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Oxyclean will get that blood out

Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 Scale. 2nd boat in the learning series.



In Dry Dock:

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack. 1:24 scale. Model Shipways, 3rd in the learning series.

Not sure what'll be next, probably the Santa Maria by Artesania Latina 1:65 scale. Unless someone has a better suggestion for a beginner.

Pride of Baltimore. Model Shipways. Clipper used in the war of 1812.

Black Falcon. Mantua Model. 18 century corsair brig.

CSS. Alabama. E. Manolie? Can't read the font. Build in Liverpool in 1862 for use in the American Civil War by the Confederates. Steam and sail, sloop of war.


Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

A baseball cap my Dad wore.


I keep forgetting this is not a warship.  Fish blood maybe?;)

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



With the nettles finished and the yard fasteners well under way I am looking at the sail plans to hang the yard on the mast. I'm not able to figure out a couple of places - @MarisStella.hr. I hope my questions in the photo make sense.




Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Hi Mr. Mike, as it can be visible at the attached illustrations, all of those places are marked with ' A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' etc. ... And all of those are enlarged into the drawings, so please, take a look at the drawing ... All of the questions are answered already... :) 

Regards, Zoran



I'm sorry Zoran - I do not see enough detail for the rope on the yard. All I see is what appears to be 2 wraps around the yard (inset D), which in and of itself is not not enough to hold up the yard. No problem, I can wing it with the best of them.


For those of you that have ever worked with tell-tales, nettles, little strings hanging off the sail, you know how difficult it can be to get them lined up uniformly. Same issue here. My solution looked kind of funny so I thought I would share. Crazy looking but it worked great. Add a clip and then paint lacquer on the string to stiffen it up. Same drill on the other side. If you gently shake the sail the clips make a nice percussive sound. :)




Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Hah good ! ... ok, I will try to explain: The drawing shows double turn knot at the rope that holds the yard (twice around the yard) this rope go upwards through the block and then down to the cleat at the mast... The thinner rope is the parrel. It tightens the first rope to the mast . The parrel rope goes to the same cleat to the mast...(this makes two different ropes) ... The parrel rope goes down to the cleat, not through the block ...

So, my intention was to get You to understand the illustrations , but it is not hard to answer as well :) By the way, I see You understood the illustrations, but with a bit of uncertainty (I hope I used the right word) ...

It is really pleasure to see You completed this model ... You get experience in single planking method and the sail making which is very important... In the end, the patient is invested and the result is here !! Ask all You need ...

Sincerely Yours,



I believe the Trajta Project is winding down. Sail is up and cleated. I have yet to do something with the excess rope like coils or something like that. I'm just waiting to see if I will have to undo the sail for some reason. I was planning on cutting the ropes so the ends just hit the deck, gluing the ends to the deck and then make separate coils and glue them on top. Of course I need to be pretty sure I'm done trimming the sail. The lateen setup was a little strange this build. The sail is pretty big and getting (and keeping) it in the right position took a few tries. I'm not showing photos of that until it's finished.


I did finish the last big task - turning some oars. I have this great lathe with all the bells & whistles but don't have a clue how to use it. Sad but true. I did manage to get a few oars made. Pix below. They also show the completed kit supplied stand.


Interestingly, I believe it was Zoran's Trajta log that mentions the covers on the foredeck are not openings to the hold below. Instead they're little holes that someone can get into and stand (or sit?) so that their upper body is lower to the deck. This allows for rowing as I guess ones arms & shoulders are just slightly above the rail and the oars can be worked against the tholes. Hope I got that right.


So I'm in that mode of going back over plans and thru the manual to make sure I've got everything. I could wrap that up tomorrow.





Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             


Posted (edited)

I guess it's goodnight on this one. There may still be a few tweaks but I'm calling it done. Trajta was a good build. It started out a little rocky, but that was mostly just where my head was at the time. With some renewed focus and help from Zoran and Don I was able to pick up and complete the build. It's interesting how the various kit designers put together the documentation for a project. Manual and plans - sounds easy enough. Everyone has their way of trying to get the idea across. I'm sure we each have a few favorite kit makers and maybe one or two never agains.


I think Marisstella is working hard on improving the weak points in their product. I know Don has had a hand in revising some of the documentation. For the most part Trajta was well thought out and well executed. And it's not too often you can get feedback from the designer. I have no problem recommending the product to others.


So what's next? In addition to the RC boats in progress I am leaning towards a square rigger again. Got a number of them on the shelf so it won't be an easy decision.


Well here she is folks:



























Edited by mikiek

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             


Posted (edited)

Clean and beautiful! The sails are amazing. The deck looks like each planks had its own attention.


How does it feel when you decide to call a build complete? No more you can do for better or for worse.

Edited by JustBlowingInTheWind

Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 Scale. 2nd boat in the learning series.



In Dry Dock:

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack. 1:24 scale. Model Shipways, 3rd in the learning series.

Not sure what'll be next, probably the Santa Maria by Artesania Latina 1:65 scale. Unless someone has a better suggestion for a beginner.

Pride of Baltimore. Model Shipways. Clipper used in the war of 1812.

Black Falcon. Mantua Model. 18 century corsair brig.

CSS. Alabama. E. Manolie? Can't read the font. Build in Liverpool in 1862 for use in the American Civil War by the Confederates. Steam and sail, sloop of war.


Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

A baseball cap my Dad wore.


Hey Brian - Thank you for following along on this one. :cheers:


It's always a little strange when there's nothing left to do. Definitely some pride in the work you've done, but some emptiness too as you realize the boat doesn't need you anymore. Time to move on.


Get after Bluenose.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Hello Russ - yes they are definitely different than your square rigger. Standing rigging took about 2 hours tops. :)

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Congratulations Mr. Mike. The model turned out well, as it is told before... Thanks for the patience at some of the sequences... I hope it worth in the end...

Bravo !

Regards, Zoran


That's a damn nice ship. Seems very manly. How will you display it?

Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 Scale. 2nd boat in the learning series.



In Dry Dock:

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack. 1:24 scale. Model Shipways, 3rd in the learning series.

Not sure what'll be next, probably the Santa Maria by Artesania Latina 1:65 scale. Unless someone has a better suggestion for a beginner.

Pride of Baltimore. Model Shipways. Clipper used in the war of 1812.

Black Falcon. Mantua Model. 18 century corsair brig.

CSS. Alabama. E. Manolie? Can't read the font. Build in Liverpool in 1862 for use in the American Civil War by the Confederates. Steam and sail, sloop of war.


Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

A baseball cap my Dad wore.


Zoran - I believe YOU should be proud of the product(s) you are turning out. I find it very refreshing to have a choice of kits like yours. Something quite out of the ordinary and different than another Victory or Constitution. The simplicity of certain parts of Trajta allowed me to step into some new areas like the sail. This was my first try at that. Techniques learned from that will be applicable for future builds.


And of course your guidance adds a lot of value to the overall experience. Thank you sir!


I do have Cog on the shelf. I think I will tackle a square rigger next but Cog will be coming up soon.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Hi Brian - I'm about at a point where I am going to have to make a move on displays. I'm thinking at a minimum some shelves on an office wall but some built-ins would be preferred. I've got so many kits on the shelf (ordered more today) and I think it's about to be a problem.


At the moment this one is on loan to my Dad at his apartment - uncased.  I had given him Niagara with the case I had made, but he thought it was all too big so I took it back. He wants a square rigged build so my next may be to fulfill that wish.


Once again thanks for coming along for the ride.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Nice job Mike. You overcame any and all obstacles and ended up with a beautiful model to display. Congratulations!!:dancetl6:


Don - you played a big part in this. The rewrite of the instructions in the nick of time. Advice & support when I needed it. My hat is off to you and I pass on a big thank you.


It's good to hear from you again.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             


Posted (edited)

Hey Darrell - it's never too late and thank you.


I was about to open a new kit - either Victory Granado or ME Confederacy - and I still may. But I have had Constructo Enterprise just started but collecting dust for months. Maybe a year. It's a double plank (still don't get that) and the first layer was something like sapelli and REALLY thick. Bending them was so frustrating I gave up. For the moment I am back at it and making progress and I would love to finish it. They say it's not terribly accurate, but I still find it a very nice looking build. After doing the sail on Trajta and the restoration project I am ready to try sails on a square rigger. Enterprise should not be too bad - only 2 masts, several fore/aft sails.


Can't wait to see where you're headed after Niagara.

Edited by mikiek

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             




Maybe the intent of the “really thick” first layer of planking is to permit radical fine tuning of the shape, sort of as a semi-solid hull below you final planking. 

Just a thought. 



"If they suspect me of intelligence, I am sure it will soon blow over, ha, ha, ha!"

-- Jack Aubrey



Yankee Hero, Fannie Gorham, We’re Here, Dapper Tom (x3), New Bedford Whaler, US Brig Lawrence (Niagara), Wyoming (half hull), Fra Berlanga (half hull), Gokstad Viking Ship, Kate Cory, Charles Morgan, Gjoa


Hard to say Steve. And I'm wondering if you are commenting on my griping in the Enterprise build log? Trajta is a single layer.


I'll just say it one more time - I REALLY don't like the whole double plank thing. What a waste of time & materials! Some will say it will help get the second layer right. Here's a novel idea - why not get the first layer right? :rolleyes:


I will now step off my soapbox........

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             


  • 11 months later...

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