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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all I've just realised there are 24 more tassles to make for this kit, its becoming an epic build not sure I'm not sure it will be finished in my lifetime.
  2. The white star buff will always be a mystery, to all but you are doing great work regardless.
  3. Thanks for the tip, should I allow the glue to dry first before rigging or rig while the glue is wet.
  4. Hi all the flags on the main mast and the fore mast all have tassles on them, the instructions tell you to wind the gold thread round a rod or tube tie them then cut at the furthest point for the tie. well this is my best attempt out of ten so, after hours of slaving at making a specialist tool for the job I came up with this. yes I know it looks futuristic and exotic, and I know everyone will want one (especially at the special introductory offer of £50.00) I am expecting huge order numbers so please be patient, anyway here's how it works a vast improvement on this I think you will agree. I will be taking orders for my new tool which I will be calling the Prongy (catchy name dont you agree) I can see lots of other useful ideas for it too hair combing, lock picking, raking the grass just to mention a few So get in first to avoid the rush.
  5. Hi all as promised here are some pics I couldnt find any gold thread to make the fringe round the canopy or the tassles at the end of the flags, so this will have to do what swmbo dont know cant hurt her Te Hee Hee. Now I just have to duplicate this on the other side do the rest of the rigging on the main sail then do exactly the same on the front mast and sail.
  6. Hi all you may think I've given up on this but I assure you I've not, I've spent all week on the rigging (not enough to bother posting but enough to drive me insane (I don't remember all the Airfix tall ships I built giving me so much trouble), must be the destructions, hopefully some pics tomorrow. I've done some work on the Royal Sovereign and finished the Honda vfr 750 f but, by the time I've done it, it's too late to post.
  7. Hi all decided to guild this side before I put the top guns in as it will be harder when they are poking out.
  8. Hi all well I know some of you more used to rigging would probably have this much work don in ten mins but this represents several hours and lots of hair pulling and certain words of a not particularily pleasant nature.
  9. Well I've done a bit on the rigging no pics as you wouldn't even notice what I've done, the instructions are so complex (even though I have English versions (I think that may even make it worse)) I have an idea I've gone as far as I want with this one.
  10. hi all here is what ive done now I wanted to see if what I'd done was worth the effort
  11. Hi all I feel I'm getting there now (although this is the point at which it may get shelved (really not looking forward to the rigging) ) I'm sure you must all be getting bored of this by now.
  12. Hi I didn't paint mine as it came with real wooden decking so I used that also for the funnels I just happened to have some of the original paint(not really I mixed it up to as near as I could get, can't remember what the mix was but it's near enough for me)
  13. Hi I hope you don't mind late commers I started the centenary version (which is the same kit but with wooden decks and photo etch) I have lit mine but it has sat on the shelf of doom when I started the pe seats, maybe following you will encourage me to start mine again(although I doubt it) looks like your off to a good start
  14. I do diversify I do cars bikes trains I'm just rubbish at planes as I've now discovered.
  15. Yep its a 1/48 commision of a lanc, not a plane man and won't be taking any more plane commissions. The strips are from kit printed on paper I put double sided sticky tape on the back then cut to size.
  16. Hi all well back off hols and made a tentative start on this one The kit comes with stubby half cannons for the lower decks( I may live to regret this but Ive decided to open up the gun ports and make some whole guns to put behind them, since they are below decks and you wont see much of them they wont need to be too detailed or accurate, and I am only doing one side as they would never do a broadside on both sides, I mean what admiral in his right mind would choose to take the risk of a broadside on both sides at the same time) also it means I've only got to make 30 guns and carriages. I also have to make part decks for one side.
  17. Hi all well here it is last build post on this before we are on hols just one question, the rigging thread which\that(dont know the correct word) comes with the kit is off white, is that right, as the only rigging colour I've seen is black ( or at least it looks black) I thought they used tarred rope so that would make it black
  18. Hi all here is where I am at on this now, wont get much more done as on hols soon, Yippee
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