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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. good morning everyone thank you for comments and likes im still hoping to finish this build before the end of the year, im busy saving me pennies for the next project, my delay if any will be the boat gantries, i dont evem know if they will fit, all the upper superstructure has now been added, with access to power for any other lighting points that may be required. This morning the after raised deck was permanently fitted, and seams to have gone on ok, all this scratch work seams quite messy to me, working without plans, im finding quite tricky intentions are now to slowly work forward and get her complete
  2. thank you @Roger Pellett i am still looking how the boats stacked below those on top were removed, as the racking does not appear hinged or slatted,
  3. good evening everyone thank you for comments and like, and the ongoing conversation about loss of life and survivors having built up the 2nd set of racks i then had to work out how they are fitted, they appear to sit on top of two small cabins, of which i presently dont know their purpose, but they have doors, so yet again when i find out, i will let you know
  4. it appears that all four stacks are fairly identical with the exception of number 3 which has a lot extra pipework
  5. this is how she would have looked as RMS Britannic with 4 sets of the double gantrys and no boats on the upper decks this is a screenshot from the Britannic Patroness of the Mediterranean programme
  6. good evening, everyone Thank you for comments and likes been a busy couple of weeks, and i have not been doing as much on the forums as normal, like many others, we have been making life easier for ourselves and finding ways to keep ourselves warm but at the same time not restrict what we do we made the decision that during the day if possible, we would both work from my mancave, keeping that warm and comfortable would mean not having to keep the temperature up in other rooms, that has worked very well so far, however the mild weather here in the SW has helped a lot 2nd set of boat racks has been made up today, i ran out of 1mm straight brass rod and substituted it for .8 wire, which is ok but seams a lot flimsier, getting it straight was harder than thought, but once painted and in its place, it should be ok
  7. On my tablet at present, britannic was a much modded Titanic and to allow for the right amount of lifeboats 8 sets of massive davits were to be fitted, the war got in the way, and she became a hospital ship, 5 sets were still only fitted at the time she was sunk by a mine, will post a photo later As a post war liner it was intended for more of the racks to be fitted, and none down the sides
  8. Good evening everyone thank you so much for comments and likes as @realworkingsailor suggested i went and ordered some more suitable I frame (3 different sizes) and today made another attempt at the after Boat rack (Evergreen 272 and 1mm brass wire, i am real pleasd with the result whilst waiting for the strips i also did other bits like detailing the after stack
  9. good evening, everyone thank you for comments and likes After lifeboat rack well i am having to use the grey matter now, and possibly failing miserably without any plans, only a walkthrough i am having to interpret what i see, (not necessarily what there is to see, i have taken as few shots of the programme, and the 7 boats on each rack seem to be on at least 4 levels, mine are on three (please dont tell anyone) the racks are still slightly oversized, but too fragile to make them in scale, this has taken me two days and about 7 different versions, but for now they will do, if however the next set is better then i will come back to this for the redo shots from the walkthrough first failed version version 8 i think
  10. if i listened to the Admiral, i would have by now far more finished, and less uncompleted kits
  11. coming on very nicely, what wood glue are you using, as it could be wiped away before it dries
  12. Good morning everyone Thank you for comments and likes after decks continued light bleed is still an issue on the after deck, i have managed to correct it in other places light bleed, is more of a major hemorrhage
  13. good evening everyone Thank you for comments and likes its nice to get back into the swing of things, and so I have another update pretty well everything on the after deck is scratched, but i did take the two lifeboats of the kit as i need to purchase or obtain more the supports for the after steering positions is 2mm evergreen rod, other plastic mouldings are available, the white box on the stern is the morgue still very much wip
  14. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes its been a strange couple of weeks, with real life getting in the way, only doing a bit here and there, but it all kind of fell into place today, here she is as off tonight after welldeck made stronger upper structures glued to the hull and wiring extended to light then quite a lot of work is required aft, extra cabins scratched for use by the medical staff after plank sheet on, primer used to stop light bleeding waterways, metal work and railings after raised deck with also raises the after steering position
  15. Japanese Battleship Yamato (1/10 scale model 26.3m) - Bing video
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