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Everything posted by Bugra

  1. If you contact with AL, guess they will help you. Few years ago they sent me some parts just for one mail. They have good customer support !
  2. Very interesting.. And excellent drawing skills I see.. Congratulations Christian. I'll be watching this log.. Cheers, Bugra.
  3. Hey there Cannon Fodder ! She looks great and very clean.. Congratz on your first build. Watching with an interest! Cheers! Bugra.
  4. Wow ! You've black fingers! Very interesting project. Can't wait to see more.. Cheers, Bugra.
  5. Hey there Stan ! I'm planning to build this babe in future. But I've to finish 2 more before it.. During the time I'll bie watching you with an interest! Cheers, Bugra.
  6. That stairs! Look very good Juan, keep going please.. Cheers, Bugra.
  7. Very good start indeed. Watching the build with an interest!
  8. Thanks Craig. Actually, it's a bit hard sometimes.. Again, so much fun Thanks for your compliments. Cheers, Bugra. Here is the last update on my Triton Cross Section. Guess I can continue this about a month later.. But I don't know, I may finish other baby early.. Thanks again for your time.
  9. Thanks again for your compliments harvey.. Still uploading photographs. I'm too excited to continue this building. But first there is one more to be done before this.. Cheers ! Thank you Long9Ron.. So here are new pictures..
  10. Thanks rafine. It's hard bor joyful.. It'll be done Thanks Boccherini.. We're all patient, aren't we Thanks harvey1874. Sorry for the quality of photographs. I was using a mobile phone, will be better later.. Hello Antony, thanks for your compliments. Please let me know if you see any mistakes or sth to make it better. Thanks again.. Cheers, Bugra.
  11. Well, since uploaded all of them.. Here are the rest of it
  12. Hello there ! I've started this build 2 years ago.. But some reason I had to stop it. I've moved in to a new house and I got my own shipyard now.. So I've decided to continue this. It's being really hard while not using any electric powered tools. But no regrets Here are the build notes and photos. Thanks for your time.. Cheers, Bugra.
  13. Hey there ; Since last login ( several years ago ) too many things changed in MSW. Topics are gone too, I guess. So here is my first post and attempting to blackening wood.. 1 - 1gr/Tannic Acid can easily dissolve in 35ml Water. So, prepared solution with this ratio. Other liquid is Fe + Vineager. I put down rusted(!) screws in a vineager for a week. But there is a point, don't forget to make a hole on cap. Not much but there will be a gas. This is for preventing pressure. Testing solution on Pear, Boxwood and Mahogany. 2 - These are first attempts. 3 - After multiple applications reason satisfied me. How much application, such blackening deep in to wood. Edit : Guess, it's in wrong place. Sorry for that but appreciated if mods can move it to the proper place. Cheers, Bugra.
  14. This is an real art and artist.. Show us more Ersin. Following with a proud and interest. Tebrikler Bugra.
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