a good book eh ) Stay Well Eamonn
  7. Sorry for not taking part guys but it's a mad busy week in work, am free next week though !! Eamonn
  8. I've just reread my own comment Ollie.. 'Yours is Perfect' .. would appear that English me is not good the moment at ! .. E Dang!! Now I've just read it again and it sounds perfect.. Monday Morning's eh ? can't win !
  9. OK OK Kit Bashed Lasagne :P you caught me ! made home made cookies too YUM Catch Ya Later Bud, E
  10. That's the fellas Nigel.. the remaining ones are in a yard not so very far from me (8 miles or so) there used to be a couple on the water in Arklow Harbour some years back and I'd drool after them.. beeeeutiful hull design ! There is a Dublin Bay 18 fleet too ! Over to You Mate (hope it isn't Japanese Navy Stuff ) Stay Well Eamonn Am off to the cinema shortly (just stuck my head in home before heading over) so won't be around for a few hours.
  11. Hint seems to be required.. What Country are most of my boats from ? folks new to my Name the Ship questions just need to take a look at my location !! E
  12. Go for it Mark.. it'll be deadly !! E
  13. Thanks Ollie & Nigel.. I shall put a coat on the deck now ! Ollie I think I'll leave the Tree Nailing alone for this build though I like the putty solution ( it does sound tempting ) I could make a mess of the rather nice finish.. next time !! Thanks also for the advice re gluing onto the painted deck.. this will deffo be followed ! it was kinda bugging me there for a bit. Right Next Up Painting The Deck ! Will be out of the house shortly (am cooking a 'scratch built' Lasagne etc for a friend then hitting the Cinema for the Tom Cruise Emily Blunt latest offering) Hope ye all had a great week-end.. it is still going on over here, what with a Bank Hollier Monday tomorrow and all ! Stay Well Eamonn
  14. Thanks Kester, I think I'll follow both your and Nigels advice and leave the Tree Nailing out ! she looks busy enough without it anyhoo ! Re the Fore Pin Rail, yea they are indeed far forward but should be ok (the anchor when stowed with a fluke inboard clears the aft most pin) would you believe I had to go check whether there were any Swivels !! there aren't Hadn't actually considered planking the Rudder but now you mention it I may have a look at that idea as I have plenty of thin 'deck' lime planking as I didn't use it !! (by the way my kit came with Lime Planking even though the instructions, what there is of them, say it is Maple) else I may score a few lines into it to suggest individual timbers.. it will be painted anyhoo. Thanks for the thoughts Kester and for backing up Nigels suggestion re the Tree Nailing.. Tree Nailing is Out Advice required (open to all readers): the deck is finished and the deck fittings are looming.. question, should I paint the deck now? (Clear Matt as per the bulwarks) or will that hinder the fittings actually sticking to the deck (they will have 'pins' to help secure them in place) I will probably be using 2 part epoxy glue on them for security, hence the wanting to protect the deck's finish ! Please keep any suggestions/advice/thoughts coming ok.. that goes for all of ye ! my own 'plans' didn't extend far beyond where I am right now.. will have to set up a new Game Plan now, so suggest away ok ! (I have some darn nice rope made by Alex,and will be picking up some of Chucks blocks in the next week or so, also I picked up some 'better' belaying pins ) Stay Well Folks Eamonn Oh and don't forget the Advice Required bit above..
  15. Thanks Nigel.. I wasn't sure at what stage to do the Tree Nailing (was only going to do the 'Natural' timber parts as in the deck and the topsides) Dang, I thought I was ok I shall have to give this some more thought, and perhaps as you suggest, to leave well enough alone! Thanks Nigel Stay Well Eamonn
  16. Am off to bed folks, best of luck with the above ! E
  17. I'll cancel my Ferry Ticket in that case Nigel I could almost do a Thesis on Hyuga Class Carriers now Worry not Bud, I've had that kinda issue with search engines before (one of the reasons I post a lot of Irish vessels, at least I have an idea of what they actually look like..) Right here's a right Doozy, particularly as there were only a handful (about 7 !!) ever made but the Class will do, that said the Class is very specific!! They are still around today, but are in a very sad state I'm afraid. Have Fun .. Oh by the way thankfully they are not Japanese.. Eamonn 2nd By The Way any suggestions Tips re Faux Tree Nailing for Ballahoo? Anyone ?? If you do could you pop over to my Ballahoo Log, Link Below there somewhere..
  18. Hmmm.. all the info I'm finding suggests Ise Nigel (Ise is a Hyuga Class) http://www.shipmodels.info/mws_forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=100074 And scroll down half way approx. admittedly there seems to be an issue with the photo title . E
  19. I'm with Slog on this.. found the photo a few mins ago and it had the name Ise next ferry is in 20 mins and I'm on it.. :rolleyes: E
  20. Right Then.. nit picking time.. would it be the Ise ? Don't make me come over there.. :rolleyes: E
  21. Jeeeeeeez !!! thought I had it there !
  22. Righty Then wot about the Izumo Class boats? A-ha ! Alan Partridge style.. E
  23. Am Hating you right now Mate.. Right Then Japanese Carriers 101 here I come E
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