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Everything posted by challenger86

  1. Hi Dragzz, your planking is looking mighty fine. I'm taking it slow too, still dry fitting all my ribs and decking. I enjoy reading your posts and all the comments from everyone in the shipyard.
  2. Hey Dragzz, at the beginning of your build, are your pics not working?
  3. Thanks Dragzz, I will. Actually today, I studied how to shape the bow and stern fillers. Looks like a little bit of work there.
  4. Worked a couple of hours today, placed parts 26 (the long boards, that go under the first decking) and the one piece of decking, just to fit, no gluing just yet.
  5. Hi JP! Great Build so far. I will certainly use your blog as reference while I build mine, thanks!
  6. Started yesterday sanding and fitting pieces on the keel. A couple of pics on the progress.
  7. Started going over the instructions and list of materials before I begin this great ship.
  8. Well, she's done.. Here's a pic of the Bluenose Schooner.
  9. Thanks guys. No real secret. Just made the bottom slightly a little longer so it would force that 'bow' look when attaching to the horizontal mast. I have 4 sails left, waiting for my order of rigging line, I ran out...
  10. I've been away for a while, just got back to my Schooner.... A couple of pics to show my progress on my sails
  11. Completed the rat lines on the main mast, I took a pic of it against my table with a shadow from the sun, thought it was neat to see the rat lines shadow on the table.
  12. I have completed the rat lines on the fore mast, now I'm onto the main mast, going to start on the rat lines this weekend. I'll post a pic of this progress soon.
  13. Finished my first set of rat lines, given the scale of 1:100, it was small to work with, however I struggled through it.
  14. Just a small update, I started with the 'rat lines' on the shrouds, a couple of days ago. Being at a scale 1:100, they are small, this will take a while. There was an old magazine I came across on looping the inner shroud, looks cool, however you lose detail being a little small.
  15. Bob, Very nice MS Bluenose build. It's amazing how different the Model Shipways kit is versus the Amati kit, the one I'm building. Leaning towards the MS kit being a superior kit, a great amount of detail!! Robert
  16. Thanks Don, Saw your HMS Bounty build, great looking ship. Looking at your Schooner build too, nice!
  17. Hello all, I've signed up a little late after I started my Schooner. I am into my build, about half way or so... This is my first build, so I'm only starting out. Here are some pics, starting with construction of the keel (around Nov 10,2013), all the way to where I'm at (last worked on Jan 9,2014), rigging...
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