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Posts posted by Adrieke

  1. thank you Popeye, Dragzz and Robert :)


    Popeye not sure what location pins are . will look it up thanks for the suggestion :)


    Dragzz , i have thought about velcro but there is only minimal space between the deck and the celing inside . thats why i had to insert the magnets into the deck


    the problem is that although the front and back have a magnet to stick the middle bit is loose.


    in the end i might have to just gleu the deck down and not worry about ever opening her up

  2. no building update


    worrying about my mother in laws place . (she passed away last year but my brother in law is still living there) its at Lake Munmorah and they are trying to contain the fire there just behind the house

    also other relatives of my wife live in Winmalee and we are trying to get to know if there place is ok (we know they are alright since we saw them on TV when they where interviewing some of their neighbours)

  3. first of all thanks all for the comments. no bushfires near where i am at this moment so i am safe

    but keepign updated on the rfs website

    Wayne. i think i confused you i was talking about the part i was painting . i will take a picture soon so i can show you what i meant


    hello Popeye they sit on top off the deck the 2 side bits is where 2 off the lifeboats will fit on. there is no cutout for it

  4. thanks Ferit :)


    the instructions only say to cut off the corner but it might look better if i do what you suggest . i might have a look doing that on the other piece and if i am satisfied with it i can redo the other one :)


    thanks Mick


    they where actualy easy to make . OcCre instructions make you assemble them first then apply glue with a brush on top. this makes the glue soak into the cracks. when cutting to size i used exacto knife to carefully cut them then apply some more glue with a brush on the sides to keep it all together :)


    Sent from my work computer coffee next to me waiting for the daily mayhem to start :P

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