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About Wintergreen

  • Birthday 01/21/1969

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  • Location
    Åtvidaberg, Sweden
  • Interests
    ship modelling, bike riding, wood working

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  1. Maybe it is one of those AI rendered pictures where people have 13 fingers and three arms?
  2. Thank you guys! Yes Keith, heating is a real plus (pun intended) during the dark, damp and cold season. And the space is convenient as well. I could of course do with a smaller space, but then all the big machinery would have to go and be replaced by more appropriate sized ditos. But, it's the Parkinsons law in effect, all available space/time/money is used up to its respective limit. (Check it out, it is a real thing). Than you Michael! I try to take it slow and progress thoughtfully. It makes for fewer re-do's... right now I am contemplating how to lay the deck so that it looks gracefully with a slight inwards bend at both ends.
  3. So, fighting my deamons, both real and imaginary, takes time. But a quick update on the joinery I can give you (hopefully it still qualifies as "delightful", I guess John will be the judge of that). Note though, that the aft three pieces are not glued in at this photo. Then I got me a puzzle. However there are some drawbacks in comparison to a regular "off the shelf" puzzle. 1. It doesn't state on the box how many pieces it is. In fact, I didn't even get a box for it. 2. The instructions are "sparse", and that is stretching it a bit. It only says, "Start outwards and work you way towards the middle". Not very meny clues in that statement. 3. There is not even a clear picture of what the end result should look like! No box art or anything. As Whitney sang "how should I know???" Whish me luck guys! On a slightly more serious note, the deck is not laid workboat style, i.e. straight laid. Instead it is laid yacht style, meaning a slight curve for a more gracious appearance.
  4. Edited my previous post because I missed a "can" in "you can always step back.." so you dont think I'm a complete tart.
  5. Thanks Keith! Much more rewarding than the outer boards with all their nothces for the stanchions.
  6. That is a relief really. It would be very stressing having to clean up glue residue on that delicate structure. I do wonder though how you did those fine lines on the stems? Did you use scrapers?
  7. And then there is only, how many more to do? I guess it becomes some kind of therapy once you work out a feasible step by step progress for them. And it is true, the close up photos hides nothing. You can alway step back an arms length an shoot from there 😉 It looks really good Alan, keep it up!
  8. Lovely, opposite ends of the spectrum. On one side, the mill with lathe setup and on the other a "simple" shooting board. Excellent! Can't wait to see more progress 😉 Keep it up!
  9. Thanks for likes and interest so far. Something to report before the work week consumes most of the time again. The covering boards are mainly done bar the rearmost ones. Those are a later headache. Focus then is to get the perimeter of the deck in place. I started with the short king plank to have the center all secured. Then it is a matter of more finicky filing and testing of scarph joints. They came out not half bad, so I'm happy. First three boards on port side glued in place. I will then shift over to starboard side and attack the acute curve at the rear last. And the overall shot. Apologies for the fuzzy focus, but it hides the little less than perfect second joint. Til next time, ta!
  10. That is not a very large model, to say the least. 13 plansk may not sound like much, but seeing the amount of detail you put into each plank I can see that it will take a while to do. Very nice Siggi!
  11. We will be waiting patiently Siggi. Take your time 🙂
  12. "in theory" ahh, such beautiful words, then enter the human factor 😄 Jokes aside, I'm confident that you can cut an accurate rabbet on your Hercules Vaddoc. Keep it up!
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