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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello, today I would like to thank you all again for the great interest and the praise for my report. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  2. Hi Ed, here I find an exemplary rigging work. I can learn a lot from that for my model. Thanks for that!
  3. Hello Patrick, Michael and Albert, first of all, thanks for the interest and nice comments, also the others for the LIKES. Hello Michael, the method of tightening the bands was a hole for an iron bar. Here is a drawing from the Atlas du Genie Maritime. There is the principle to see. I hope that I could clarify the facts for you.
  4. Hello, Thanks for your interest. With the completion of the bowsprit all masts are made. Here are pictures of the model with the temporarily employed masts.
  5. Hi Albert, thanks for the positive feedback, and also all the others for the LIKES. Here is the sequel to the construction of the bowsprit and its components:
  6. Hi Ed, I am always enthralled by your meticulous work, how to do the details. Also, I admire your documentation of the work.
  7. Since I was also busy with the construction of the masts I look with great interest on your masts with equipment for the Pandora. Your Pandora is a wonderful model, a masterpiece of model making. Just as high quality are the associated masts.
  8. Hello, before I go on with the report, I would like to thank you for your interest and compliments, also for the LIKES. The bowsprit is ready so far except for the rings for the font fish. The dolphin striker for the La Crèole was forged from iron. The jib boom and the flying jib boom have now been made. Here are some pictures:
  9. Hello, many thanks for the interest and the nice comments, but also for the LIKES. I'm very glad about that. In the meantime, I made a new bowsprit. The previous one was from Ramin, which does not fit the other masts. The mast-rings still need to be supplemented.
  10. Excellent performance! Your work inspires me. Here LINK you can see my method for making the fittings for the dead-eyes.
  11. Hello, many thanks for the stimulating comments, and also for the LIKES. The last details on the masts are made. These are hoops around the lower masts with holders for pins, so-called spider bands. The holder was made of brass investment casting. The left fragment of a hoop is a failed attempt. The right hoop looks much better, right?
  12. Hello, thanks for the kind comments. Little progress has been made, but the lower mast coats are completed. For this a picture. I hope you like it.
  13. Hello, meanwhile, I've made some small progress: I turned the supporting bodies for the mastcoats on my Unimat. The tarred canvas I imitate by fine silk that I dyed black with poster paint.
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