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Dumas Barrelback engine

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I have a question about the Dumas 1940 Chris Craft barrel back kit. I have decided that I want to build this as a static model. So I thought it be great to include an engine (model).

I would like to use the Hercules engine(s). I have found pictures of the engine and the engine service manual (that has all dimensions), to think about fabricating an engine from scratch. Some thing I have never done an looks differcult. I have also found a couple of 1/8 scale V8 engines ( there is a guy who sells a Pontiac V8 in 1/8 scale resin and there is a 1965 Corvette kit with a 327 V8. I understand that some Chris Craft boats came with small block Chevy engines (283? or 327?). I am also thinking of just installing a highly modified small block engine - you know with chrome heads, velocity stacks, etc. One thing that I found, is that there appears to be NO pictures of a Dumas Chris Craft models with a model engine installed on the net! So I finally get to question, does anyone know if a model Hercules engine exists, has anyone attempted build/install an engine in their model, know someone who did, have any insights or comments or help (or unhelpful) tips. I have also found I6 diesel (from a tank) in 1/8 scale that looks some what like the Hercules engines, but I don't like the idea of putting any old engine to simulate the Hercules. So any help or comments are welcome.

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If you take a look at the RC Groups forum, you will likely find one or two examples. I know that Rich Kroll of M.A.C.K. Products has done one or more engines in some Legend model boats for static display at shows. I’m pretty sure there are other examples over there as well.

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If you have CAD-program and the skills to go with it, you could develop a virtual 3D-Model and have it printed ... trawling the 3D-printing companies, such as Shapeways, might also be worthwhile.


Wasn't there even a Chris Craft with an egine here on the forum, or was this a Riva ?


I have been tossing with the idea of a model of an early run-about or speedboat with one of those huge marinised surplus aero-engines that they used in the 1920s or so. There various WWI resin engines in 1/72 and 1/48 scale available.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



M-et-M-72.jpg  Banner-AKHS-72.jpg  Banner-AAMM-72.jpg  ImagoOrbis-72.jpg
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So far I have not been able to find anything on this forum or a couple of others. I have tried searching for Dumas, Chris Knoll, Chris Craft and Hercules, with no success. And I don't believe that a 1/72 or 1/48 scale engine would work in a 1/8 scale model (break out the magnifying glass). And no I am not skilled at CAD to design my own. But, keep suggesting ideas. I may look into the CAD idea more, maybe someone I know has CAD back ground or a simple CAD program may be useful. I still believe the best idea is to get a 1/8 scale engine (ie the 65 Vette) and modify it with chrome heads, velocity stacks, etc. I did see a Chris Craft brochure that showed a 427 engine, I was unaware that Chris Craft offered big block Chevys. Maybe they were for larger boats than the runabouts. Anyone know? Thanks for all the input so far.

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Since you have an owners manual, presumably you have scale drawings.  Xerox to the correct scale, get a block of close grained hard wood and srart cutting away everything that does not look like a Hercules engine!  Kidding aside, there is an NRJ article, I think 2001 written by a guy who built a 1:12 Buda Diesel engine for a US Navy 1940 admiral’s launch. He started with a block of casting resin.  A straight six engine should not be difficult to carve.



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