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Everything posted by youngtiger1

  1. Boy, that's an interesting boat. I didn't realize they had racing boats like this...classy, yet fast. I'll sure to follow along your progress of this beautiful project. Mike
  2. Great work as usual Daniel. I don't get as much time here as I like as between life and family I wish there was more hours within the day. However, I have learned and continue to learn new things from your work and Dave's 1/96 Constellation build on this forum. If I can do half as good with my ships...I'll be fully satisfy Mike
  3. Totally cool cake and I'm sure it's just as delicious...so, happy birthday Dave Mike
  4. Looks like you guys are having way to much fun, but I'm glad to see Pauli is keeping things in line
  5. It's been a while since I visit this sit, but every time I visit i'm in an awe of all you guys work and your work is not only incredible but with the added information on the ship...it's very educational. At least, for me is sure is educational as most of my knowledge is based around aviation subjects. I blam it on my lack if swimming skills thus my interest as stayed above it Mike
  6. Dave, it has been a while since I login here but I followed all your updates and I you are doing great. I believe this will be by far the best Constitution model out of a plastic kit. Oh and your rope work is awesome! Mike
  7. Richard, just saw your wip and I say your doing awesome. Also, in your first pic you showed your workbench. I must say, I like that table a lot. Very nice indeed. Mike
  8. Just happen to see these while looking at other plastic ships here. A friend just bought this kit and my first thought after looking at the hull was holy crap...where will one put this once its finish but at the same token I'm seriously thinking about getting the 1/200 Aircraft carrier. I just read that Trumpeter announced at the Nationals that they will be coming out with WW2 USS Enterprise. I'm torn between it or Hornet. Well, see what happens. You are doing awesome work on her. I really enjoy the extra effort you are putting into it with all those PE detail. It sure will be a show stopper for sure. Keep up the good work...
  9. Well, I guess I'll be following along another cool WIP thread here. I just purchased this kit at a price that I couldn't refuse and then I found a toy donkeys head under my pillow... family played a joke because we just got done watching Godfather series on TMC?? on TV. Anyway, you're doing great I'm already picking up a lot of useful information. I tell ya, this website as whole is a gold mine Mike
  10. Jay, I am a new to this site and ship modeling and over the years the amount of ships i've seen at model show did not have such realistic looking flags as what you share in your tips here. I found it through another built log and glad you put it up again. This crash I read about I hope it won't happen again because there is a lot of great work here that will help a lot of us new comers for long time. Thanks again for sharing your work. Mike
  11. Yet found this today while searching the website. Andy, you have done awesome job with you build-log step-by-step. I am going to save it all for future reference. You have already heard it enough but thank you again for your hard works step-by-step documentation. Mike
  12. Verne, great start and already getting deep into research. I like it a lot. Keep up the good work. Mike
  13. Interesting process. I have been thinking about getting drill press stand. I guess, this might tip over the need for it right away thanks for sharing your knowledge.
  14. Dave, thanks for the link to the web masters store. Looks like there is a lot of cool stuff in there. btw, I too will be interested to see how you did the lanterns. They look very nice.
  15. Evan, you better believe it sir. Beside, with the work you are doing its not hard to be inspired by it. James, not yet. I got bit side tracked while trying to shop for my first family home. Now that I'm getting back into modeling I'll try and find the wax. Will it available at local Walmart?
  16. Thank you for the kind and positive works Dave. I working toward have a workbench soon. Just need to win it over from the wife to see where I can put it Btw, I haven't caught up reading your complete log on this kit and I was wondering are you using after market ropes, and threads to do all of the rigging, etc? If so, are they in 1/96 scale format? I know, in wood ships most guys try to use these kind of items for appropriate representation of scale. Since this is plastic model kit being build among wood model ships. Just curious. Mike
  17. Hello Evan, You are doing amazing job on an old kit. I'm blown away with amount of research you are sharing with in these pages. Worth saving every post for future reference and that actually what I'm planing to do. I normally hang out at ARC with is aviation modeling site for the most part and someone posted a link to your WIP and first look I knew I had to save it and join in on the fun. I purchased the same kit last year at a local model show for $25 and know moving into a large home I can build it and display it. So, I'm hopping to start it soon I have a work bench set up. Again, as mostly familiar with aviation stuff the ships are a new bread for me and a whole new lingo I need to get familiar with. For example, I finally figured out what rat rails stand for and why. Also, the tall poll things are call mast. Anyway, you are doing amazing work and I'm glad I found it. Keep up the good work because you have another follower that's learning from the teacher Mike
  18. Dave, awesome work in progress on the Constitution. I have the same kit that I hope to build soon. I spotted couple here that looked awesome work and that sold me on joining this group of fine modelers here. I know, I have a lot to Lear being aviation modeling is my primary focus of modeling but I Lear fast and between yours and other builds I'm taking notes left and right thank you for taking good close-up photos of your WiP. Mike
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