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popeye the sailor

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    popeye the sailor reacted to CDW in Vincent Black Shadow by CDW - Revell - 1:12 Scale   
    Where each spoke attaches to the hubs, will run a small bead of superglue or maybe epoxy all around to insure a strong bond. The outer portion of the spokes at the rims get sandwiched between each rim half so there is little worry about those becoming dislodged later on.
  2. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to CDW in Vincent Black Shadow by CDW - Revell - 1:12 Scale   
    After the spokes are assembled, will paint the wheels in a metallic silver to simulate polished metal. Probably will use Mr Color Super Silver as it's got very fine silver pigments and looks convincing. Will need to first do a black undercoat as the super silver responds well to that.
  3. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Canute in Vincent Black Shadow by CDW - Revell - 1:12 Scale   
    Wow, what an improvement, Craig. The metal spokes will look great. Are you going to use metallic paints for the new chrome?
  4. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to CDW in Vincent Black Shadow by CDW - Revell - 1:12 Scale   
    I started by stripping the plating from the chrome tree, then started removing the thick out of scale spokes in order to replace them with micro thin stainless steel wire using micro aluminum tubing as the spoke nipples. Each wheel half carries 20 spokes for a total of 40 spokes per wheel. I have never used this particular method to replace the plastic spokes but after seeing others do it decided to give it a try. Those thick plastic spokes really put me off.

  5. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    hello Ken   model train........this would be a bit too big.   HO is what.......1:87,  or something like that.   but even at that scale,  you can acheive a lot of detail.  I was looking for Wal Mart decals for the other trailer........I guess I'll stick with the Coca Cola decals for this one.  I found them in HO and O scales,  but haven't seen them in 1:25 scale.   I could pass it off as a Wally 'Circus' trailer.  I did see a 53 foot trailer kit,  but the admiral was not happy with my choice.  I hope the log helps or gives you ideas.   how about some good 'ole graffitti!!!!!!!!  
  6. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Egilman in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    thanks for the welcome Egilman    I will try and make something of the contents......what I see in trailers that the kit leaves out.  I should have done an overview of the contents......I could point out some of the shortcomings.
         I'll just have to point everything out as I go along.  I noticed that the title has been changed....did I do something wrong.........I tried to follow what others have done in their titles?!  Wal Mart never had any 40 foot trailers...what Fruehauf trailer we have {had} were mostly 53 footers.  Trailermobile,  Wabash,  Pines, Hyundai,  and Great Dane are names that we use,  although the first three are being pushed out due to age.  we are begining to receive newer Wabash trailers.........I pointed out a lighting issue,  but the GM doesn't see it as a big deal.  since all the lights on the trailer must be lit while on the road,  the issue is moot.  the timeline that I've found for Freuhauf puts the 40 footer somewhere around the early 50's {they might have produced a shorter version before this}.  I didn't see anything about a 48 footer,  but by the late 60's / early 70's,  the 53 footer rolled out,  and has been the staple since then.  the picture I showed of the Sante Fe trailer is a 1972....so I dated the model around this time.  of course,  the trailer is showing some age....it might even be dated 1962.  the Freuhauf trailer used the Pro par suspension system,  which might account for the airbag at the front of the leaf spring.  most other types of suspension has them in the rear.  none of the trailers I've seen has backing plates.  although trailers with 'wedge' type brakes might have had them.  I've never seen this type of brake system...I've been meaning to look them up.  the brake system shown here is the s-cam system.

    the front ends of the shoes rest on anchor pins,  fastened by springs.   the rear spring can be seen in the rear ends of the shoes......at this end,  there are rollers that sit on the s-cam pawl,  which gives the system it's name,  since the pawl is shaped like the letter S.  what I see here are the shoe pad thickness and the condition of it.  DOT is 8/32nds..........these are clearly at or below 10/32nds.  there is also separation between the pad and the shoe backings,  which suggests rust jacking.  rust is forming in between and left unchecked,  will crack the pad and cause it to be edjected,  leaving the condition to be metal to metal.........not good!    it has manual slack adjusters that are so old,  that the protective sleeve that surrounds the adjustment nut is stuck in the slack {the pop out ring can be seen around the adjustment nut}.  we're talking a brake job and new slack adjusters.  there is an early type........another type seen on Pro Par systems are called Crusen Bruner {I may have spelt the name wrong here},  which are self adjusting (but only to a point}.  they were suseptible to becoming as rusted and jammed up like this type seen here,  and a real bugger to remove due to the double clevis pins that connect them to the brake chamber yoke.  the brake chamber is another interesting aspect....note that only one hose is connected to it.  this is a single stage chamber,  capable of releasing the brakes only.  braking for the trailer is controled by a valve on the reserve air tank.  another type of valve that might be seen on this trailer is called a full function valve.  I hated these valves....they were more trouble than they were worth!  on a few of the trailers I worked on,  I did away with it and changed it over to the two valve system   I forget the name of this type of brake chamber,  I've always just seen them on trucks.  modern trailers use a two chambered chamber.........

    the front part of the chamber {bolted to the axle} is the service {brake} side.........the back section is called the emergency {release} side.  each side is governed by it's own valve....emergency {relay} and the brake valve.  the brake valve has evolved to contain ABS abilities and the electronics to send pulses to the truck as it functions.  there is a warning light,  in the event that there is a malfunction.  we even have trailers with disc brakes.....one can really see in there now!!!  the wheel seal is fully in view,  as well as the brake pads to check for wear.  I like the system only because there is nothing to grease........but I hate it because it's a bugger to get the tires off.  

    in this picture,  you can see that there is plenty of meat on the brake shoes.  the protective rings around the slack adjuster nuts is popped out,  doing what it's supposed to be doing   while it is still a rust bucket,  note that there are multi leafed springs under here.  the type used depends on the amout of weight the trailer can carry....whatever it's rated for.  there are trailer on the road today with single leaf....and some of them are not made of metal.  Buick passenger cars in the 80's had such a spring set up in the rear,  made of a plastic that is extremely stiff and can support a lot of weight.  the Pro Par system used two types of brake drums........inboard and outboard.  inboard drums are bolted to the hub from the back.......outboard drums are slipped on from the outside of the hub.   careful not to mix them up........one guy in the shop did it,  and after zapp'in up the wheels,  found that he couldn't turn the wheels!  he found,  after removing the tires again,  that he had cracked all four drums,  due to the clamping pressure of tightening the lug nuts!    walk of shame anyone?  they didn't fire him, but they definitely weren't happy.
    yes......you are right on the split rims........if they were found bad in an inspection,  they were replaced.  but as a rule,  you can get a longer life out of them.......close monitoring is key.  when I worked at Granite State tire,  I did a couple for a company called Knoxland farms.  they always did business with us,  but it was agreed that we wouldn't do split rims.  well........a pair slipped through the cracks,  and none of the borthers would touch them.  my older brother worked with me,  and he took it upon himself to put me in the middle of it...........oh......Den's done them before......he can do them!  yea......so I was chosen for the task.  it's not bad really......tire casing goes on the bottom part of the rim.........slip in the tube, making sure nothing is pinching it and the stem is sticking out correctly,  and then put the outer ring on.  I took an air guage and put on an extended air supply hose to the tire and inflated it to 20 - 30 PSI.  lightly tap around the ring to insure that it is seated properly {don't stand over it}.  I then pushed the assembly under the alignment rack,  and finished inflating the tire.
    the story of what happened to my dad was his own foolishness.  he couldn't wait for me to come home {I was at work}  he didn't follow what I just outlined and likely inflated the tire to full pressure.  putting it on the dump truck,  it got jammed,  so he hit it with a sledge hammer.  the force knocked him a few feet {distance varies} from the truck....the tire was laying on him when mother found him.  the account was that she took the tire and sent it rolling down the private driveway {I had to go get the darn thing}.  I got the call at work {I forget who called}.......but I told them I would see him after work.  "at least I know where he is".  when I saw him........I chewed him out,  mainly because he deserved it.  he got mad,  but I reinterated that he would have done the same to me.  what's good for the goose....as the say'in goes    he had fractured ribs,  a broken collar bone, a fractured jaw,  and a compound fracture of the lower leg {tibia?}  the bone was sticking out of his boot for cry'in out loud!  it got fun after that........we'd be working on something in the carport,  and dad would come down stairs with his crutches and all..............soon after,  mom would show up with the cast iron skillet and shag him back upstairs.  she didn't take any guff from him   
    it's kinda condensed,  but it gives some insight on the suspension and braking.  there is more,  but a lot of it pertains to modern trailers.  we have some trailer that not only keep the tires inflated,  but will adjust the air pressures to maintain 100 PSI.  like I told the GM........we have been adjusting air pressures since the dawn of time.  what are ya gonna do whe someone comes in and says all eight tires are flat!  well folks,  we are about to find out.....such nonsense has BEEN going on!  last week,  we had to disable over 80 trailers outfitted with this faulty air inflation system!  Holland,  the company that developed this abomination,  is trying to diagnose a fix for them.   I say send 'em all back.....  but I am just a thrawl and carry no weight in making sensible suggestions.  we get this system.......given no instruction on how to maintain it.........can't even touch it due to warrenty reasons,  and NOW they want us to deal with it!?!?!?  oh.....we did get an audio file to listen to,  which basically said that we don't need to do anything with it....we don't even need to check the air pressures anymore!  oh happy days!
          I can't wait to hear what we need to do next..........too late to put everything we took off back on..........Holland told us to toss everything out  once they find the fix,  they are going to send us kits to get them up and running again.  my word........look at the time........time to hit the hammock.  see.........go off the radar for a spell,  an' when I git back,  I'm like a blink'in chatty Kathy!  haven't even gotten into what I've done with the model yet.......   well,  that means that I'll have to make it a point to get my duff on here tomorrow and get some progress going!  a lot of it has been experimental.......but it is in getting the parts to fit good.  I'll explain more when I post the next session.   perhaps I'll have something juicy to tell yas about work 
  7. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    it's been a while friends.........models started,  and models put back in their boxes.........the draw just faded {but not forgotten}.  I'll get back to them.  I'm getting ready to get nutz with this one,  ans I thought I'd share it with you.  I bought two of these trailers at Wal Mart...the last place I thought I'd ever see models.........

    the box shows a Peterbuilt 352 Pacemaker cabover,  but Wally had a GMC "General" {I'm sure there is a model name},  and this one is showcased on a Holiday trailer.  this kit is versitile......there are other kits with different subject matter.
           anyway.........the General will have to do.  looking over both truck and trailer,  I do see some points to correct or expand on,  but I'll keep it to what I know.   I'll try to give some insight to what I do at the shop........I'll try to keep it somewhere between a pity party and a rant    
      this is pretty close to the kit.  this thing that sticks out here is the landing legs.  most modern trailers have a platform style foot {feet 'cuz there's two},  but this particular trailer has the wheels.  now,  whether they turn or not leads to be see....I've never dealt with them.  the reason for this,  is in how they are retracted up to the body and away from the ground.  it's not readily seen here,  but the early design of landing leg folded up under the body.......there was no telescopics to them at all.
    modern legs have a hand crank that retract the legs into themselves.  the next thing to note are the wheels and the spoked hubs.  these are what they call split rim, a rim with a ring that serves as the outer bead.  I dealt with them when I was young.......and my father was nearly killed with one.  there is a procedure to mount these tires,  and if not followed,  it can take your head off!  I could tell yuns a couple of stories,  but the admiral mentioned that it's time to run errands.............so,  I'll continue when I get back.

    what can you glean from this picture?  I thought it interesting 
  8. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - FINISHED - 1/32 - Fly   
    I took a picture of the page for you,  but in reviewing it,  I though it came out bad.  once transferred to my computer,  I saw that it didn't look as bad as I thought........so here it is.  it might give you ideas for code lettering.

    not sure what the V5 / V7 and the V15 / V17 is about.......perhaps possible variants.  there is also an S12 listed.  hope you can glean anything frm it  
  9. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - FINISHED - 1/32 - Fly   
    hello Rob......thought I'd pop in and browse......your log caught my attention.  I recall building an He 219 in the past....this is one plane I've never seen before.  even in war time pieces,  there are subjects that are rarely touched on or modeled {yea,  I'm drawn to them too  }.  I've rarely done short run kits.......I have one on the table still.  Special Hobby is another company from the Czech republic,  and they are not known for locator pins or tabs either.  I really like what your putting into this model.......going to be awesome when finished!  an offer of a book reference was put out there........and I happen to have a Luftwaffe book as well.  it fits the rool this plane performed...Luftwaffe KG 200.  in the back of the book,  it lists every plane that the KG 200 flew on thier missions.  most of them were B 2 variants...there are about 15 listed.  they wer already pre coded.......the 200 never changed them.  they were in service for a relatively sort amount of time,  given less than a year before they were reported crashed or shot down.  I'll browse the text to see if there is any info on them.
    meanwhile,  your doing a superb job thus far,  and I'll be follow'in along  
  10. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Hawker Tempest by Javlin - FINISHED - Revell/Special Hobby - 1/32   
    mop stripes.........now we know why the pictures were only in black n white    they look great.........scares the hell out of me just look'in at 'em!  super job thus far  
  11. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    hello Ken   model train........this would be a bit too big.   HO is what.......1:87,  or something like that.   but even at that scale,  you can acheive a lot of detail.  I was looking for Wal Mart decals for the other trailer........I guess I'll stick with the Coca Cola decals for this one.  I found them in HO and O scales,  but haven't seen them in 1:25 scale.   I could pass it off as a Wally 'Circus' trailer.  I did see a 53 foot trailer kit,  but the admiral was not happy with my choice.  I hope the log helps or gives you ideas.   how about some good 'ole graffitti!!!!!!!!  
  12. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    thanks for the welcome Egilman    I will try and make something of the contents......what I see in trailers that the kit leaves out.  I should have done an overview of the contents......I could point out some of the shortcomings.
         I'll just have to point everything out as I go along.  I noticed that the title has been changed....did I do something wrong.........I tried to follow what others have done in their titles?!  Wal Mart never had any 40 foot trailers...what Fruehauf trailer we have {had} were mostly 53 footers.  Trailermobile,  Wabash,  Pines, Hyundai,  and Great Dane are names that we use,  although the first three are being pushed out due to age.  we are begining to receive newer Wabash trailers.........I pointed out a lighting issue,  but the GM doesn't see it as a big deal.  since all the lights on the trailer must be lit while on the road,  the issue is moot.  the timeline that I've found for Freuhauf puts the 40 footer somewhere around the early 50's {they might have produced a shorter version before this}.  I didn't see anything about a 48 footer,  but by the late 60's / early 70's,  the 53 footer rolled out,  and has been the staple since then.  the picture I showed of the Sante Fe trailer is a 1972....so I dated the model around this time.  of course,  the trailer is showing some age....it might even be dated 1962.  the Freuhauf trailer used the Pro par suspension system,  which might account for the airbag at the front of the leaf spring.  most other types of suspension has them in the rear.  none of the trailers I've seen has backing plates.  although trailers with 'wedge' type brakes might have had them.  I've never seen this type of brake system...I've been meaning to look them up.  the brake system shown here is the s-cam system.

    the front ends of the shoes rest on anchor pins,  fastened by springs.   the rear spring can be seen in the rear ends of the shoes......at this end,  there are rollers that sit on the s-cam pawl,  which gives the system it's name,  since the pawl is shaped like the letter S.  what I see here are the shoe pad thickness and the condition of it.  DOT is 8/32nds..........these are clearly at or below 10/32nds.  there is also separation between the pad and the shoe backings,  which suggests rust jacking.  rust is forming in between and left unchecked,  will crack the pad and cause it to be edjected,  leaving the condition to be metal to metal.........not good!    it has manual slack adjusters that are so old,  that the protective sleeve that surrounds the adjustment nut is stuck in the slack {the pop out ring can be seen around the adjustment nut}.  we're talking a brake job and new slack adjusters.  there is an early type........another type seen on Pro Par systems are called Crusen Bruner {I may have spelt the name wrong here},  which are self adjusting (but only to a point}.  they were suseptible to becoming as rusted and jammed up like this type seen here,  and a real bugger to remove due to the double clevis pins that connect them to the brake chamber yoke.  the brake chamber is another interesting aspect....note that only one hose is connected to it.  this is a single stage chamber,  capable of releasing the brakes only.  braking for the trailer is controled by a valve on the reserve air tank.  another type of valve that might be seen on this trailer is called a full function valve.  I hated these valves....they were more trouble than they were worth!  on a few of the trailers I worked on,  I did away with it and changed it over to the two valve system   I forget the name of this type of brake chamber,  I've always just seen them on trucks.  modern trailers use a two chambered chamber.........

    the front part of the chamber {bolted to the axle} is the service {brake} side.........the back section is called the emergency {release} side.  each side is governed by it's own valve....emergency {relay} and the brake valve.  the brake valve has evolved to contain ABS abilities and the electronics to send pulses to the truck as it functions.  there is a warning light,  in the event that there is a malfunction.  we even have trailers with disc brakes.....one can really see in there now!!!  the wheel seal is fully in view,  as well as the brake pads to check for wear.  I like the system only because there is nothing to grease........but I hate it because it's a bugger to get the tires off.  

    in this picture,  you can see that there is plenty of meat on the brake shoes.  the protective rings around the slack adjuster nuts is popped out,  doing what it's supposed to be doing   while it is still a rust bucket,  note that there are multi leafed springs under here.  the type used depends on the amout of weight the trailer can carry....whatever it's rated for.  there are trailer on the road today with single leaf....and some of them are not made of metal.  Buick passenger cars in the 80's had such a spring set up in the rear,  made of a plastic that is extremely stiff and can support a lot of weight.  the Pro Par system used two types of brake drums........inboard and outboard.  inboard drums are bolted to the hub from the back.......outboard drums are slipped on from the outside of the hub.   careful not to mix them up........one guy in the shop did it,  and after zapp'in up the wheels,  found that he couldn't turn the wheels!  he found,  after removing the tires again,  that he had cracked all four drums,  due to the clamping pressure of tightening the lug nuts!    walk of shame anyone?  they didn't fire him, but they definitely weren't happy.
    yes......you are right on the split rims........if they were found bad in an inspection,  they were replaced.  but as a rule,  you can get a longer life out of them.......close monitoring is key.  when I worked at Granite State tire,  I did a couple for a company called Knoxland farms.  they always did business with us,  but it was agreed that we wouldn't do split rims.  well........a pair slipped through the cracks,  and none of the borthers would touch them.  my older brother worked with me,  and he took it upon himself to put me in the middle of it...........oh......Den's done them before......he can do them!  yea......so I was chosen for the task.  it's not bad really......tire casing goes on the bottom part of the rim.........slip in the tube, making sure nothing is pinching it and the stem is sticking out correctly,  and then put the outer ring on.  I took an air guage and put on an extended air supply hose to the tire and inflated it to 20 - 30 PSI.  lightly tap around the ring to insure that it is seated properly {don't stand over it}.  I then pushed the assembly under the alignment rack,  and finished inflating the tire.
    the story of what happened to my dad was his own foolishness.  he couldn't wait for me to come home {I was at work}  he didn't follow what I just outlined and likely inflated the tire to full pressure.  putting it on the dump truck,  it got jammed,  so he hit it with a sledge hammer.  the force knocked him a few feet {distance varies} from the truck....the tire was laying on him when mother found him.  the account was that she took the tire and sent it rolling down the private driveway {I had to go get the darn thing}.  I got the call at work {I forget who called}.......but I told them I would see him after work.  "at least I know where he is".  when I saw him........I chewed him out,  mainly because he deserved it.  he got mad,  but I reinterated that he would have done the same to me.  what's good for the goose....as the say'in goes    he had fractured ribs,  a broken collar bone, a fractured jaw,  and a compound fracture of the lower leg {tibia?}  the bone was sticking out of his boot for cry'in out loud!  it got fun after that........we'd be working on something in the carport,  and dad would come down stairs with his crutches and all..............soon after,  mom would show up with the cast iron skillet and shag him back upstairs.  she didn't take any guff from him   
    it's kinda condensed,  but it gives some insight on the suspension and braking.  there is more,  but a lot of it pertains to modern trailers.  we have some trailer that not only keep the tires inflated,  but will adjust the air pressures to maintain 100 PSI.  like I told the GM........we have been adjusting air pressures since the dawn of time.  what are ya gonna do whe someone comes in and says all eight tires are flat!  well folks,  we are about to find out.....such nonsense has BEEN going on!  last week,  we had to disable over 80 trailers outfitted with this faulty air inflation system!  Holland,  the company that developed this abomination,  is trying to diagnose a fix for them.   I say send 'em all back.....  but I am just a thrawl and carry no weight in making sensible suggestions.  we get this system.......given no instruction on how to maintain it.........can't even touch it due to warrenty reasons,  and NOW they want us to deal with it!?!?!?  oh.....we did get an audio file to listen to,  which basically said that we don't need to do anything with it....we don't even need to check the air pressures anymore!  oh happy days!
          I can't wait to hear what we need to do next..........too late to put everything we took off back on..........Holland told us to toss everything out  once they find the fix,  they are going to send us kits to get them up and running again.  my word........look at the time........time to hit the hammock.  see.........go off the radar for a spell,  an' when I git back,  I'm like a blink'in chatty Kathy!  haven't even gotten into what I've done with the model yet.......   well,  that means that I'll have to make it a point to get my duff on here tomorrow and get some progress going!  a lot of it has been experimental.......but it is in getting the parts to fit good.  I'll explain more when I post the next session.   perhaps I'll have something juicy to tell yas about work 
  13. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    hello Ken   model train........this would be a bit too big.   HO is what.......1:87,  or something like that.   but even at that scale,  you can acheive a lot of detail.  I was looking for Wal Mart decals for the other trailer........I guess I'll stick with the Coca Cola decals for this one.  I found them in HO and O scales,  but haven't seen them in 1:25 scale.   I could pass it off as a Wally 'Circus' trailer.  I did see a 53 foot trailer kit,  but the admiral was not happy with my choice.  I hope the log helps or gives you ideas.   how about some good 'ole graffitti!!!!!!!!  
  14. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    thanks for the welcome Egilman    I will try and make something of the contents......what I see in trailers that the kit leaves out.  I should have done an overview of the contents......I could point out some of the shortcomings.
         I'll just have to point everything out as I go along.  I noticed that the title has been changed....did I do something wrong.........I tried to follow what others have done in their titles?!  Wal Mart never had any 40 foot trailers...what Fruehauf trailer we have {had} were mostly 53 footers.  Trailermobile,  Wabash,  Pines, Hyundai,  and Great Dane are names that we use,  although the first three are being pushed out due to age.  we are begining to receive newer Wabash trailers.........I pointed out a lighting issue,  but the GM doesn't see it as a big deal.  since all the lights on the trailer must be lit while on the road,  the issue is moot.  the timeline that I've found for Freuhauf puts the 40 footer somewhere around the early 50's {they might have produced a shorter version before this}.  I didn't see anything about a 48 footer,  but by the late 60's / early 70's,  the 53 footer rolled out,  and has been the staple since then.  the picture I showed of the Sante Fe trailer is a 1972....so I dated the model around this time.  of course,  the trailer is showing some age....it might even be dated 1962.  the Freuhauf trailer used the Pro par suspension system,  which might account for the airbag at the front of the leaf spring.  most other types of suspension has them in the rear.  none of the trailers I've seen has backing plates.  although trailers with 'wedge' type brakes might have had them.  I've never seen this type of brake system...I've been meaning to look them up.  the brake system shown here is the s-cam system.

    the front ends of the shoes rest on anchor pins,  fastened by springs.   the rear spring can be seen in the rear ends of the shoes......at this end,  there are rollers that sit on the s-cam pawl,  which gives the system it's name,  since the pawl is shaped like the letter S.  what I see here are the shoe pad thickness and the condition of it.  DOT is 8/32nds..........these are clearly at or below 10/32nds.  there is also separation between the pad and the shoe backings,  which suggests rust jacking.  rust is forming in between and left unchecked,  will crack the pad and cause it to be edjected,  leaving the condition to be metal to metal.........not good!    it has manual slack adjusters that are so old,  that the protective sleeve that surrounds the adjustment nut is stuck in the slack {the pop out ring can be seen around the adjustment nut}.  we're talking a brake job and new slack adjusters.  there is an early type........another type seen on Pro Par systems are called Crusen Bruner {I may have spelt the name wrong here},  which are self adjusting (but only to a point}.  they were suseptible to becoming as rusted and jammed up like this type seen here,  and a real bugger to remove due to the double clevis pins that connect them to the brake chamber yoke.  the brake chamber is another interesting aspect....note that only one hose is connected to it.  this is a single stage chamber,  capable of releasing the brakes only.  braking for the trailer is controled by a valve on the reserve air tank.  another type of valve that might be seen on this trailer is called a full function valve.  I hated these valves....they were more trouble than they were worth!  on a few of the trailers I worked on,  I did away with it and changed it over to the two valve system   I forget the name of this type of brake chamber,  I've always just seen them on trucks.  modern trailers use a two chambered chamber.........

    the front part of the chamber {bolted to the axle} is the service {brake} side.........the back section is called the emergency {release} side.  each side is governed by it's own valve....emergency {relay} and the brake valve.  the brake valve has evolved to contain ABS abilities and the electronics to send pulses to the truck as it functions.  there is a warning light,  in the event that there is a malfunction.  we even have trailers with disc brakes.....one can really see in there now!!!  the wheel seal is fully in view,  as well as the brake pads to check for wear.  I like the system only because there is nothing to grease........but I hate it because it's a bugger to get the tires off.  

    in this picture,  you can see that there is plenty of meat on the brake shoes.  the protective rings around the slack adjuster nuts is popped out,  doing what it's supposed to be doing   while it is still a rust bucket,  note that there are multi leafed springs under here.  the type used depends on the amout of weight the trailer can carry....whatever it's rated for.  there are trailer on the road today with single leaf....and some of them are not made of metal.  Buick passenger cars in the 80's had such a spring set up in the rear,  made of a plastic that is extremely stiff and can support a lot of weight.  the Pro Par system used two types of brake drums........inboard and outboard.  inboard drums are bolted to the hub from the back.......outboard drums are slipped on from the outside of the hub.   careful not to mix them up........one guy in the shop did it,  and after zapp'in up the wheels,  found that he couldn't turn the wheels!  he found,  after removing the tires again,  that he had cracked all four drums,  due to the clamping pressure of tightening the lug nuts!    walk of shame anyone?  they didn't fire him, but they definitely weren't happy.
    yes......you are right on the split rims........if they were found bad in an inspection,  they were replaced.  but as a rule,  you can get a longer life out of them.......close monitoring is key.  when I worked at Granite State tire,  I did a couple for a company called Knoxland farms.  they always did business with us,  but it was agreed that we wouldn't do split rims.  well........a pair slipped through the cracks,  and none of the borthers would touch them.  my older brother worked with me,  and he took it upon himself to put me in the middle of it...........oh......Den's done them before......he can do them!  yea......so I was chosen for the task.  it's not bad really......tire casing goes on the bottom part of the rim.........slip in the tube, making sure nothing is pinching it and the stem is sticking out correctly,  and then put the outer ring on.  I took an air guage and put on an extended air supply hose to the tire and inflated it to 20 - 30 PSI.  lightly tap around the ring to insure that it is seated properly {don't stand over it}.  I then pushed the assembly under the alignment rack,  and finished inflating the tire.
    the story of what happened to my dad was his own foolishness.  he couldn't wait for me to come home {I was at work}  he didn't follow what I just outlined and likely inflated the tire to full pressure.  putting it on the dump truck,  it got jammed,  so he hit it with a sledge hammer.  the force knocked him a few feet {distance varies} from the truck....the tire was laying on him when mother found him.  the account was that she took the tire and sent it rolling down the private driveway {I had to go get the darn thing}.  I got the call at work {I forget who called}.......but I told them I would see him after work.  "at least I know where he is".  when I saw him........I chewed him out,  mainly because he deserved it.  he got mad,  but I reinterated that he would have done the same to me.  what's good for the goose....as the say'in goes    he had fractured ribs,  a broken collar bone, a fractured jaw,  and a compound fracture of the lower leg {tibia?}  the bone was sticking out of his boot for cry'in out loud!  it got fun after that........we'd be working on something in the carport,  and dad would come down stairs with his crutches and all..............soon after,  mom would show up with the cast iron skillet and shag him back upstairs.  she didn't take any guff from him   
    it's kinda condensed,  but it gives some insight on the suspension and braking.  there is more,  but a lot of it pertains to modern trailers.  we have some trailer that not only keep the tires inflated,  but will adjust the air pressures to maintain 100 PSI.  like I told the GM........we have been adjusting air pressures since the dawn of time.  what are ya gonna do whe someone comes in and says all eight tires are flat!  well folks,  we are about to find out.....such nonsense has BEEN going on!  last week,  we had to disable over 80 trailers outfitted with this faulty air inflation system!  Holland,  the company that developed this abomination,  is trying to diagnose a fix for them.   I say send 'em all back.....  but I am just a thrawl and carry no weight in making sensible suggestions.  we get this system.......given no instruction on how to maintain it.........can't even touch it due to warrenty reasons,  and NOW they want us to deal with it!?!?!?  oh.....we did get an audio file to listen to,  which basically said that we don't need to do anything with it....we don't even need to check the air pressures anymore!  oh happy days!
          I can't wait to hear what we need to do next..........too late to put everything we took off back on..........Holland told us to toss everything out  once they find the fix,  they are going to send us kits to get them up and running again.  my word........look at the time........time to hit the hammock.  see.........go off the radar for a spell,  an' when I git back,  I'm like a blink'in chatty Kathy!  haven't even gotten into what I've done with the model yet.......   well,  that means that I'll have to make it a point to get my duff on here tomorrow and get some progress going!  a lot of it has been experimental.......but it is in getting the parts to fit good.  I'll explain more when I post the next session.   perhaps I'll have something juicy to tell yas about work 
  15. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - FINISHED - 1/32 - Fly   
    I took a picture of the page for you,  but in reviewing it,  I though it came out bad.  once transferred to my computer,  I saw that it didn't look as bad as I thought........so here it is.  it might give you ideas for code lettering.

    not sure what the V5 / V7 and the V15 / V17 is about.......perhaps possible variants.  there is also an S12 listed.  hope you can glean anything frm it  
  16. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - FINISHED - 1/32 - Fly   
    hello Rob......thought I'd pop in and browse......your log caught my attention.  I recall building an He 219 in the past....this is one plane I've never seen before.  even in war time pieces,  there are subjects that are rarely touched on or modeled {yea,  I'm drawn to them too  }.  I've rarely done short run kits.......I have one on the table still.  Special Hobby is another company from the Czech republic,  and they are not known for locator pins or tabs either.  I really like what your putting into this model.......going to be awesome when finished!  an offer of a book reference was put out there........and I happen to have a Luftwaffe book as well.  it fits the rool this plane performed...Luftwaffe KG 200.  in the back of the book,  it lists every plane that the KG 200 flew on thier missions.  most of them were B 2 variants...there are about 15 listed.  they wer already pre coded.......the 200 never changed them.  they were in service for a relatively sort amount of time,  given less than a year before they were reported crashed or shot down.  I'll browse the text to see if there is any info on them.
    meanwhile,  your doing a superb job thus far,  and I'll be follow'in along  
  17. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Canute in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    I'm in, too, Denis. I've developed an interest in these trailers as train loads. Tying these things down to flat cars evolved pretty rapidly from a mass of chains and come-alongs to the moveable hitches on the flats. Your build is a nice size reference for me.
  18. Thanks!
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from DocRob in Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - FINISHED - 1/32 - Fly   
    I took a picture of the page for you,  but in reviewing it,  I though it came out bad.  once transferred to my computer,  I saw that it didn't look as bad as I thought........so here it is.  it might give you ideas for code lettering.

    not sure what the V5 / V7 and the V15 / V17 is about.......perhaps possible variants.  there is also an S12 listed.  hope you can glean anything frm it  
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Egilman in Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - FINISHED - 1/32 - Fly   
    I took a picture of the page for you,  but in reviewing it,  I though it came out bad.  once transferred to my computer,  I saw that it didn't look as bad as I thought........so here it is.  it might give you ideas for code lettering.

    not sure what the V5 / V7 and the V15 / V17 is about.......perhaps possible variants.  there is also an S12 listed.  hope you can glean anything frm it  
  20. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Jack12477 in Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - FINISHED - 1/32 - Fly   
    I took a picture of the page for you,  but in reviewing it,  I though it came out bad.  once transferred to my computer,  I saw that it didn't look as bad as I thought........so here it is.  it might give you ideas for code lettering.

    not sure what the V5 / V7 and the V15 / V17 is about.......perhaps possible variants.  there is also an S12 listed.  hope you can glean anything frm it  
  21. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Canute in Hawker Tempest by Javlin - FINISHED - Revell/Special Hobby - 1/32   
    mop stripes.........now we know why the pictures were only in black n white    they look great.........scares the hell out of me just look'in at 'em!  super job thus far  
  22. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    it's been a while friends.........models started,  and models put back in their boxes.........the draw just faded {but not forgotten}.  I'll get back to them.  I'm getting ready to get nutz with this one,  ans I thought I'd share it with you.  I bought two of these trailers at Wal Mart...the last place I thought I'd ever see models.........

    the box shows a Peterbuilt 352 Pacemaker cabover,  but Wally had a GMC "General" {I'm sure there is a model name},  and this one is showcased on a Holiday trailer.  this kit is versitile......there are other kits with different subject matter.
           anyway.........the General will have to do.  looking over both truck and trailer,  I do see some points to correct or expand on,  but I'll keep it to what I know.   I'll try to give some insight to what I do at the shop........I'll try to keep it somewhere between a pity party and a rant    
      this is pretty close to the kit.  this thing that sticks out here is the landing legs.  most modern trailers have a platform style foot {feet 'cuz there's two},  but this particular trailer has the wheels.  now,  whether they turn or not leads to be see....I've never dealt with them.  the reason for this,  is in how they are retracted up to the body and away from the ground.  it's not readily seen here,  but the early design of landing leg folded up under the body.......there was no telescopics to them at all.
    modern legs have a hand crank that retract the legs into themselves.  the next thing to note are the wheels and the spoked hubs.  these are what they call split rim, a rim with a ring that serves as the outer bead.  I dealt with them when I was young.......and my father was nearly killed with one.  there is a procedure to mount these tires,  and if not followed,  it can take your head off!  I could tell yuns a couple of stories,  but the admiral mentioned that it's time to run errands.............so,  I'll continue when I get back.

    what can you glean from this picture?  I thought it interesting 
  23. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Egilman in Coca - Cola FB Freuhauf Trailer by Popeye the Sailor - AMT / Round 2 reissue - 1:25 scale   
    Hi Brother, I'm real interested in where your going with this....
    And as a note Round 2 still produces the Pete 352 pacemaker, can be found for under $40.00 in the Coke outfit and there are still some of the 1970's kits around as well...
    And as you said the trailer is a multi generational trailer pretty standard 40' footer... And yeah those landing gear wheels from the '30's thru the early '60's they were something weren't they...
    The thing I see in the pics?  Single axel trailer with a single half leaf spring suspension, with an AIRBAG in front of the spring??? No backing plate on the brakes??? I doubt that DOT would allow that on the road today....
    A very stiff rough riding trailer indeed....
    And split-rims were and still are dangerous... The mounting spoked hubs were simple and very safe and are still in use today...  But the rims very few people wish to deal with them anymore, in fact three of the five Les Schwab tire shops around here refuse to do them, citing insurance limitations...
    I always found that if you maintain mounting standards, they were no less dangerous than dish rims. the thing is the locking ring is only good for two or maybe three tire mountings then the entire rim and lock ring needs to be replaced... Held to that standard they are some of the easiest rims to deal with and a heck of a lot lighter that steel one piece rims... Mack trucks still installs them on some of their trucks...
    Anyway, I'm down for this one brother... and good to see you back at the bench...
  24. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Hawker Tempest by Javlin - FINISHED - Revell/Special Hobby - 1/32   
    mop stripes.........now we know why the pictures were only in black n white    they look great.........scares the hell out of me just look'in at 'em!  super job thus far  
  25. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Egilman in Hawker Tempest by Javlin - FINISHED - Revell/Special Hobby - 1/32   
    mop stripes.........now we know why the pictures were only in black n white    they look great.........scares the hell out of me just look'in at 'em!  super job thus far  
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