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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Another stunning build, Steven. I love love following your work and variety of vessels.
  2. That is wonderful work. The wear and tear and dust is just perfect.
  3. What kind of advice are you looking for? The catch is from I've seen is that there is no "one size fits all" for a build board. It basically depends on the size of the model.
  4. Here's a link with a lot of excellent info on lathes and also mills. I have one of MicroMark lathes and it's adequate for what I use it for. https://www.mini-lathe.com/
  5. It seems that many times, their kits are cheaper on Ebay than in their website. Sometimes not. The catch is, when you see a price you're comfortable with, you need to jump right then and there because of how they change prices.
  6. Have you tried Googling "ocean tugs"? Might need to change the search words as you go.
  7. The changes to the photography set up were well worth it, Alan. The figure looks fantastic.
  8. I was an "air dale".... CH-34 and then CH-53's. Only time I ever went to sea was to help in recovering one our birds that did a hard landing on a carrier but had an interesting time on the ship for about 2 weeks..
  9. That's great news, OC. I'll keep fingers crossed for you.
  10. Congratulations. You've done a beautiful model that I've enjoyed following along on your build. I hope there's more in the future.
  11. This can end up a really deep dive into kit bashing. Possibly cut away the interior of the the bulkhead so you end up with the fake framing and a deck beam? Adding more framing (scratch work for sure)? I do recall seeing some others that have done this though very few.
  12. I think we'd need more info. Maybe a photo or two of the gun barrels and the carriages.
  13. That seems to be a common error by many painters and artists and also many model ship builders.
  14. Alan has what to me to me is a good alternative if you can't get hep from opticion. But take what Jack said and give them call. They might even be able to refer you to someone who can help I have a set of magnifier glasses from the optician I use and they work very well for what we do.
  15. I too live in an apartment. I have a full size scroll that I use but I'm usually running it, shall we say, not at full speed but pretty slow as mostly it's for small pieces. No one has ever mentioned any noise. None of my power tools are what I would consider loud.
  16. Look in the Scratch build area and do a keyword search for "radio" in the title. You should get plenty of hits. There are some very skilled RC types here building them.
  17. Good news about the eyes, OC. Makes me happy to hear. Doing what you need to take of yourself is the first priority.
  18. Do start a build log even thoiugh you're now into the rigging. As for help, there's an entire sub-forum on rigging/sails here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/16-masting-rigging-and-sails/
  19. As for kit suggestions, do you have any preferences to type? Era? Etc.? Basically what's interests you the most?
  20. I'm catching up and really loving the background stories that hit home for many reasons even though I was USMC and not USN. Thanks for this log..
  21. To me, this log is mind blowing. Such complexity and so well assembled. I' glad you it to us.
  22. I too hope the healing goes well, Nils. We'll be patient as family comes before models.
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