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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. im cutting individual 18mm plates, i tried cheating with longer ones, but i dint work for me
  2. good evening everyone day 118-3 thank you for the comments and likes the copper application is going ok, i wasnt impressed at the start, but then again, i wasnt going to copper at all, until i made the sanding error, oh hum any way the jig im using to cut the tiles is version 3 and for me works ok, having the old metal blade at the base, stops the tape being pushed into the cut, so each one is fairly clean i think i will have about 15 full rows to place, and the any infills at the water line
  3. it certainly helps to have an extra pair of hands on the first keel row, after that photo she retired from the coppering and gone to do knitting
  4. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 113-2 upper deck work is nearly complete, so its time to move to coppering, i used two strips of 6mm on the keel, with allowed me to turn it over, so hopefully avoid any gaps mrs kevin is allowed to help no cheeks on the port side, no its not a mod, they fell off
  5. health is far more important, she will still be there when you feel you can progress her
  6. good evening everyone day 112-2 in the past week the progress on indy slowed down a bit, but the big garden work is coming to an end, just two ton of gravel to move (well 1800 KG) the planking is nearly complete, still more tidying, sanding filling and varnish required, but it looks quite tidy now, the poop and some of the gratings were placed for the photo
  7. i loved the 1st planking, the tuck at the stern needs some thought though, but works fine on the condition you have faired enough
  8. good evening everyone Thank you for comments and likes day 100-2 well the after cabin is nearly to be buttoned up, the painting of pellow is pants i know but it helps with the sense of scale, yes he has wellie boots and not shoes but he is looking at the charts for dryer lands to keep his feet dry
  9. its been lovely to go through your log again, i love this build
  10. welcome to the group, lol why did you trim the inner bulkwarks, and then state they were to short, this is not an issue with the kit
  11. hello and welcome
  12. good morning everyone thank you for comments and likes day 95-2 test fitting, cabin and 1/4 galleries after completing the knees the deck went down without any issues at all, the original bulkhead spacers did their job in ensuring everything stayed in place, i decided to repaint the deck beams in red all over rather than keeping the tops naked cabin not much to say about this, the test fitting is just a slight trimming the ensure the cabin bulkheads fit, the paint in the cabin is AK Air AK11817 RLM65 (1938) and AK11002 off-white, i have kept the window PE without paint the rudder post box, i decided to do in white, and run a ink pen around the compass markings 1/4 galleries, i thought this would cause me some agro, but so far without any issues, hopefully thsi will all come together over this weekend
  13. Glenn i found depending on if you plank or not, that the beam supports will need adjusting, and i added mine after the beams were secure
  14. ty, i am following how you plan yr 2nd planking which ever you choose, it will turn out very nice, hope you are not in to much pain
  15. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 90-2 a bit of progress since my last update we now have a full gundeck, cannon allowance hatches, with cannon balls are made up and fitted all the deck beams are in i may have a couple of beam supports to place into position although these will never be seen, i am at present putting in hanging and lodging knees,
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