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Posts posted by drtrap

  1. .................Just as a suggestion you could get going with the standing rigging if you have the masts completed - that should give you plenty of time to think about your approach on the yards :)

    That's a good choice Jason.

    It's a long trip doing the standing rigging. The masts are almost completed. 


  2. Stergios - no hole was drilled for the sling cleats, the hole was for some wire in the back of the yard that will attach to the mast.

    Thanks again Jason.


    Well guys, I feel a bit confused with the manual on the yards assembly and attachments...

    I prefer to stay and wait to see your progress first, one way or another.

    In every case I've to deal with the placement of the lowermasts now.


  3. ......   To help secure the yard to the mast I inserted a small length of brass wire and drilled a hole in the mast, as well as installing the sling cleats  ................





    Hi Jason

    why did you drill holes in the mast to attach tle sling cleats?

    Did you expect a "appreciable" tension/load on them during next stages of rigging etc?


  4. Hi guys

    how I've told you I'm two steps before the final placement of the lowermasts in the deck.

    At this stage I'd like to ask you: did you open in advance 1mm holes to connect (by pinning) the back side of the yards on the masts? If so, did you do it for the topmast and topgallant-mast yards too, in advance?

    Is it advisable to create those holes now or (because the respective rigging heights and distances on the masts differ sometimes) at a later (more mature) stage?

    Thank you all.



  5. I have completed the shapping of all the yards of the model.

    Now I'm trying to understand the right way to fit and fix the yard's metals and accesories in place. The kit instructions provide little help for this..

    My main plan is to accomplish the fitting of all the wooden parts (masts, yards, etc) and then procced to the final fixing of the masts, starting with the gluing of the lower 1/3's (lowermasts) on the deck.


  6. I used the day before a lightly walnut-coloured varnish and today I've applied a layer of matt varnish without any sanding between the two steps.

    I dont like at all some spots of roughness. I sanded the dowel using paper No 400 before the initial varnish.

    I've sanded down for a second time those undesirable look-like mast-sections trying to restore a unique and smooth circumference in order to accept again a thin layer of water diluted walnut matt varnish.

  7. Stergios - you are correct.  Think I posted a bit about this in my log, you may want to check the size of the PE "end caps" before determining the diameter at the end of the yard.  I'm not sure they are really necessary though.  Sorry, can't really provide much more info, you seem to be on the right track.

    Hi Jason and thank you.

    I'm trying to read and follow your posts (as Jim's too) in advance.

    All I wanted was to make clear the starting point for the tappering.


  8. What proportion of each free end of the yard do you sand down to obtain the required tappering?

    The instruction comment for the last 1/3 of each half of the yard but I dont't feel to be in the safe side, that way....

    I'm thinking to start sanding from the mark point (that is 40 mm away from the free edge of each 80 mm white 6mm dowel)...

    Thank you all.






  9. Something that I have done is to use a satin varnish first, it brings out the colour of the wood more, it can then be lightly sanded and layers of matt applied.  Using only the matt didn't really enhance the wood at all.  Of course its all personal preference.

    Thank you Jason, for the moment I've applied a kind of lightly walnut coloured varnish, and I'll see the day after the results..

  10. I think Jim's suggestion should work just fine...is the difference noticeable to the eye?  Bubble levels can have a tendency to induce panic and call out problems that at not that noticeable.  When raining masts on my Snake, I tried to look at the whole mast together (main, top, and topgallant) as there were likely small bowing of the down not noticeable individually, it also helps ensure that you don't fix a problem that creates a larger one down the road.  Just my experience!

    Thank you Jason

    I've tried to demonstrate the visual feeling of the difference (see post #510).

    It's a slight difference but I'd like to reduce that problem... post-944-0-28359600-1410716687_thumb.jpg


    That's a posterior view of the modelpost-944-0-01122900-1410716690_thumb.jpg

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