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  1. src

    Hello tabycz,

    I saw you had started modeling the Jesus Boat a couple of years ago. Did you ever finish the 3d model?

    If you did would it be possible to buy a copy of the model? The company I work for recently bought a creality 3d printer and I would like to try my hand at a print.



  2. It's in topic. ;o) ... FANTAIL LAUNCH II https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/midwest-model-boat-kit-958-fantail-1786417554
  3. It is an insteresting. Let me know how you solved ending at stem and stern where planks aren't with overlap. See photo what I mean. ;o) https://classic-sailing.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/freya-tender-bow-1000.jpg
  4. I agree. It's a challenge. I am still looking for right solution. So. If you have any tips. It will be great! I will make another planks. These are good but it isn't good enough. @Kevin-the-lubber: So. I am interested in talking geeky methodology.
  5. I want to build it . So, full reconstruction.
  6. The base and main is monography --> The Sea of Galilee Boat
  7. I have started modeling the Jesus Boat in Rhino. There are some screenshots...
  8. I like it. And I look forward to your next progress.
  9. That was great building log. I liked to watch how you build this boat. Great job.
  10. Thanks for answer. You have confirmed my opinion. Shapr is interesting tool and it can be great in future. I hope it will be. But now it is good for modelling parts not all ships
  11. Yes, I have a question. The base one is about usability of Shapr3D. Work is intuitive and really simple. But hulls are complex shape and construction. So. My question is what kind of model I can use for? Only for some parts of model or I can create whole ship. Second question is about any tips. I used several CAD and 3D software, so I can find my way. But I know every CAD has own way of proceeding. So. I will appreciate any tip for ship modeling in this CAD. Thanks.
  12. Has anybody any experience with CAD named Shapr3D please? Link is here: https://www.shapr3d.com/
  13. @bruce d: thanks for sending of photos and link. They are helpful!
  14. I hope somebody has something. ;o) I have only ilustration of ruddle house on a French brig around 1806 from book The Global Schooner (KH Marquardt).
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