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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Jon, I would love to have your Sail making and Metal work skills. Best Regards, Pete
  2. I agree, David B., Although I would sail her anywhere I could Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank You, Mark, The Boat is 14 feet long on the Waterline the actual length is 17 feet 9 inches, they do carry Spinnakers and there are active racing fleets Best Regards, Pete
  4. Today, I started by Bending in the final rib at the stern knee, ( port and starboard ) Next, I installed the deck clamps, and trimmed the ribs down, they will still need to be sanded. I then turned my attention to the bow section deck clamps ( forward of station 7 ) these sit below the sheer line, so that they pick up the load of the deck beams, wich were cut and installed,after the Breast hook was installed. The bow section is roughed in along with the Cockpit bulkheads. ( wich have not been glued in ) Now it's decision time, If I make her a Sailing version, I will make a steel centerboard wich will be fixed in the down position. If I make her Static, then I will make the Centerboard as per plan. That being said, over the past few days( while waiting for paint to dry/wood soaking ) I re worked the molds and started bending the ribs over the molds. Next will be to finish the floor framing, and finish the bulkheads. Here are the Results
  5. Thank You, Nils, I have sailed the Herreshoff 12 1/2 , I imagine that the 14 would be amazing to sail. I bet she's fast, stable and points to weather very well. Best Regards, Pete
  6. Hi, Jond, I have gone to the shooting range to get lead. I am counting down the Day's till Sailing season starts, and I look forward to seeing your boat sail Best Regards, Pete
  7. Thank You, John, this build is definitely around the top mark, and on that down wind leg. Patrick, You know you want to build one,, it would be a great build, we will be patient Best Regards, Pete
  8. I concur, with all of the Above, I have not had a Haircut in Years Best Regards, Pete
  9. Thank You, Patrick, She has been a lot of fun to build, I bet you could build an Amazing one ( hint hint ) Best Regards, Pete
  10. Thank you, Michael, I am pleased with how she's turning out, I am just about ready to start making the Mast Best Regards, Pete
  11. Today, I started by sanding the Deck, I then finalized the Transom shape, I then stained the transom and the ply on the Rudder a cherry red. I then painted the deck a sand color. while the paint was drying, I shaped and sanded the Cockpit coamings, I sanded them to 400 grit sandpaper and stained them cherry red, Next will be to add the stem and moldings. Here are the results, the coamings have not been installed yet
  12. Very Nice, Jond, The sails look fantastic, the Boat is beautifully done, Will we get to see her Sail? Best Regards, Pete
  13. Hi David B., The nice thing is I did not start a build log for that boat, that was the second or third problem that I had with it ( for me this usually means it's going to be one of those builds ) so for me its best to just forget about it for a while, it has been a total learning experience, and in my excitement for haveing the plans I over looked important information and just started cutting away. and like I said I am glad that I did not start a build log for that boat Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hello, Mark, The frames are Correct they just need to be re aligned Best Regards, Pete
  15. Ok, Patrick, I will just say put it down for a while, The frames are still correct, so it's not a complete loss, just some re working of the frames heights to match the base line Best Regards, Pete
  16. I have a few corrections to make, In my first posting, I stated that everything is square to a base line as opposed to the Water line in order for the Drawings not to be altered, The Fact ( after a side by side comparison between the drawings ) is that the Herreshoff 12 1/2 is also square to a base line as opposed to thew Water line . this means that my 1 off 12 1/2 is wrong ( into the reject pile it goes ) the bow on the Haven is slightly sharper and the frames are close to station 5 not 7 as I had stated before. Back to square 1 on the 12 1/2. Here is a pic of the drawings the Drawing on top is the Haven
  17. Hello, David B., The reason for the use of Rubbing Alcohol is that it evaporates faster than Water making the bent parts usable more quickly Best Regards, Pete
  18. Looks good Jond, You forgot to mention a few months to Sailing Season ( my team was out of it a week ago ) the boat is coming together rather nicely Best Regards, Pete
  19. Thank You, Michael, Joel White did an Amazing job designing this boat, It's very close to the Herreshoff 12 1/2 The transom on this boat was lofted from the Herreshoff 12 1/2 drawings, the Bow section from the stem to station 6 are virtually identical as are stations 19 thru 22. Thank You, John, This has Boat been a pleasure to build, and has gone without a hitch Best Regards, Pete
  20. Hello Mark, Let me see if I got this straight, are you talking a complete from the beginning re-do ? ( page 1 paragraph 1 ) Best Regards, Pete
  21. Last night, before I went to Bed I decided that I would stain the Transom and give her a generous coat of Varnish. When I awoke this morning, I started by cutting 1/8" X 1/16" X 6" strips of basswood for the remainder of the ribs. I then soaked them in rubbing alcohol, I then removed the Hull from the building jig, It was almost too easy ( I thought it might get stuck somewhere ) She popped right off. I then used the jig to bend the frames ( in the same manner as the beginning of the build ) I then glued in the ribs and started on the Bulkheads. Next will be to make and install the Sheer clamps. The building Jig was a success and is ready for the next one ( any orders ? lol ) Here are the results
  22. Looks good Michael, That is a difficult series ( 2 ) planks to install, ( on the Haven I went from garboard to sheer strake to avoid custom planks ) I would get the last 2 planks bent so that they stay in position ( it will take some time I spent 2 hours on 1 plank ) tack it with some super glue , you should be good to go . Curious what is the smaller frame/ building Jig that you have going on in the pic? Best Regards, Pete
  23. Today, I spent the day fairing the Hull, I am glad that I laminated the Keel, The rabbet line turned out just as I had hoped. The hull was sanded up to 400 grit sandpaper. A final fairing of the Hull will be done once the Keel and deadwood have been installed. Next will be to remove the Hull from the building jig, Bend in the rest of the ribs, make and install the bulkheads at station 7 and 19. Her are the results
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