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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks mike.......I wonder if the older kit was a better fit there were a few bumps, but it does make for a really nice model.......I put up another shelf in the living room for it. I tried to convince the admiral that another, done in a different color scheme, would compliment the other end of the shelf..........she didn't buy it I appreciate ya look'in in and the nice comment
  2. looking really good! what do you use the baking soda for? the interior is gonna be fun!
  3. the cannon looks really neat Phil.......very creative
  4. the loco is coming along nicely! the General was fun for me, but seeing your with a 'military spin' as the subject is really neat........much more fun too the freedom must be a lot more liberating as well great job thus far.......lots of nice detail !
  5. thanks Nino.........there aren't a lot of them, but yes, they've been around for quite a few years. I'd love to get another one........they are a really neat project.
  6. I was looking at the booklet that the decals came in........it's a nice touch. it gives paint and decal placement information. I know that I didn't run the gray up to the stabilizer wings......nor the underside of the cowls....I can live with that. but, what I didn't know was that the black walkways on the wings....are actually blue. I'm not going to change it now.......nor try to ascertain what color blue it is. I also think that the 'sweet 'n lovely' is a beautiful aircraft. I did have to chuckle though.........side view shows the waste gunner's windows so you can see through the fuselage....but in the overhead view, you see that these windows are actually diagonal of one another. leave it to me to see something like that?!?! sweet 'n lovely is B 17F
  7. Dale's camper?........the Walking Dead? I'm in!
  8. I never keep track of that ........thankfully, we have folks there who will do it automatically at checkout they are a great place to buy kits! I've told them that they ought to expand their selection because they are about the only place to buy them {that I'm aware of}. as a matter of fact.........I believe I can get these decals at 1:48! dunno........I may try...........I may try {hands shaking as I write this!} see what ya done now.......ya gave me the jitters! this little update is about size......... while thumbing through pictures yesterday, notice a mistake I made on the wings. I added the deice panels on the wings...I tossed around the new revelation, and decided to go for it. I discovered that the black walkways don't go over the nacelles like I have them...they are blank. there is also a short black dash aft of the vents along the fuselage line. I really should have done it with the airbrush, but I used a brush....had to spend a bit more time doing touch ups. I also tried to find what color the lights on the wings were........I was thinking the port and starboard mentality, as with ships, but I ended up dabbing the cavities with flat yellow paint just to stay safe. I don't have them in place at this time though...this is where I left off. what I ended up with are these......... now to get the fuselage together and get this show on the road I received the decals from mega hobby yesterday.......very quickly, I might add. they will be my new 'go to' place from now on! now these are just the call letters and the nose art, but that's OK........I will be using the insignias from the kit sheet for that part of the markings. I'm sure that some are wondering why I'm using 1:72 scale decals, since the kit is 1:64. it's very hard to find decals in this scale.......I haven't seen any yet in my searches....I've made a few. the only choices I had are 1:72 and 1:48........1:72 being closest to the scale. price was no object........these cost close to $20.00. the above choice is 'sweet 'n lovely........this nose art thing......so easy to fall into a binge with this plane! there are so many available....1:72 and 1:48 it has the swastikas too.......note the Collin's foundation notation. to lay it up next to the supplied decal sheet, there is a noticeable difference... ...but image to image, they will look fine used in combination I can use the supplied tail emblem if needed {not the red border ones since I painted the rudder}.........likely use the 1:64 emblems for the wings and use the other scale for the rudder....sounds logical the sheets I'm getting from 1001 will be used as back up......I'm thinking ahead here....I'm sure there will be other aircraft down the road that will need markings {I tend to go 'off road' a lot}. the prop emblems and a few other markings will be needed anyway, so I will complete that transaction. now........had I gone the other way and ordered the 1:48 decals, I would be going back to the drawing board........they are way too large. the nose art alone tells the story........note the window cut outs on the Nine o Nine decal........there is no film flash on it either.......it is exact! amazing looking decals!
  9. I had to chuckle over the plane featured in the background. I'm going through a B 17 tangent right now
  10. it's one of the reasons why I love the older kits....especially if I've built it before. seeing what it looks like as opposed to what I did then........you really see how you have evolved
  11. I've never tried vacuum forming........I am looking at other ways to form the cello. I may try it.....good idea though with the vacuum......thanks Roger I have been embroiled in the decal fiasco, since I found out that 1001 models didn't have the key decal sheet I need. I have since put an order in at Mega Hobby for them......they are or have been shipped. just to get the transaction completed at 1001 models, I substituted the out of stock sheet, with a sheet of call letters and numbers in 1:72 scale. of course, I may have confused the issue by telling them why I needed the decals........it seemed to drag it out a bit further. anyway.......last night I answered the last {hopefully} email between us.........the decal sheets should be on their way within a day or two. I was looking through the selection of decals at Mega Hobby last night, and I saw something that grabbed me. it gave me the urge to get another B 17 model and build it it's called the Wulf Hound and belonged to the 303rd bomb group. I can get the decals for her, which is super........and there is quite a bit of info. Wulfe Hound 303rd Air Expeditionary Group - Wikipedia note the missing belly gun turret............it was damaged when it belly landed in the field, and the Germans never restored it.
  12. do you go over the silver with a clear coat? gotta hate the fingerprint issue with metallic paint. the sheen issue is a hard one......some photos of aircraft look shiny, and some look dull. probably the best solution would be to meet it in the middle flat silver with a semi gloss clear coat.........or you could go the other way around. ....some ghosting at the cowl.......are you going to do an olive drab top?
  13. good to see another loco being built.......this is going to look awesome! superb start so far really nice job on your loco Gene........looks good with the red undercarriage.
  14. oh.....that's what was missing...............decals! awesome job Craig! it's a very detailed kit.
  15. I'm in...........the cockpit looks awesome!
  16. thank you Gene1 and welcome to the community glad to be of help any way I can.......just PM me and I'll give you my email address. thanks to every one who've recently looked at the General....it was a really fun project and I had a great time building him there are a couple to things to watch out for though, and I hope I showed a good remedy for them. one thing to remember.......the cab interior is green by all means.....start a log so we all can view you progress....I'm sure I can speak for all.........we love eye candy! I'm the same way shotlocker........every time I see something interestingly different, my mind starts to wander. if I don't catch myself, I could end up on another journey anything that lands on the table is fair game
  17. what I've done to get a smooth hull is through the use of resin. a couple coats and some sanding should get her to a smooth finish. I didn't even use the cheese cloth.........I figured that the mesh would show though. looks super
  18. ohhhh .......I didn't even notice that the transporter had tires as well! I looked back at the previous pictures, and I can just make them out. now it makes sense
  19. I never gave heat a thought........I've not heard of this technique, but it sounds like something neat to try. thanks gents! I also have a small scale P 47 thunderbolt that needs a canopy
  20. experimenting with clear cello to fill in those windows is proving to be a bust..........if I bend it enough, a white stress line develops perhaps it's due to the thickness.........I have different thicknesses of it....I'll try some thinner stuff I have plenty of time.........trouble in decal land.........I emailed them and they replied that the sheet I really need is out of stock they are not sure when they will get them in........so, I decided on a different sheet and am awaiting a reply about it. in all, I will get a sheet of the detail decals and a sheet of the letters and numbers. as for the nose art and main markings, I looked into mega hobby and found that they had a sheet with the nose art and stuff. again.......I stuck with the 1:72 scale decals, since the model is 1:64 scale. comparing the supplied decals with the sheet from the B 25 {which is 1:48}, and I saw that 1:48 would be too large. I wish they would have sent me an email telling me this........it's been a good couple of weeks since I ordered them. anyway......I think I got this straightened out now I wondered about the stabilizer wing and how it would center, without tabs to help it do that. it fit into the slot better than I thought it would.......I was expecting paint scraping and a mess. I ended up painting the deice strip on the rudder freehand.......couldn't get the masking tape to conform to the curves. I need to do some very minor touch ups {luckily}. the yellow tips are painted on the props....... I think I mentioned the wing span of this model earlier in the log. sitting on the table, it looks huge the figures are somewhat hard to see.......still need to install the windshield {it's in two pieces}. installed the props into the cowls...... that is the belly placement....that is what I came up with. for the top gunner, there is a bar that separates the machine guns that the figure is attached to. there is no bar........and no platform for the figure to stand on inside the fuselage. no too much thought process here..........doya think?!/!?! still have plenty of time to figure {pun} it out I need to paint the deice panels on the wings........that should be the last of the major paint. I refuse to change my mind.......kinda hard as I've laid out the paint for the scheme
  21. funny Lou........I had a kitchen light that was shaped like that the all woman space walk is big news........no need to be brave commending these fine astronauts the model looks super........the added color really works for the structure. the thing that looks off though are the rear duals for the tractor and on the silver tanker trailer. the tires seem to stick out too far. wouldn't mention it, but I've been around the darn things too long. it is an impressive model though
  22. that's gonna look nice amazing what on the market today!
  23. they must be removable.....I have some pictures that have them. could also be that these are refurbed aircraft, as in the case of the Nine o Nine, and they were made for them. I think of the waist position as the mid ship..........where I was referring to is back by the rudder. I have no windows for this position. I can live with the absence of glass at the waist gunner position, but I'm thinking of doing something at the tail. I really think there should be glass back there. just a small bit of progress of late..... thanks OC........I still have a bit of a cough, but I'm feeling much better. I did some checking on the decals, and from what I've seen, they are still processing the order. shot off an email to see what the problem is.........I made this order on the 9th of this month thanks for the likes gents........hopefully I'll have more to show later.
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