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Vivian Galad

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    Vivian Galad reacted to AntonyUK in Ragusian Carrack by greatgalleons - FINISHED - Marisstella - 1:59   
     I agree with Vivian above. 
    A most excellent build.
    It's nice to see all that beautiful  timber.
    Regards Antony.
  4. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    Good news: Cataract surgery - done, I stopped looking throught fog, my sight get cleared. Oh Yeah !!!!
    Bad news: I have to wait sometime for everything in my eye to get on it`s place to proceed with Her Majesty
    See you soon!
  5. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to rafine in Halifax by rafine - FINISHED - The Lumberyard - 1:48 - semi-scratch schooner   
    All of the rigging is now complete. Some health issues have limited my golf, which always means more modeling, resulting in a push to finish the rigging. This involved making, mounting and rigging the main lower and topmast yards, doing the braces for all of the yards, and, finally, tying off all of the lines and adding rope coils.
    The making, mounting and rigging of the main yards followed identically the items and procedures for the fore yards, and won't be repeated here.
    The lower yard braces were a bit of a challenge because they run to the shrouds on their opposite mast, making it difficult to give them tension without pulling the shrouds out of line. I think that I was finally able to do that.
    By far the most difficult task was to tie off and add coils to the many lines that were hanging loosely as I proceeded through the rigging. The combination of tight spaces and aging hands that aren't quite as steady as they used to be made for a lot of bad language and a few 'timeouts".
    All that remains to be done now are the swivel guns and the anchors.

  6. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to rafine in Halifax by rafine - FINISHED - The Lumberyard - 1:48 - semi-scratch schooner   
    Since no log can be deemed complete without some overall photos of the finished model, mine are attached here.
    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have followed this build, who have hit the "like" button, and, particularly, those who have provided their support and encouragement through their generous thoughts and comments. It is gratifying to have such an appreciative response from such a talented and accomplished group of modelers. Thanks again.
    I hope to see you all on my new log for Prince de Neufchatel, which will be opened a little later today.

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    Vivian Galad reacted to popeye the sailor in Santisima Trinidad by md1400cs – FINISHED - OcCre - 1/90 - cross-section - bashed   
    there might be a draw back to this though......you would see this looking through the model.   you may need to do this on both sides,  throughout the model,  for it to be effective.   it would be a very nice touch though      great idea of veneering the outside surface of the frame....are you going to cover the back one too?
  8. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Late congratulations, Michael. It was great to follow your log and see ALL the details coming alive in só beautiful a ship, as the Wasa comes to be. Marvelous piece to expose!!
  9. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Santisima Trinidad by md1400cs – FINISHED - OcCre - 1/90 - cross-section - bashed   
    Hey! I'll be picking up my seat along! Think there's a chair right there. 
    Nice to see a new project ongoing! I'll be following this one too, If u don't mind. 
    Love cross sections. 
  10. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to shipmodel in Venetian Round Ship c. 13th century by woodrat - FINISHED - 1:32 scale - fully framed   
    Happy to pull up a chair and enjoy another of your builds, especially one based on archaeology.
    Best of success.
  11. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from mtaylor in Venetian Round Ship c. 13th century by woodrat - FINISHED - 1:32 scale - fully framed   
    Wow! I'll be following for sure! Great News to know you're bringing another one to life! Briliant!
  12. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to md1400cs in Santisima Trinidad by md1400cs – FINISHED - OcCre - 1/90 - cross-section - bashed   
    Hi Mates,
    Finishing up the front face of the frames. Pics speak for themselves. so again brief here.
    PS: I really liked working with the veneers - for this bit - much easier than actually building all of the frames segments. Glad that its only the first one 
    Oops sorry about the last pic, the text was to say; need to think about deck hight, gun carriage or not, and how to incorporate the false vertical frames and how many?
    What kind of wood (they should be oak -hhmmm) 

  13. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to woodrat in Venetian Round Ship c. 13th century by woodrat - FINISHED - 1:32 scale - fully framed   
    Having completed the venetian carrack or cocha, I now plan to reconstruct a merchant vessel that predated it and lasted into the 15th century.  I have based the reconstruction on the measurements given for a nave latina in Michael of Rhodes 15th century manuscript. This has been combined with the framing details of the Contarina 1 wreck excavated and fully measured at the end of the nineteenth century. The details of superstructure and planking will be loosely based on the vessel shown in the Translatio of St Mark painted by Veneziano. 

  14. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    One last BIG thank you for all of your amazingly touching comments. Some of you have been my teachers.
    B.E., as an example, you were so diplomatic in your comments regarding how I was doing some things incorrectly (I knew so little back then). Help and suggestions such
    as yours, and from other kind members who posted suggestions helped to make this build what it has become today. Certainly bashing the basic kit helped. As well as available photos of the ship.
    Syren's ropes and blocks (thanks Chuck) I'll be ordering again soon.also helped to create a more realistic project.
    From other logs I learned about adding running rigging and sails.
    All in all -- thanks mates.
  15. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to Blue Ensign in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    What a journey you have been on Michael, and what a stunning result. Your log has always been informative and represents a valuable guide for others who embark on this build.
    A great display location to enjoy views from all sides, many congratulations. 
  16. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to amateur in Coca by DavidG - FINISHED - Amati - 1:60   
    I like the weathering
    Actually, it is not too far of from looks and feel the Mataro-model itself
  17. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Late congratulations, Michael. It was great to follow your log and see ALL the details coming alive in só beautiful a ship, as the Wasa comes to be. Marvelous piece to expose!!
  18. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    Another section of decorations have been added. Now to make the other side look the same and then I have to create a lot of fluer-de-lis. 
    As always, thanks for stopping in, the nice comments and likes! 

  19. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    More decorations are in place! Been a productive weekend! 

  20. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    A little more progress. Both sides are now matching and I’m now cutting out the center. The real challenge is going to be figuring out how to get Le Soleil Royal in that center oval. The oval is only 8.5mm wide and 4mm tall. Not sure how to make that work just yet... 

  21. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    First carving set has been made. Very time consuming and frustrating when little pieces break off but I got one done! The process is actually simple in design. Draw it out on the blank and then I coated the blank in super thin ca glue to help keep the wood bonded together but still easy to sand off. Then I cut out the rough shapes using drill bits and a #11 blade. Once the rough cutting is done I used the #11 blade and the micro files to finish shaping and smoothing. Finally paint and install. 
    Still have the touch ups to do and and some other small details that need to be made for the oval centers and of course all the other sections which I’m starting the next piece of when I get done with this update. 
    As always, thanks for looking in and enjoy the pictures! 

  22. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    As good fortune would have it I managed to get in a very productive build session tonight and the middle balcony is now built. Time to start adding the decorations! This is going to take some trial and I’m sure many errors. I have a plan, we shall see how it turns out.... 
    Till then enjoy the pictures! 

  23. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    At long last the upper balcony is complete! Little touch up paint to do but the overall construction is done. Now to drop down a level start the middle balcony and quarter galleys. 

  24. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    Here are a few pictures of what is being done. I rebuilt the rails so they now match the stern bulkhead angle. I've also had to rebuild some of the trim and decorations as they either got damaged removing them, no longer fit or I didn't like their look and decided to replace them. Case in point are the vertical decorations in the center of the panels. While I liked the way I had the old ones, they were not what is shown on Berain's drawings which I am largely using as a baseline though obviously with some changes, namely in that I have full balconies and he only shows partial ones centered on the cabins. The decorations I have now made more closely resemble his details though they still need some cleaning up and are not a perfect match. Some changes had to be made in regard to my skill and scale. I have also come to the conclusion that I really need to buy better wood for carving. The basswood I have been using is way to soft for the fine details. These have not yet been glued in place just dry fitted. I do not glue my pieces until after they are painted.
    More to follow, slowly but surely.

  25. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    Thanks Scott! Not throughout the whole ship but all the cabins and the stern lanterns. If the lower gun decks were detailed out and not just dummy decks I would probably do the whole ship but outside of the cabins, everything else can be fairly easily seen.
    Now for the update: Admiral's cabin is complete! Spent almost the entire day minus a few breaks for food, drink, bathroom and puppy play time but still logged in 8 solid hours of building furniture and finishing the cabin today. The Captain's cabin is next but before that one gets built I think I will spend some time back on La Couronne. However, before that I think I need to give the eyes, fingers and brain a break from tiny detail work so I am thinking that it is time to run more planking. I have a lot of deck planking I can get started on as well as raising the hull planking up at least on one side. The other still needs to remain down till I can finish running all the wiring down through the hull. Plus, the table is in a nice messy state that is perfect for cutting wood and not so much for rigging so may as well keep on with the same type of mess!
    As always thanks for looking in and for the likes and comments. More will be on the way!
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