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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Julie Mo, To cut out the Mast, I used a large X-ACTO knife with a #22 Blade ( it is pictured in the mast only shot with the Red handle ) I then used a few different wood files, followed by Sandpaper starting with 180 grit working my way up to 320 grit. The key is to take your time Best Regards, Pete
  2. Today, I actually stayed Home from work, So I decided to start on making the Mast, First I took 1/4" square by 2' length of Bass wood and laid out the taper. I first mark what will be the Sail side of the mast ( marking out the spreaders and where the stays will be ) Next I cut the Front side of the Mast the taper wich is 1/8" to 0 over 2 feet. Next I did the same on both sides of the Mast ( Port and Starboard ).Next I rounded off the front side of the Mast giving the mast a foil profile. I then cut out the Boom as per plan and made the Gooseneck out of brass. I then installed the Gooseneck and dry fit it into the Boat. Next I marked out the Deck for the fore stay and side stays I then made the spreaders,( all the same size and length ) Drilled the holes for all the Stays, dry fit the eyes for the stays and glued the spreaders on the mast. next will be to sand the front of the spreaders to match the Mast and shorten the length of the top spreaders. Here are the results
  3. Thank You, Patrick, I started making the Mast today ( I will do a build log later today ) Thank You, Steen, I greatly appreciate it Hello Julie Mo, I am always looking for crew, I obtained the Plans on the internet ( The plans I am using are on page one of this build log ) The images for the Decals were also found on the internet ( google search ) and I had left over decals from the Volvo Open 70 that I had built earlier this year Best Regards, Pete
  4. Here is a small progress report, But progress none the less, I started by looking for the box containing the parts that I had made, I then brushed off the Dust from the Deck, then cleaned up and Dry fit the parts. Next I located the sheet containing the Logos cut them out and applied them to the Bow ( I know that the year is wrong, these were the ones that fit best, so I went with it ) Next, Hopefully, this Weekend I will get the Mast and Boom made. Here are the results
  5. Hi John, I will concur with all of the above Beautiful Boat Best Regards, Pete
  6. I concur, Great choice, she will look amazing Best Regards, Pete
  7. Thank you, Julie, I have to get some of the dust off this one, and get back to work on it,( I should be starting on the Mast next ) I am currently obsessed with Building the Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14. ( the link is in my signature ) I will get back to this one soon, I would like to see it finished as well. The Volvo Boats are Amazing Best Regards, Pete
  8. Nice build you have going on here Jack When I was a kid I had the Billing boats version of this Boat, it never got put together ( and I have no idea what ever happened to it ) So I will re live my youth through your build Best Regards, Pete
  9. Hi Michael, Obi-Wan has taught you well, I will reinvestigate the 1 1/2" scale version after the holidays. I think you make it look easy ( your recent post on the Butterfly hatches for the Bristol Pilot Cutter ) and " May the Force be with you " Hello, Yves, I will do just that ( I just sent you a reply to your message ) Best Regards, Pete
  10. Here are a few pics of the 1" = 1' - 0" Scale. at this point I am not sure what I am going to do with it
  11. Today, I was able to get some work done ( tis the season for not a lot of Boat Building time ) I started by making the Cradle, I then removed the Boat from the Building Jig. I then cut all the frames down to the Sheer strake. Next will be to make the forward and aft Cockpit Bulkheads ( out of Birch ply )and seal up the inside. During the recent Cold snap I started a 1" to the foot version, to see how it would look, ( kind of a mock up ) and determined that the Scale is still a bit on the small size for an RC Boat. 1 1/2" = 1' - 0" would be ideal ( so I will put the idea of an RC Boat back on the shelf for now) Here are the results
  12. Looking really Good Bob, Shes coming together rather nicely Best Regards, Pete
  13. Looking good Piet, I would go with the color that looks best to you ( I would agree with you on the Green ) Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hello, Yves, The nice thing about this boat is that all the frames in the Bow section ( 5 ) will only need to be cut down to Deck height. The Aft section ( 2 frames ) will just need to be cut to Deck height with the camber for the Deck, Leaving the 3 frames in the Cockpit section ( wich is the tricky part ) they will be cut down to Rib height. Here is a pic from the last one I did Best Regards, Pete
  15. Thank you Nils, I am very Happy with this one, She's turning out a lot nicer than the previous builds Best Regards, Pete
  16. Thank You, Piet, I greatly appreciate it, I think the white bottom Paint and Blue Water Line should do the trick and give her a little more of a Bristol look Best Regards, Pete
  17. Thank you, Michael, It did warm up to 0 Celcius today ( 30 degrees Fahrenheit ), With Snow tonight. So no work outside for the time being. I will be leaving the Top Sides Natural, Just the Bottom Paint and Water Line will have Paint. I think it will look good. By building her upside down, helped get the Hull shape a lot more accurate than the previous builds. ( I could not be more pleased ) Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank you Patrick Thank you David B., The cure time is 7 hours, I am guessing your brother in law did not put in the correct amount of hardner . humidity and temp do play a factor, however it would only add or subtract an hour or 2 Best Regards, Pete
  19. Well, It took 3 days, due to an Average high temp of 24 degrees Fahrenheit ( -5 Celsius ) I could only manage to be outside at 10-minute intervals. ( No sanding inside the House ) I started at 150 grit Sandpaper and worked up to 600 Grit. I then applied the second coat of West System epoxy. ( very thin ) I am very pleased with how she is turning out. Next will be to remove her from the Building Jig. Here are the results
  20. Hi Patrick, you sure have your work cut out for you with the Cabin, Shes going to look amazing Best Regards, Pete
  21. Thank You, Patrick, She's starting to come together, the Hull will have to be faired and I will apply another coat of epoxy , I am thinking White bottom paint with a Blue Water Line Best Regards, Pete
  22. I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and After a day of recovery ( from the Turkey Day extravaganza ) I started the sealing up of the Hull Process, First I faired the Bow section to get it to match the drawing, Next I stained the Transom a Cherry Red, and Then applied West System epoxy ( I went with the G-flex over the 101 resin - 205 hardner due to pot life wich is 15 minutes with the 101 -205 ) Next will be to Fair the Hull and re apply epoxy if necessary. Here are the results
  23. Hi Nils, I would have never guessed this is the most challenging build, that you have done. The detail work is incredible Best Regards, Pete
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