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21 hours ago, ObviousNewbie said:

Hi Geowolf, sorry to hear about the knee, get well soon! Nice work on the ice-shocks, they were a challenge to get right, I know I had my fair share of problems with them.


If it can help, I did most of my mast construction off-boat, rigging the blocks on the yardarms, attaching them to the masts, and only then did I mount them on the ship itself. I thought this would give me more control of the alignment between the mast elements, it also gave me a crash course in detailed rigging, something I put to good use afterwards 🙂


Anyway, just my two cents, again, I'm only starting, so take anything I say with a pinch of salt...

hi ObviousNewbie, thanks a lot for your comments! sure i'll be better soon,


about the ice-shocks there a lot of wood, i fixed it with a lot of pins each plank and leaving dry the glue, to avoid gaps; but later with the Dremel i made some valleys, well the ice-shocks have at this moment more personality!! hahaha


about rigging i'm not sure yet the way to make it, seeing the Occre videos all job is made on the model and i think it's the best way to ensure all ropes are tensioned, but sure it's more difficult... In my previous model i mounted the yardarms after mount the mast, i know what are you saying, sometimes the model almost flew out the window!!!. 


and you know your comments are very appreciated, you've finished this model with excellent result so for me it's an inspiration in each step! 🤗


regards and keep pushing the Diana!  


15 hours ago, clearway said:

ouch bad news with the knee having had problems now and again with my own i know the pain! get better soon and ty for the compliment.



thanks a lot clearway!! 😄

really was my fault, i have no age for some technical trails with the bike... but you know a men has always 20 years in his mind hahaha



  • 3 weeks later...

hi all, i wish all of you are fine, at this moment i'm confined at home for ten days, i'm a close contact of an infected guy in my office (it seems The Walkind Dead hahaha). I'm fine no symptoms, but bored hehehe.


Well at least i have more time to work, study and take the model. I'll show you my "steampunk" bow with the metal plates already finished, well i'm not very happy with the final result but considering it's my first time with metal plating, well, it's enough for me..


i'm sanding it to leave smooth surface and later i'll varnish and paint all hull, maybe today or tomorrow


greetings for all the great family of Terror's builders!! 🤗






another terror gets the plating treatment😁. You can see why i used the thinner copper self adhesive strip though it does not look as "chunky" as the aluminium. clean the alu just before painting to ensure good bond with paint.




  • 3 weeks later...

hi all, good afternoon! i painted the hull with the black colour, as you can see the chalk paint leaves some parts without paint, with an aged effect; i'm not sure about it, in the wood parts for me is ok, in the bow it's worst, but i think i'll leave it as you can see.


I know it's different and sure a lot of people dont like it, but at least it's something different,... Please say me something 😊. At this moment i have the option to cover all with more black paint.


regards and take care with the covid!! ☣️







32 minutes ago, clearway said:

Certainly makes her look like she has seen some hard work😀- i would maybe give the plating another coat ?



hahaha sure!! yeah, i'm thinking the same about the alu plating...

thanks a lot for the comments,

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, good night!


a lot of days without time to connect the site, i'm veeeery busy at my job at this moment! well, at least i've painted and varnished the hull (attached some photos), i'm not very glad with the bow but i'll not change it. You can see the effect of chalk paint in black and white parts, the paints are very different: the black paint only needs one layer, and white paint three layers and carefull with the sandpaper... the paint dries very quickly and it seems like a very fine dust, it's needed to clean it with wet towels before varnish. Sure it's not the best paint for this purpose hahahaha!! but i like the final result.


I've purchased four small 3cm barrel cannons for the bow and two boats 9cm long + one boat 11cm long to replace the supplied in the kit; all parts from Amati, tomorrow i'll pick up the box from Postal Office and i'll upload some photos 😄


regards and keep pushing!










hi all, good afternoon!


i picked today the post box with the new stuff, i show you the items. The cannons are fine i like it, as you can see the carruage (this is the word?) are 2cm long and the barrel 3cm long as expected. The boats are metal but so far better than the provided in the kit, but a lot of work to made it and very small pieces, i'm not sure maybe the boats will fly through the window of my studio hahaha. You can see also the price for the boats (5.95eur p/u) and the cannons (1.65eur p/u with no minimum quantity)


best regards and take care!!







hi all, good night!

i just finished a life boat and the two cannons to be added to the Terror, some photos below. About the life boat, i'm very happy with the final result, it's not very complicated and the comparison with the boats included in the kit it's a joke! 🤣, but i understand the manufacturer if they add good stuff, the kit will have a very high cost,.. 


about the cannons, despite the size seems correct, above the deck they're like big monsters,... i'll use it? i'm not sure at this moment i will wait to finish all deck fourniture and i'll see the impact of the cannons. The final result is very good too, sorry for the bad pictures








I agree geo that boat looks a lot better! I decided not to go with the cannons as they would add even more clutter to the bow area and didn't do it for me. It is interesting to see all the little variations in our Terrors 😉

  • 1 month later...

hi and Merry Christmas to all!!  🎄🎄🎄🎄


i'm very busy at job at this moment, but in a few spare times i'm following with the model, attached some photos. I stole clearway some additions to the model and this weekend i want to make a sledge for the main lifeboat (thanks a lot for your inspiration!)

You can see the six pounds cannon in their final spot (last photo), i'll fix it when the hardware of the bow will be more advanced, it's not very big and in the Occre model this part is empty (more or less..)


regards and take care with the covid, we're in the final stages!! (we need to be positive hehehe)








Welcome back Geo, and thankyou😉 another set of stern deck houses added to a terror (maybe occre will take the hint and update the kit)! If not too late you should remove the pin rail from in front of the mizzen mast and add a spider band around the mast.



13 hours ago, clearway said:

Welcome back Geo, and thankyou😉 another set of stern deck houses added to a terror (maybe occre will take the hint and update the kit)! If not too late you should remove the pin rail from in front of the mizzen mast and add a spider band around the mast.



hi clearway ok i'll see your pictures i think i remember the spider band, maybe i can find it easily! regards and have a good End of the Year celebration!! 🤩🤩

  • 10 months later...

hi all,


i'm disconnected from a long time ago, unfortunately i've no time for this great hobby and my Terror is abandoned in the desk for a while. This year wasn't good for my family and i need to be more relaxed, only i'm taking the ebike sometimes to burn the anxiety. Despite it, i'll try to connect more times and i don't forget great people i finded here!

Maybe in some months i'll keep up the Terror...


best regards for all,




  • 4 months later...

Hi all!

i'm back after almost one year dissapeared, and i want to finish the Terror kit. At this moment i'm better and i can focus in this nice job! 😃

some photos from last days, using as you can see the materials provided in the kit 🤪. Some upgrades stolen to clearway such the chains in the mast, i'll paint in dark next day.


the old/worn pattern is deliberately achieved... and some faults can be disguised 😅😅


regards to all,




9 hours ago, clearway said:

welcome back Geo - i was wondering when you would be back in the Terror club😎. Wow is that really a year since your last terror pics!!!!



thanks a lot clearway!! you know,  your Terror pictures are an encyclopedia for me!! i'll try to steal you a lot of details hahahaha 😅.

About my situation, my mom died last May and at this moment i need to go the weekend to take care of my dad who's living alone in the village, so no time for hobbies, but i'll try at least to finish the Terror. Ahhh another problem no money neither, i'm spending 50eur only in fuel each weekend to go to the village, what a mess!! 😡 😡


i'm seeing the pics of your new ship, the stern is sooo sexy!! well done!! 😄






Ty Geo and condolences , my mom died of cancer last august so i know your pain, but at least we got to spend lots of time together during the last few months because of me being on partial furlough from work.


Feel free to absorb/ borrow/ copy as many of my ideas as you like (that is why we post build logs on here to encourage/ pass information on to people).



On 4/1/2022 at 7:22 PM, Geowolf said:

ObviousNewbie greetings!! i'm going to see the pictures of your frigate (i remember it, the frigate Diana maybe?)


Hi Geowolf, so sorry about your loss, take care! Diana is all finished, working on three other models at the moment: the bireme is almost done, just raise the mast and the rigging, Calella is waiting for its lights and Bluenose is ready to have its masts set. Real life has kept me so busy I hardly have time to update my logs, hope to remedy that soon..

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

6 hours ago, ObviousNewbie said:

Hi Geowolf, so sorry about your loss, take care! Diana is all finished, working on three other models at the moment: the bireme is almost done, just raise the mast and the rigging, Calella is waiting for its lights and Bluenose is ready to have its masts set. Real life has kept me so busy I hardly have time to update my logs, hope to remedy that soon..

woooww you're living in a shipyard, not a house!! 😄

i just see the pics of Diana, thanks for the links. Really you're improving a lot, the Diana is for me a jump in difficulty level, well done! maybe tomorrow i'll take a look the other models, sure they're astonishing!



On 4/1/2022 at 8:22 PM, clearway said:

Ty Geo and condolences , my mom died of cancer last august so i know your pain, but at least we got to spend lots of time together during the last few months because of me being on partial furlough from work.


Feel free to absorb/ borrow/ copy as many of my ideas as you like (that is why we post build logs on here to encourage/ pass information on to people).



ooohhh sorry Clearway, it's very sad to lose our fathers... my mom was 84 years old, we all know that one or other day will be the final day, but when the day is gone it's very hard. As we says in Spain, hope they'll wait for us a lot of time! Kind regards and keep building! we'll see here soon 😄



TY Geo- we got to say our goodbyes- a lot of people didn't get the chance over the last couple of years- we shall see them again but as you say not too soon we hope!



  • 1 month later...

hi all and good afternoon,

some more pictures. i'm making all the lines from the mast to the deck, for it i'm using a mix of black paint and wood glue (one drop of it), and for me the result is enough hehehe. I tried to make nuts in each intersection but i don't have enough patience for it and the results was veeery bad, so this method is more quickly and ease!


some more pictures with the googles i'm using to see the details, chinese from Amazon, and the wax i'm using for all wires. I added the spare lifeboats, i hope you'll like it, i remember some pictures from the film with the lifeboats in a near position...


i added the cannons, a very particular interpretation about size and fixation hahaha.





IMG20220604183811.thumb.jpg.a28c2f3b0420e431009dce985f1068be.jpg IMG20220423120817.thumb.jpg.eb7d50cdc77ee4e1274c4807e7a47427.jpgIMG20220423120647.thumb.jpg.080a228bdfd5cc7cdac0f30e36fdd18b.jpg






welcome back Geo, your  terror is developing😉. for my ratlines i used thread from a local sewing supply shop as the occre thread was too thick and hard to work with.



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