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Everything posted by Diver

  1. Have a little more done on the build. The waterways and uprights are installed. I am not overjoyed in the quality of wood in this kit. The 3mm plywood for the gunnels is very fragile plus it has laser etching to show paint lines. The slightest pressure and the wood de laminates. The forward water way came in one piece but I cut it in half to make installation easier. I purchased the AL paint kit for this project and am not impressed. I am new to model painting but after 5 coats of white I think I should have better coverage. Everything was prepared with 400 grit paper before painting. I also do not like the puzzle joints for assembling the deckhouse etc. It takes a lot of filling and sanding to make them disappear. The deck house and bridge are only dry fitted to check locations. I think I will add some furniture to the bridge, Ships wheel, compass etc.
  2. Hello Tyler from a fellow Ontarion, (Kingston). Be sure to post build logs for your projects.
  3. Hello All. I am about to paint some parts of my Sanson tug by AL. I have purchased the AL paint kit and need advice on how to brush paint this model. The paints are water based acrylic and I would like to know if they should be thinned, and what brushes are best. What would be used as a thinner for these paints? Thanks in advance. Bob
  4. The problem and the Fix. I got ahead of myself and carved out the planking on the left and right side. Here is my photos of before and after. I will have to do the same repair on the bridge deck just before it gets secured. Fortunately, this is a part of the deck with a lot of furniture. I will do a bit more sanding and filling before the WOP goes on.
  5. Welcome to the site from Ontario Canada. I was in Norway in 1986 in the Narvik area for a few months. Beautiful country.
  6. Thanks for looking in Bob. It really frustrates me when I do avoidable mistakes. I did all the planking and then proceeded to cut slots that should have remained covered with the planks. I am working on a fix and will post photos when done. This is an enjoyable build and I really like the look of the Tug. As mentioned earlier, I do think and instruction booklet would supplement the build videos.
  7. Today some more planking was done on the deck pieces. Unfortunately I got ahead of myself and cut out some decking that should have remained. This is we’re I think drawings should be included with a kit. My bad but I will be able to fit some replacement decking later on. A dry fit was done to ensure that my fix will work. Some more sanding on the decks and then some WOP will be applied. Reminder to self: SLOW DOWN and look ahead.
  8. Thanks for looking in. I think that the stern bulwark could be better designed. They are asking a lot, compound curve over a tapered frame, with a single fragile piece.
  9. I took some time off from Sanson to complete my Syren Medway longboat. I have installed the bulwarks and the curved bit around the stern. This piece was heated with steam and shaped around a can of tomatoes. To hold its shape while it cooled a rubber band was put between the two holes with scrap wood to hold it.. Shaping the stern was a lot of sanding and dry fitting, and I still had to do some carving after it was glued in place. The tabs that are built into the deck to position this piece are more hazard than help. I just ordered the paint kit and LED light kits from Ages of Sail so I will be able to proceed.
  10. Ryland, your support and help with this build is what kept me going at times. The gift of the black mono was greatly appreciated.
  11. Thanks for the comments Bob. Your build was inspirational to me as well as your continued support throughout the build.
  12. I have reached a mile stone. The only things left are the ensign halliard and the coils of rope. There have been times that I did not think I would get this far. Thanks to Chuck, Ryland and all others who have offered advice and support. There are areas that I wish were better but overall I am pleased with the outcome. Still lots to learn and lots of room for improvements.
  13. Thanks for the review. I am currently doing the AL tug Sanson. Just today I watched the youtube build videos of the Hercules. I think I may purchase this kit, The working boats are my cup of tea
  14. I am buy no means an expert, but that planking looks pretty good to me. A little sanding and you should be OK for the second layer
  15. Welcome to the site. Be sure to start a build log on your next build.
  16. Managed some more rigging. I do wish that I still had feelings in my fingers, might be easier to do these fiddely bits. I still have to blacken some parts, retention and tie off.
  17. beautiful build. I love your tidy work station, although I do not consider it work.
  18. I did make the brass pieces for the bow sprit. They turned our OK. It is not secured yet, I will wait till everything else is completed
  19. I am struggling to do the rigging. Being a mechanic all my life,50 plus years, my hands have no feeling. I am progressing and some bits will be re done, but it’s tough. Rules out ever doing a fully rigged warship.
  20. I look forward to following your build. My first build is the Syren Medway longboat and it has been a very challenging build. I wish I had started a build like yours to learn the skill set this hobby requires.
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