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About Mau

  • Birthday 04/18/1965

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  • Location
    São Paulo
  • Interests
    Modeling, traveling, books, movies.

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  1. Hi Gaetan, I'm just catching up with your model. I can't decide what I like the most. Excellent Job!!! Thanks for sharing. Mauricio
  2. Hi Karl. It's seems so easy... I wish. Fantastic job!!! Congratulations. Thanks for sharing. Mauricio
  3. Hi Gaetan, I just caught up with your worderful work. I can´t say which photo I liked the most. This not a scratch building log, this is a complete model course, with a photography course as a bonus. Congratulations!! This holiday I will connect my notebook to the TV and review the log from the begining in a large screen, so that I can aprpeciate the details. Thanks for sharing. Mauricio
  4. Guys, do you know why there is a frame number (3)? Is It the same frame 3? What are the numbers of the frames next to zero?
  5. Hi Gaetan, Fantastic job!!! It seems like a computer drawing but it made of wood. very precise. Congratulations!!
  6. Congratulations Ed !! It was an almost live course in ship modeling. I learned a lot. Thanks. Greetings. Mauricio
  7. Gaetan, you are a master! What a precise work. So many details. The photos are the icing on the cake. So sharp and clear. Very good! Congratulations !!! Mauricio
  8. Hi Mike, I'm a little late, just now I've been able to see all of your log. Great job! Congratulations!! I have a question: How did you calculate the amount of wood needed? Is there a simple rule or do you calculate by the plans? Like 3 boards of 3", 4 boards of 6", etc.? Greetings Mauricio
  9. Congratulations Karl!! Another superb model!!!
  10. Wunderbar!!! Congratulations Karl. What a model!!!
  11. Perfect Karl. I like these "how-to" pictures. Congratulations!!!! 67/5000
  12. Hi Ed, I just updated with the latest posts and, although I expected great photos, I was delighted. So much care in details. Beautiful!! I love it when you put photos of the parts being made. Inspiring work. Greetings Mauricio
  13. Wow!!!! Wunderbar Karl. Your work is an inspiration. Do you make joints with chisels or with machines? Greetings
  14. Hi Karl, Photos still not showing for me. Using also Chrome
  15. Hi Karl, What a pity. I sympathize with you. I hope only this model has been damaged. Good luck with the rebuilding. Regards Mauricio
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