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Everything posted by Glenn-UK

  1. Moving forward, the following show the next phase of build I didn't make a good of this dead eye, but I got better with the other ones. I wish I had used beeswax on the rigging, that was a rookie error on my part. Adding the ratlines was not as bad as I first thought, using a cardboard template helped, and watched a useful video on YouTube, which ensured I used the glove hitch. [ Once again the AL kit was missing a key piece, in this time it was the brass jaw which connects the boon to the fore mast. I managed to engineer a suitable part using wood and once installed looked the part. I installed the bottom fore mast spur last night, so I only have the top two fore mast spurs to fit to and rig, fingers crossed I will complete by the end of the week, which is just as well as the HMS Victory - Caldercraft is now waiting in the wings as the kit arrives today from CMB.
  2. Next stage of build Started adding the deck detail, starting with the rudder control. Finally added the bow spirit, it took some time to taper the dowels, just using sandpaper. For the masts and spurs I invested in a vary speed drill which I was able to use with the sandpaper which speeds the process up no end.
  3. Hi Stan I have been building the boat for the last 10 weeks and being new to the site will add the build picture in different posts. In answer to your question I will experiment with deck nails with my test hull plank build over the next couple of weeks.
  4. The next phase of the build, some more top side detail added. Started the out hull planking. The first problem was the 2nd plank strips were not in the AL kit, so I had to order a new set from CMB. The were no clear instructions or picture on how this bit should look, I don't think I got it right but with a bit more work I got to a workable solution!. It took time and effort with the next section
  5. Here is the next set of photos of the hull planking. You can see below the problem had I with the hull planking by not getting the hull shaping correct. I also added the first part of the deck detail. And my ever expanding set of modelling tools!
  6. Many thanks for the info. I had already asked for a copy of The New Period Ship Hand Book as a Xmas present a few weeks ago. I have also asked for HMS Victory Operating Manual and the HMS Victory CD Rom. I may also invest in Anatomy of Nelson's Ships in the new year along
  7. In this second post I have added photos of the deck planking and hull shaping. I did not make shorter deck planks which could have been offset when fitted which was an error. Also I did not replicate the caulking. I intend to made some test pieces to see which of the methods for caulking works best. The AL instructions were not very clear regarding the hull shaping so it was done by trial and error. I did not get it 100% right, which became evident as the hull planking progressed particularly around the stern area.
  8. This is my first ever boat build. The build is nearing completion and I used this project to learn some or the skills necessary for my next build. In this build log I will add photos and where necessary highlight the errors I made during the build phase. In this first post I have added the pictures for the basic hull assembly prior to the shaping and first planking. I dry fitted the sections prior to gluing and where necessary filed the joints to ensure a proper fit. ]
  9. After much research I have ordered the HMS Victory Caldercraft kit from CMB. I plan to make a start in earnest after the Xmas break and will post regular updates. This will be my second boat build as I've very nearly completed the AL Scottish Maid which was used as model boat build learning exercise which I really enjoyed building.
  10. I have been reading your build log with great interest and it looks like you have been making a first job of this build. I have just about completed my first ever model boat build which was the AL Scottish Maid. This was very much used as a learning exercise as I really wanted to build HMS Victory. The model has turned out Ok, not bad for a first attempt but could be better. The AL kit did have quite a missing parts such as the outer hull planks, boom jaws, etc. and some of the plans and instructions did not aid the build process. After much research I decided the Caldercraft HMS Victory was the best kit; I am now waiting with baited breath for the kit to arrive from CNB in the next few days. Given it is nearing Xmas, I hope to make a start in earnest in the new year and will use any free time to test build some ideas, such as different methods for deck planning/caulking effects. I plan to start a build log to keep you all updated with my progress and to seek advise as necessary as it seems I can learn a lot from the forum members. Are there any recommended books on model making or HMS Victory?
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