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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Michael, Shes really starting to take shape, I am looking forward to seeing her planked Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thank you, Mark, I am happy with the way the wood colors turned out. I try and use as many different woods as possible. Thank you Patrick, No update today, before I can do the deck, some sanding will be required and its been about 10 degrees Fahrenheit and snowing outside Thank you Piet Best Regards, Pete
  3. Looks Good Michael, To get a nice planking job you will want to line off your planks, ( narrow on the bow and stern and wider in the middle ) here is a pic of Joel Whites Haven 12 1/2 to illustrate. Best Regards, Pete
  4. With all the Family functions now out of the way, I started by cutting out the hole in the Transom to allow the Tiller to pass thru. I then decided to add a piece of birch to the inside of the transom ( cockpit side ) and then gave the Transom more shape. I then built and installed the aft Deck. I then started on the Main deck framing. Next will be to finish the Main Deck framing and install the Deck. Here are the results
  5. Thank you Crackers, Happy new year Thank you Patrick, I am pleased with how this one has turned out ( so far ) Thank you Michael, I had a great Christmas and I am very excited about building the 12 1/2 ( the holy grail of sailboats ) the larger scale will allow me to do more detail work. We are now a few months away from Sailing season ( I cant wait it.s currently 9 degrees Faerinheight and I am ready for some warm weather ) Thank you Piet, she's starting to look pretty sweet ( almost like the real deal ) Thanks Yves, I am glad that you are happy with the Boat, any information that is not listed and you may need, feel free to contact me and I will help you out Best Regards, Pete
  6. Happy New Year Piet, wishing you all the best in 2016 Best Regards, Pete
  7. Looks incredible Patrick, I hope you have a wonderful new year Best Regards, Pete
  8. Very Nice Michael, ( your jig looks great ) The Port Hadlock Boat is a beautiful example, thanks for sharing the link Best Regards, Pete
  9. I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas, I was able to sneak in some building time last night and this morning, ( Before the New Years Eve Extravaganza ) I started by framing in the cockpit seat walls ( the proper seat height was also something that I wanted to get right on this build ) I then installed Birch plywood ( Stained Cherry red ) to the framing, I then framed in the Cockpit locker hatch openings ( at this point I decided to keep the Hatches in the shut position ) I then installed the pre-laid out and grooved birch ply for the seats. Next will be to Frame the Rear Deck, I hope that everyone has a Safe New Years eve and a Fantastic 2016. Here are the results
  10. Looking Good Michael, I am seeing that Herreshoff profile, how do plan on making the Keel? Happy New Year Best Regards, Pete
  11. Looks fantastic Michael, Beautiful work, will you be making the Keel out of Lead? Best Regards, Pete
  12. Hi Michael, the Frames look great, you sure are moving at a fast pace Best Regards, Pete
  13. Thank you, Jack, I am very happy with how she is turning out Thank you, Deon, I am planning to build the Joel White Haven 12 1/2 as my next build, in a 1" = 1' - 0" scale I have started a mock up just to see how things will work out. since I usually build models of Boats that I would like to own or go sailing on, and since I was a kid I wanted a Buzzards Bay 14. here's a pic of my Haven 12 1/2 mock up Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hi Michael, the Gaff rig looks good ( wooden boat forum, and your drawings ), It gives the Boat that 12 1/2 flair, I am partial to the Marconi rig, Are you planning on Sailing the Boat? Besat Regards, Pete
  15. Looks Great, Michael, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well Best Regards, Perte
  16. Merry Christmas to you as well John, the Boat sure is looking good Best Regards, Pete
  17. Thank's David B., The Book that I believe that you are referring to is Sensible cruising designs, ( It's a great book that I recommend to anyone intrested in the Herreshoff Boats ) Thank you, Piet, I am happy with how this one is turning out Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank you, Michael, It is Awesome to see you Building one. You have now been officially bitten by the Herreshoff Bug ( it is contagious ) Best Regards, Pete
  19. Looking good Dave, Beautiful work, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Best Regards, Pete
  20. Thank's Patrick, we got over a foot of Snow last night, I am pleased with how the Floor turned out, she's starting to come together Best Regards, Pete
  21. Michael, I do accept full responsibility, You Know that I am in, I am glad that you chose to build one at this scale. It should be an amazing build Best Regards, Pete
  22. That Looks Fantastic Mark, Beautiful work, I am looking forward to seeing the Transom come together. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Best Regards, Pete
  23. Hi Nils, I am just blown away every time I look at this beautiful Boat, Absolutely Incredible workmanship. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Best Regards, Pete
  24. Hi Patrick, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I concur with all of the above. Best Regards, Pete
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