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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello dear friends, thank you, I am honored to read your words. I'm very happy about that. Today I started making the double blocks for the backstays. These were attached to the channels. The detail for mounting on the channels has not yet been finally clarified. If you could provide hints and suggestions or pictures, I would be very grateful. Here is a corresponding photo of the model from the Musée de la Marine. Photographed by Wefalck:
  2. Hello Doris, it is always a great pleasure to see the progress of your fantastic model. I hope it will not take that long until the next new pictures.
  3. Hello Albert, Carl, Nils, Paul, Micheal, thank you for always checking my report, and all others for the LIKES too. The guide blocks are now on the model at the place at the main mast and the foremast. Here are a few pictures. Before I work on the standing rigging, I have to make a few blocks for the backstays. These are fixed on the channels.
  4. Hello Albert, Thank you for your interest and the nice words, as well as all those for the LIKES. The guide blocks are now completed as shown below. Up soon ...
  5. Hello, after a short break, the report continues again. First of all, I would like to thank you for the nice comments and the many LIKES. Today I'll show you how to make the ninepin blocks. These are located behind the foremast and the mainmast. These are single and double blocks, which are guided on an iron bar. The fittings I manufacture from brass strips with a width of 0.8 mm. Quelle: Monographie La Crèole 1827 v. J. Boudriot Continuation follows ...
  6. Hello Hartmut, the beginning of a nice project. The slipway is already the right start. Very good, I have to remember that.
  7. @cog Hello Carl, do not worry, I will focus on the last parts of the model now. Then I do the rigging. I also want to build another model in this life ...
  8. @cog Hello Carl, here I show a comparison of both steering gears. I think that now it is better I promise: I will not grumble any more ...
  9. @JOUFF @cog Thanks for the kind words. It continues with the construction of the steering gear. The previous version was also not satisfactory. Here I show the trial assembly. Only when it can be ensured that everything fits, then the steering gear comes on the ship model.
  10. Happy New Year! I had made the steering wheel for the La Creole some time ago. In the meantime, I am no longer satisfied with it. So I decided to do it again. Here are some pictures:
  11. Happy New Year, Albert! The figurehead is fantastic ... wow ...! What kind of wood is she made of?
  12. Hello Marslav, thank you for your explanation. I will try that soon.
  13. Hello Marslav, great progress on your model. Can you please explain or show how you make the thimbles?
  14. Hello Karl, it is amazing with what precision you make this wonderful model. A masterpiece that is second to none.
  15. Amazing! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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