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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. just over two years and yr log has come alive again, will be great to see yr progress on her again
  2. The boi last night when we told him a new puppy is on the way w believe this to be our next Puppy, aged 3 weeks, we have first pick of the litter boys, and from our daily updates this is the one we like, of course he may not like us
  3. thank you well apart from taking the boi out for an hour in the rain and spending an hour drying him
  4. looks like i have got another day off from the build, something to do with my Birthday today
  5. ty, i will do that, first though i will make up the required amounts of shrouds then reapply them, hopefully a lot tidier,
  6. good evening everyone 184-6 good evening everyone i have slowly been tidying up the bow and making up the masts, so yesterday i decided to insert the lower foremast, and tapped it into position, which gave a lovely satisfying sound telling ,e it was down on the keel, a measurement check confirmed the it was 1.3mm black thread, and 0.5 natural for the landwards, lets start the rigging two pair of pendants in first with 1mm thread and 2.5mm Thimble first pair to stbd these will all be removed and tidied up before i go on with the build, i find deck fittings get in my way so these will be added at a convenient time
  7. good evening everyone thank you for comments and like Foremast day 181 - 6 not a lot to say but oh so enjoyable, even the upper mast battens are included in the kit,
  8. lovely to see her back on the table, wish i had friends who abandon their RW, lol wish i had a friend
  9. good afternoon everyone thankyou for comments and likes day 180-6 today i made up the mizzen mast, all 3 are very basic for now, but i really wanted to get them out of the ways before the new puppy arrives, a couple of bits are pinned, but nothing is glued, so might seam a bit squiffy in places, also they they might not be in the fully home position I will possibly be have a few days of soon from the build, as the mancave display area, is to be made larger, and although it was only done a couple of years ago, its its small (lol always something to do)
  10. nothing is fixed, i am no way ready for masts at this time, but wanted to progress them before the new pup arrival, i also want to redo my display area, so the shed where i did the masts is going to be a temp storage area soon the pups photo was added by mistake, but decided to leave it there, taken yesterday, with just the boys in it, we will be having one of them but will decide which one, as we have first pick, in a couple of weeks time, his name has already been decided, and will be Apollo
  11. good morning everyone Bowsprit 177-6 also completed yesterday well that was a fun little project, i went for the longer version of the two options available and went with the flying Jibboom. this extents the build by another 110mm, the most difficult part was the angle for the masts passing through the cap, done now and im quite pleased with the result
  12. at present im unable to make them look right, so i will try again when i redo the midships to aft repaint plus i may have a bit of a problem with my coppering, i used the tape, and put a water based varnish over, but im wearing the varnish away with constant use, lol its looking very polished by the rudder post and lower bow no masts, is that a personal choice or space related?
  13. good morning everyone day 176-6 lower masting will be interesting to see how @Blue Ensign and @ECK tackle the masting, th standard of the builds far surpasses mine, butim thoroughly enjoying mine the two lower mast come together vey quickly, and although they are only primed they look good in the sunshine @yvesvidal - Agreed - NO dustbin
  14. so far so good, but only two so far are fixed into position, its a joy to do this build, the only bits that let it down are bits i have to do, lol no pretty pictures to follow now, im on masting/rigging, for me the most enjoyable bit
  15. good evening everyone, thank you for comments and likes day 174-6 ive been busy recently, with lots of gardening, and other projects, and in the last 10 days we have been in the process of finding and new puppy to go with our boi, that has been successful, and will be with us in about 6 weeks time as for the build i still continue to do a bit daily, however done more today, as i wanted to see if any of my toys are worth keeping, if so, to use them, which is what has happened, and IMHO quite well
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