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    Stuntflyer reacted to michael mott in The Byrnes Saw "inside and around"   
    Markus I like the chopsticks device. however I would use a sled rather than the mitre gauge. I realize that you are using a very small saw. and understand the waste issue with regard to production methods. I find that sometimes we follow along a line of thinking that boxes us in, I have done this many times where because I have used a particular tool or method, I seem to be locked into that tool or method and attempt to do the next job or task using it instead of thinking about what the big picture actually requires.
    As you pointed out using the chisel with the mirrored surface give a perfectly clean 90 degree cut exactly illustrates what I am saying.
    I am fortunate to have a large number of good tools that I have acquired over many years, and like yourself they are used for much more than model ship building. It has been my personal preference to use larger tools that are capable of cutting small sizes to good tolerances that to attempt to use small tools that are pushed to their limit cutting large stock.
    All that said I am enjoying seeing your innovative attachments and ideas for this very high quality small machine. 
  2. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to rschissler in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    Thanks, I've been looking at Ilhan's log on this.  His tops came out very nice, though a little larger scale.
  3. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to Bob Blarney in Scale conversion   
    I apologize if I made anybody feel stupid.  For many years I was a research professor in a medical school, and occasionally I was recruited to teach either in a lecture hall and/or in the laboratory.  Those are two very different places and different crowds.
    Well, I'll tell you, that when I was faced with 50--150 bright faces, then I learned that  'There are no stupid questions, but there are many stupid answers.'  
    It's a matter of understanding what a student is asking, what the student knows, and then explaining how a problem can be solved.  But it's more than that -- it's about teaching a student how to learn about how to solve a problem on their own, when nobody else is around to ask for help.
  4. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to Chuck in Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Maury S - 1:48 - POB   
    That little side to side difference wont matter.   I would try and just open the slots up evenly on both sides.  Use a sanding stick that is pretty large with some coarse sandpaper glued to it.   I just ordered a bunch of plywood so hopefully it will be the correct thickness. If time permits I may cut some sets if the thickness is OK.    Its midwest ply...not the 6mm stuff.  You must look for actual 1/4" thick stuff.
    Dont forget to download the first chapter of the monograph online.   I just added it and plan to get the others written within a week or so until I am caught up with my progress thus far.  One important thing I always mention is for the builder to always measure the thickness of the ply before they start cutting.  This way they can make adjustments to the slots before they start making sawdust.  Its awful trying to find accurate good quality ply.   It looks good so far though....
  5. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to trippwj in Scale conversion   
    Since the scales for model building are given in a couple of ways (1/8" scale or 1:96 scale) it sometimes becomes necessary to find the ration (1:96) from a fractional inch (1/8").
    The method Stuntflyer shows takes the fraction (1/8) does the division to get a decimal (0.125).  Since 0.125" = 1 foot at scale, and not sure why this works but it does, divide 12 inches per foot by the decimall (0.125) to get the ratio 1:96 (1 inch scale = 96 inches real).
    Also works for other scales -
    1/4"=1 foot becomes 12/0.25 = 1:48
    3/32"=1foot becomes 12/0.9375 = 1:128
    1/16" = 1 foot is 1:192
    1/2" = 1 foot is 1:24 and so on.
    This may not work as neatly when converting metric - haven't attempted that part yet!
  6. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from trippwj in Scale conversion   
    William, I'm not saying that. I'm saying 1/8" = .125 
    1 foot = 12"
    (12 ÷.125) = 1:96 scale
  7. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to BANYAN in Scale conversion   
    Mike, have a look at this one - does exactly what you asked I think?
  8. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from trippwj in Scale conversion   
    How would this work?
    for 1/8" scale: 1/8"=.125, (12 ÷.125) = 1:96 scale
    for 5/32" scale: 5/32"=.15625, (12÷.15625) = 1:76.8 scale
  9. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to rschissler in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    Very nice job on the small parts!  I look forward to seeing how you do your tops, as I'm debating what to do about the tops on my model.
  10. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I got the Dremel table (only) for $5 at a garage sale about 15 years ago!
  11. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from GLakie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    yeah, I was wondering about the price too. Seems a bit high.
  12. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from GLakie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Dr Per, Jack, I found the Dremel Workbench here. . .http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/221495363403?item=221495363403&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&rmvSB=true
  13. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from Jack12477 in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    yeah, I was wondering about the price too. Seems a bit high.
  14. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Dr Per, Jack, I found the Dremel Workbench here. . .http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/221495363403?item=221495363403&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&rmvSB=true
  15. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to jefzee in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    Mike:  Thanks for you sugggestions.  I will attempt to follow your instruction and am confient I will be successful.  Jeff
  16. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    ● Pumps: The pumps were made according to the kit instructions with one change. When I tried making the main cylinder from 3/16" dowel the diameter ended up too small according to the plan. I was successful when I used 3/16" square strip and a "V" groove jig to hold the strip in place while forming the eight sides. The black bands were made from card stock.
    I glued the tiny spouts to a piece of scrap wood with PVA glue to hold it while sanding them with my newly acquired "True Sander". I dipped the spout into boiling water to release the glue.

    This photo shows how small the spouts are.

    Finished pumps with a coat of Wipe-on Poly.

  17. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from Mirabell61 in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    ● Pumps: The pumps were made according to the kit instructions with one change. When I tried making the main cylinder from 3/16" dowel the diameter ended up too small according to the plan. I was successful when I used 3/16" square strip and a "V" groove jig to hold the strip in place while forming the eight sides. The black bands were made from card stock.
    I glued the tiny spouts to a piece of scrap wood with PVA glue to hold it while sanding them with my newly acquired "True Sander". I dipped the spout into boiling water to release the glue.

    This photo shows how small the spouts are.

    Finished pumps with a coat of Wipe-on Poly.

  18. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to ChrisLBren in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I've got both a Byrnes table saw and disc sander on way......
    Cant wait to use the sander on those head timbers that have been giving me fits - pics soon !!!
  19. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to SkerryAmp in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    Wowzers, great job on the capstan and pumps.  My pumps are okay, but I am thankful my capstan is partially hidden beneath the deck, it allowed me to turn it so only the good side showed  .   The one you made though I would proudly display!!  NICE job!!
  20. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to dvm27 in Newsboy 1854 by Pete Jaquith - Model Shipways - Brigantine   
    I look forward to future updates, Pete! Your models are truely beautiful.
  21. Like
    Stuntflyer reacted to Pete Jaquith in Newsboy 1854 by Pete Jaquith - Model Shipways - Brigantine   
    It is good to hear from you.  I have just completed three years working 1st at Irving Shibuilding in Halifax NS; and, then at Vancouver Shipbuilding in North Vancouver, BC.  Linda and I have relocated to San Diego, CA and I am currently reestablishing my work shop in the garage.  I will then go back to work on my Newsboy and Fair American  builds.  Please give my best to the North Shore Club members.
  22. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from Farbror Fartyg in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    ● Pumps: The pumps were made according to the kit instructions with one change. When I tried making the main cylinder from 3/16" dowel the diameter ended up too small according to the plan. I was successful when I used 3/16" square strip and a "V" groove jig to hold the strip in place while forming the eight sides. The black bands were made from card stock.
    I glued the tiny spouts to a piece of scrap wood with PVA glue to hold it while sanding them with my newly acquired "True Sander". I dipped the spout into boiling water to release the glue.

    This photo shows how small the spouts are.

    Finished pumps with a coat of Wipe-on Poly.

  23. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    ● Capstan: While waiting for the tools to arrive I thought it might be a good opportunity to scratch a few parts. Here is the first one, the capstan, compared to the kit supplied one.

  24. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    Turns out I made the two hatches the wrong size.  The forecastle false deck has squares marked on it for the placement of these hatches. Instead of adding the 1/16" square strips outside of these markings I placed them inside. My thinking was that the markings represented the overall size. Wrong! Chuck's watchful eye caught the mistake.
    Before and after


  25. Like
    Stuntflyer got a reaction from Mike Y in Mayflower by Stuntflyer (Mike) - Model Shipways - 5/32" Scale   
    ● Pumps: The pumps were made according to the kit instructions with one change. When I tried making the main cylinder from 3/16" dowel the diameter ended up too small according to the plan. I was successful when I used 3/16" square strip and a "V" groove jig to hold the strip in place while forming the eight sides. The black bands were made from card stock.
    I glued the tiny spouts to a piece of scrap wood with PVA glue to hold it while sanding them with my newly acquired "True Sander". I dipped the spout into boiling water to release the glue.

    This photo shows how small the spouts are.

    Finished pumps with a coat of Wipe-on Poly.

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