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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I suspect you're right about the stove being a Brodie or equivalent. The supply chains back then for major items weren't very fast.
  2. That does sound like the military coffee I had in some places, but not all.
  3. I think the old saying applies: "If at first you don't succeed, read the instruction manual." Been there myself many times.
  4. Add to that, China does NOT recognize US patents/copyrights or patents/copyright from any place other than China. This is not the US patent office fault but China's.
  5. Welcome to MSW, Henly. When your ready to post some more work, feel free to open a build log.
  6. Both Gilmer and Cook are excellent sources. If there is something special in wood you're looking for, drop them a note and ask if they're planning on getting more. Or just check the sites like once a week. In the past, I noticed that some species would sell out pretty quick, so it's sometimes a bit hit and miss.
  7. John, I'd put another post here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/26-plastic-model-kits/ Hope you can find a set of plans.
  8. Sort of like military coffee then? Came in semi-liquid and "chewy" n the various line shacks and mess halls as I recall.
  9. I have a small WeCheer model 242. Made in Taiwan and if I remember right, I bought on Amazon. Dremel collets fit nicely and it has multispeeds which I usually only ending using the slowest two speeds. THe other advantage to me is that it's small (5" long) and light weight. It is cord powered. These also seem to show up at many beauty supply sources. There's two kinds, one with a 90 degree collet and the other with the "straight out" collet at the end.
  10. Is there such a thing as "too strong" coffee?
  11. I'm there with you on my Belle Poule. I don't know how many planks I've cut and tossed. But I'll keep at it. Just trying to make sure I don't do the same things over and over again and expect different results as that's where insanity lies.
  12. I would suggest that maybe set your cardboard spraybooth up near a window that can be opened and use a window or even a box fan blowing out.
  13. TMJ. Get a copy of Historic Ship Models by xu Mondfeld. The most inexpensive place is Ebay though Amazon might also be a good source. It has a good breadkown of the various bits and pieces of period sailing ships. There are some errors but one can follow up with a Google search if something seems "off".
  14. I do believe we have a few here who had experience with bone glue but I'm not one of them. I'd suggest opening a topic here and see what answers you might get: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/18-modeling-tools-and-workshop-equipment/ I did a search on bone glue and found these two logs which might help. https://modelshipworld.com/topic/27614-prisoner-of-war-bone-model-c-1800-by-shipmodel-restoration-by-dan-pariser/#comment-794900 https://modelshipworld.com/topic/1749-hmy-royal-caroline-1749-by-tarjack-made-from-bone-m-1-50/
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