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Everything posted by Diver

  1. Good evening James. What skill level will be given to this kit once it becomes available? When my Syren Medway long boat is finished in the near future I have decided I will do a Vanguard build next. I was leaning towards Lady Eleanor or Zulu, how will this kit compare in difficulty? Thanks. Bob
  2. Good evening Chuck.  What is your suggestion for gluing the frieze to the transom?  Glue stick or thinned Tite-bond


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  3. the scale of my Medway is 1/48. The kit was purchased from Syren Ship models, designed and manufactured by Chuck Pessaro. A challenging but rewarding plank on frame build.
  4. Welcome to MSW from the north, (Oh Canada). Enjoy the site, there is nothing but help and support here.
  5. Welcome aboard Stephan. Nice to see some fellow Ontarians here.
  6. Just started to follow your build. My Medway is nearing completion and I want to do a Vanguard build next, probably the Lady Eleanor. If that works out, HMS Alert will be next in line. Just contemplating purchasing the Serving machine so that I can start the rigging of the Medway. Have a good day. Bob
  7. Thanks Chuck. I am really enjoying this build and learning a lot. It has been a challenge, but a rewarding one.
  8. The rear cockpit is complete and glued in place. The thwarts are all glued in except the one fore the mast. The grapples and sheave for the stem are complete. I started on the knees and realized the front thwart was not installed correctly. It was removed and reinstalled. I am apprehensive on starting the capstain, do not want to mess it up. I ordered some v blocks to hold it when I start to shape it.
  9. I am following your build with great interest. I am building the Medway longboat by Syren, my first ever build. When complete I would like to attempt one of Chris Wattons kits, Lady Eleanor and after that the Fife. I just love the looks of this vessel. Like you, if I build the Fife I would like it to look like a well worked boat.
  10. Thanks for the advise. I purchased a small bottle of lock de-icer (isopropyl) and it worked fine. I have removed the piece and have a new one installed. The very small bottle of lock de-icer worked well due its very small nozzle. It was easy to control. Thanks again
  11. Hello folks. I made a mistake and did not get the block on the transom low enough. What is the best solvent to unstick Titebond? Thanks in advance.
  12. Have all the thwarts and rear platform fitted and a couple of coats of paint done. Still have to tweak the platform before gluing. Also have the cap stain brackets in.
  13. How have other builders tied the rear side seats into the last thwart? Darn, I looked at some build logs and have figured it out.
  14. Beautifull work. Can I ask where the board cutter was purchased. Thanks
  15. Test fitting of the risers. The shaping and fitting of boards is becoming easier. Still have to lower the forward platform a bit. I put a couple of coats of paint on before I glue the pieces in.
  16. What a fine collection of vessels. I am in the process of building the Medway longboat by Syren. When complete I have decided to try my hand at the Lady Elanor.
  17. I have been working on the boat lately. Definition of insanity, doing the same task over and over, expecting a different result. Six attempts at the forward platform and finally changed my approach. Am happy with the fit so far although I must get it to good a little lower. The rear platform is a little easier but still has to go a little lower.
  18. The video is not the best. It was done on my iPhone. The engine runs smoothly for 10 minutes on a fill. This was an enjoyable build. Now back to the platforms on my Medway long boat IMG_0428.MOV
  19. The first photo is the Working piston,short connecting rod, and the installation jig with the pin in it. The pin is chamfered on one end, as is the connecting rod. After this was complete it was Just a matter of installing brass bushings in the connecting rods and screwing them to the rocker arm. It was then secured to the provided base. Off to the drug store later to get some alcohol so a test run can be done. After the first rest run is complete, the working piston is removed and a very thin layer of white ceramic grease applied.
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