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popeye the sailor

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    popeye the sailor reacted to Walter Biles in Meridea by Walter Biles - RADIO - 34" CAD of boat at USN Severn River Repair Station c. 1969   
    Thank you, Popeye, Bob,
    I am really enjoying this build.  I can't imagine still being at it if I hadn't found this forum for help and interest.  Something about sharing the hobby with others with similar interests just makes all the difference.  Well, I am happy to announce that my wood order came in this late afternoon.  I still have to get the pulleys installed, and I think I will get some plastic tubing at the hardware store to act as guides for my control lines.  I want something big enough that I can re-string the rudder if necessary without fighting the line through each bulkhead.  I will also need to do that for the routes to each sail. 
    Walt Biles
  2. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Giorgos in Gripos-kaiki by Giorgos - FINISHED   
    I placed also small balks between the frames on the keel and at the same height with the floors.
    With the inner keel and some “bolts”, the whole construction was secured.



    Finally, at the connection point between the floors and the futtocks, I placed two stringers (?)  and let the glue dry…

    Thank you
  3. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hello all y'all shipwrights,
    There are festivities at the Flying Dutchman's shipyard!!  The entire hull of the O 19 is now closed in with the base planking!  I put on a CD with the Mariniers Kapel and poured myself a good Belgian beer, Trapist  
    I also smeared wood putty over the hull and sanded it down.  I like that word, smear, reminds of the Dutch word "smeren."      Is better then spreading, that's so proper.
    I'm still nit-picking at at several locations but overall she looks quite good and even to me.  The biggest problem I found is that there is too much spacing between several bulkheads and the thin planking has a tendency to sag a little in between.  The foam was not much help and in retrospect I should have made more bulkheads.  However, the sag is VERY minor, estimated at a cat's whisker.  It didn't take much filler to bring the hull to proper contour.
    I'm now almost ready to glue the thin Dacron cloth to the hull with epoxy resin and then correct any imperfections with either bondo or acrylic paste.  I don't like bondo that much, it has a rather short short shelf life once mixed with the hardener.. The acrylic paste takes a lot longer to cure and is nice and pliable.  I used that stuff in painting pictures with acrylic paints.  The artists among yuns understand what I'm talking about.
    I couldn't help myself in drawing the outline of the deck on top of the hull.  I'm also looking for a drawing or photos of the little sloop that was stowed blow deck aft of the con.  I only have two photos of that thing but it's difficult to use for a model of it.  
    Next step is drawing up the deck structure frames.  This time I'm going to make enough frames but i'm using 1 mm plywood for the covering that should be rigid enough, I hope.
    Okay, here are a few pics of the current status.

    3/4 starboard side view of closed hull with some of the sanded down wood filler.  As mentioned above, the final finishing will be done after the Dacron cloth is put on and before gluing the fake steel plates made from paper.

    A view from the stern.

    A view 3/4 from the bow.

    The prelim lines of the deck and conning tower location.
  4. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to mtaylor in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    Here's the right and SAFE way to do it.   And I'm wondering if this bad and then the correct way should be posted in the tools section as a reminder...???
    The jig and workpiece are properly secured to the mill table using clamps.

    The cutting bit is run down to correct depth and bingo.... no movement, a perfect cut at the perfect width.

    Sidestory.. I'm debriding the wounds earlier and applying fresh bandages and my Admiral saw the mess and winced.  A bit later she sees me working at this and says: "Nothing slows you down, does it?".  My response was the usual "It's just a flesh wound".   She looks at me and said: "No more Monty Python movies for you".   This from the lady who after surgery is back lap swimming....  
  5. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to mobbsie in HMS Pegasus by realworkingsailor - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    Hey we've all put symbols up as a sub, it lets others know of our annoyance and frustrations.
    We've worked and some still are  and there isn't one person who hasn't used colourful language at some time.
    Better a symbol than a binned build.
  6. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to SkerryAmp in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Thanks all for the warm welcome backs
    Augie:  I am really excited about using the alternate wood, although hit my first snag/disappointment which I will explain in a minute. 
    Sjors: Thank you sir! And I will do my best not to let time pass like that again. I think I have a schedule worked out (fingers crossed) to keep my hobby/obsession going forward as well as keep up with the pesky side projects
    Popeye: Trust me, underneath is very hush hush!! But you reminded me, I have to MOW this coming weekend!! ack!
    Russ: Thanks!  I like the look of the pear so far.  I have a pic below of just two of the hatches, i was going to have more but..well... on to that story I guess....
    So, I got home last night ready and raging to go to town on the decks.  I used pear for the hatch frames and I like the look.   Once they are oiled or poly'd they will look really good. Nice color.
    But alas,  tragedy/disappointment fell.
    I was just test fitting some of the holly for the deck planks and something just seemed wrong.   They were as thick as the hatch frames.  So I said to myself: self?  did you use the wrong wood for the frames?   Nope, I used the right pieces there.   So what is wrong with the holly.
    :o :o Ordered the wrong thickness :o :o
    So, some may be saying - well didn't you check it when you got the wood?   Well - sort of.   I had ordered it just before the chaos hit and it arrived mid chaos.  So I gave it a quick scan over to make sure everything looked in order, and it did.   However, I had requested the wrong size for the holly. 
    So I tried several things last night, I don't own a thickness sander so I tried to improvise.  Dremel, disc sander, belt sander all with various rigs and gadgets to try to thin down the holly.  Alas, i just do not have the parts necessary to do a good job of it.   So after fighting the good fight for a while I decided to just chalk it up to experience and the holly sits patiently awaiting either someplace it can be used OR.... when I get a thickness sander.
    Was really looking forward to it, but will have to settle with pear for the frameworks and other doodads and boxwood for the planking.
    Anyway,  I had planned to have at least some decking done by the experimentation took up most of the night. So all I have today is pic of the two framings on the foredeck.  Both are done with pear.   They need a bit of clean up still but I like the look of them so far.  I did use a piece of holly for the hatch cover on the one.  So some holly DID find a home
    Once they are oiled or poly'd the color will really pop.  I did a test piece with some Tung Oil and it looked really nice.

    Until later all -  Enjoy!!
  7. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Sjors in America by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:72 scale   
    thanks John...yepper,  won't be long now!
    I see Aldo.......I'll have to look up Triton and check it out
    no Sjors........the admiral don't need help looking.....she goes right to the source...LOL!   not too sure on the finish line......perhaps another week or so.......rope coils.......ya gotts love'em  {rather be rigging}
    hi there Patrick......much of the finish work is at the bow.   I plan to jump right onto the Gothenborg after this,  I still have some work to do before I can look towards masting her.  I also used a few of the blocks....doubles mostly......I think I can make the ones I need.  there are other things I can do......but I do have a couple builds in the fire.......I might just turn up the heat.   I have a reputation to uphold,  don'tcha know! 
  8. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Jim Lad in Stag by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - English Revenue Cutter of 1827   
    Oops!  First thing I did this morning when I got the Stag out at the museum was to start 'sweating up' the shrouds prior to finally securing them.  Blow me down if the lower deadeye strap pin on number two starboard didn't carry away when I put a bit of pressure on it!  

    I've no real idea what happened as it was fine last time I touched it, and when I went to try and drill the old pin out of the upper end of the chainplate there didn't seem to be a pin in there.  Very strange!!
    Oh, well!  A bit of fiddling with some copper wire for a strap and another piece for a pin and I was back in business.

    A little black paint and all was well again - just don't tell the foreman rigger or there'll be hell to pay!

    Once the shroud was back on and they were all tensioned correctly on both sides, I put in some time making a start on the ratlines.  Hopefully I can finish them off next time I'm in.

  9. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to patrickmil in Niagara by patrickmil - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64th   
    Guys--Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm about ready to dust her off and get back at it. My finger is better for the most part and rigging should commence soon.
  10. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Sjors in America by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:72 scale   
    Looks very good Popeye,
    How long do you think before she is finished?
    When we are on the boat from Holland to England and back they had a lot of M&M stuff on board.
    We where thinking of Phyllis then.
    When she see that, I think you need another suitcase   

  11. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Anja in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    No Popeye, nothing like that. I saw a beautiful lamp though on the warrior, but it's still hanging there in the cabin. 
    Don't worry Mobbsie, you'll find everything still in place. But I did find an extra birthday present in the suitcase  
    He was allowed to sit in the driver seat, but not to take the bus home with him. He wish! 
    Luckily for our wallet we didn't see any model shops around.  
    Thank you Grant. It was our pleasure. It was just a pity the masts were removed. 
    Thank you Aldo. I hope the cake was to your liking. And don't worry, Sjors won't cast a powerful spell. His magic wand needs recharging  
    Thank you Jim. Of course I dragged Sjors with me. I love him and can't be without him. 
    Thanks again my friends!
    Take care,
  12. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Sailcat in Cutty Sark by Sailcat - FINISHED - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - Rescue kit bash morphed to Dame Tisane   
    Mark, John, Popeye and Geoffrey - Thanks for looking in and for the kind words
    The return to the workbench (coming back) after an injury to the spine (having hurt my back) is a slow thing, I must observe.  There is not only the new aspects of how to sit, how to crouch and limiting the time I work in order to prevent a re-inujry, but there is also the overwhelming aspect of having to re-exercise the 'other' muscles of reflex, skill and the mind.  Still, things go well and I am pleased to be back (pun intended).
    Having attached the rails the next step is to fill, sand and paint.  The putty I used here is the 'grey' grade Testors contour putty - fine enough for small work and it dries nice and hard. 

    After the first sanding there are always little spots for the second fill and smoothing.

    The comes the base coat of paint - in this case Testors 'rust'.  I am pleased with the initial result.

    After the paint will come some 'unifying' wash coats and tiny touch ups here and there.  But for now here is a view of the current state. 

    Coming Soon - More Rigging!
  13. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Sjors in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    Thanks Mark,
    I missed you guy's to!
    I want to take one of those buses at home but Anja not allowed me 
    And about the Mirage…….
    I have rising the chainplates and attach a few chains…..
    Tomorrow I shall make a picture of it!

  14. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to kiwiron in HMAT Supply by Kiwiron - FINISHED - Caldercraft 1/64   
    Thanks a lot men, i must say i'm enjoying it,onto the yards next before the shrouds,gulp.Now where did that 3mm block go.
  15. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    well........they say never fly them near or around power wires.........guess that means tall ships as well.......       looks like a trip to the shop is in order....LOL!
  16. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Sailcat in Cutty Sark by Sailcat - FINISHED - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - Rescue kit bash morphed to Dame Tisane   
    the aft rail looks great Kats!  to be honest....didn't even notice that the bow rails weren't there.......they look super as well!  very glad to hear that your up and about again......we {I} missed you a lot     you need to remember that you may have added lines that weren't included in the kit diagrams.   I do remember that a few were tied to the rails in the kit.   I'm sure you'll come to a good solution for it.....you have so far!   welcome back {no pun intended}. 
  17. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Sailcat in Cutty Sark by Sailcat - FINISHED - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - Rescue kit bash morphed to Dame Tisane   
    you've done some really cool work there.   take care and rest up....I can wait! 
  18. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Sailcat in Cutty Sark by Sailcat - FINISHED - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - Rescue kit bash morphed to Dame Tisane   
    so,  hopefully you are all caught up now........we can see progress.   very well done!   you know,  I meant to comment on the lament of the bow decals.  I wouldn't be too unhappy with the chain overlays.........think of it as   'layered detail'.    looking forward to the finish
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    well........they say never fly them near or around power wires.........guess that means tall ships as well.......       looks like a trip to the shop is in order....LOL!
  20. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Walter Biles in Meridea by Walter Biles - RADIO - 34" CAD of boat at USN Severn River Repair Station c. 1969   
    I got the cabin sides cut and the window openings made. I am going to make a thinner outer side with the window openings to sandwich the plastic material between. That will help me get enough thickness to the side walls so there won't be any gaps at the floor, and make it easier to do the windows. All the cabin roof is planked and ready to install at the right time. I am still waiting for my wood for planking. I need to figure out just where the best angle of control line approach will be best to avoid any binding or other untidy mishaps. I am begining to go back to what someone mentioned about a pull - pull connection. I am beginning to think it may be my only way. That rudder down in that hole must have been operated with a set of gears, I'm thinking. Anyway, Pull - pull is the next area for investigation. I think the lady said my planks should arive about This next Thursday. I hope I can get this solved by then. Then I need to get the sail control lines routing tubes figured out before starting more planking. This boat/sail control leaves me a bit puzzled about how to plan it out. It is a whole new way of setting up controls to me.
    Walter Biles
  21. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Sailcat in Cutty Sark by Sailcat - FINISHED - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - Rescue kit bash morphed to Dame Tisane   
    John, Popeye, Hakan, Daniel, Kevin, Anja, Druxey, David, Tim, Tophog and Frank - Thank you all for looking in and for your kind words of support and encouragement 
    Kevin - the issue with the mizzen pinrails is that there aren't enough pins for the lines yet to be affixed.  In this case the Braces are supposed to be belayed to the pins there and they're already full.  I plan to deal with this by 'doubling up' the necessary pins and likely only the 'knowledgable' will be able to notice the discrepancy.
    Tim - I'm tying the ratlines to the shrouds using a method detailed in Dan Vad's HM Supply build log from times past.  I am not sure if he has reposted this one yet so I'll describe it for you.  Start by tying the ratline to the middle shroud using a clove hitch.  This type of knot holds well but is also 'loosenable' in case of a need for adjustment.  Continue out and leave enough 'slack' for the ratline to hang slightly.  On the outer shrouds I looped the line around the shroud and used a needle to 'splice' the end through the line and then seized it with thin white thread.  This method is time consuming but it provides good looking results.
    Well, I can happily report that I am now able to get back in the saddle, if only for short periods of time.  So I started by reading a lot and catching up on everything I had forgotten in the time.  After this initial perusal I realized that it was time to attach the 'stanchion rails' fore and aft - the 'final part' of the Dame which I had been leaving off in order to facilitate rigging.  So before starting the last aspects of the fore-and-aft rigging I have taken the plunge and 'finalized' this last 'structural' part of the build.  And I've been taking photos ...
    The aft stanchion rails being put in place.

    The curved portion on the end is a scratchbuilt replacement ... I think it blends in nicely.

    The fore stanchion rails and the mini-pinrail attached.

    I still have to fill the seams, sand and paint over the joins.  But it feels really good to be back at it after these months of recovery.  And it feels good to be able to say, "Be back soon with more!" 
  22. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    what did you two settle on as  'the souvenier'.......the towel.....or the ashtray?      welcome back!
  23. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to JPett in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Ahoy Sjors
    I think I figured out what he was up to

  24. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Patrick-  head must already be too big.  My hair used to cover the entire thing
    Grant -  yes, these are also friends.  Wouldn't let 'em in if they weren't (me being such a sweet guy) !
  25. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in America by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:72 scale   
    that's what started me to do the build logs........and the origin of Wenzels Wharf.   this is on word press.....but others are sub-divided into their own  'dry docks'.   take the name of the ship and put the words dry dock after them...you should find them online.
    in our chatting back and fourth,  he asked if I would do a build log for him on the Nordkap.   I did........he also wanted to have a ship or two done for him.   I told him I didn't think I had enough experience,  but he should ask around on the site here......perhaps he could get a volenteer.   he asked me again later on.......convinced me to do the Cux.   after the Cux and the Nordkap was finished,  he sent me the Regina to do.........it ended up becoming the Susan A.    the build logs I sent him,  he condensed them and posted them on their website.
        I have a copy of them   I have the plans for the Wasa,  the Danmark,  the Half Moon,  And the Gothenborg on CD.  of course,  I've saved all the instruction sheets.   I'm trying to get the plans for the HMS. Warrior.  I hope to do more for him in the future.......we still chat back and fourth.   yepper......they're really good folk........so glad to have met him 
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